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Why the name ‘Wises’? Well, a long long time ago the idea of different groups in the school focusing on different areas of sustainability was mooted.

The idea was rapidly and enthusiastically embraced by kaiako and ākonga and the Wises groups were underway… Now in 2024 we have the Wises groups; Travelwise, Wastewise, Digiwise, Healthwise, Kaitiakitanga rōpū and Predator Control (aka Trappers), working individually and collaboratively to promote our different yet similar ideals. Each of the Wises groups are involved in different activities. However, key student members from each group meet together at the beginning of the year for Wises Day.

In 2024 we reinstated our Sustainable Leaders Meetings with our facilitator from the Auckland Council Enviroschools. This is another great space for all the groups to share their ideas and make plans.

Wastewise have continued to run Clothing Recycles, be involved in planting events, host a one day environmental sustainability conference involving many different schools – Greenjam, partake in workshops and arrange guest speakers as well as just generally promoting environmentally sustainable ideas.

Kaitiakitanga rōpū has continued to plant and weed along the floodplain of the Waitītiko awa, maintain the pā harakeke, and assist with trapping predators. In 2024 we celebrated two national awards. Ngā Puna o Waiōrea – Western Springs College was named one of the top three Biosecurity Champion schools in the country for predator trapping, weed removal and planting work towards native restoration. The picture below celebrates our Freshwater Champion award for the 12 years of native planting to restore the banks of the Waitītiko awa which runs alongside our school.\

The trapping team have worked diligently this year and removed 156 rodents from the awa area, this is a huge help in allowing the native bush to regenerate and allowing our taonga birds to survive and thrive. We were lucky enough to get funding for 5 autotraps this year, which means our trapping effort is running all year round. New students welcome – we teach best practice trapping techniques and the awa is a lovely place to spend a lunch break.

Healthwise have promoted Pink Shirt Day to support anti-bullying. The Healthwise team has also collaborated with Travelwise for the skateboard competition.

The Digiwise group work to promote online safety and responsible use of devices. This year they have done that through their instagram account which you can follow @wscwdigiwise. As always the digiwise team promoted Netsafety week with a lunchtime event on the terraces and have continued to develop the digital study tips website for students/akonga to help them study for exams.

Travelwise is a group that promotes safe and sustainable transportation for our school community. We held a series of events in Travelwise week including Skate (thanks Healthwise for the support) and bike events. We celebrated that the panel’s work from previous years has helped improve Meola Road to be more balanced for better modes of transport such as cycle lanes, pedestrian crossings and bus facilities.

As a kaiako it is heartwarming to be part of our groups, made up of students who want to make a positive difference to the world we all live in. We know that many more of our students like to be involved in their own way, which is obvious by the amount of support we get for our various activities throughout the year. The Wises are welcoming to new members. Contacts for the relevant student leaders are linked to the Whānau class notices.

Marie, Jared, Stacey, Ada, Zi, Deb and Paula – Wises Kaiako

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