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Waiōrea Form Classes

Waiōrea has five whānau houses (Form Classes) each with two vertical classes – Year 9 to Year 13. Your Form Teacher should be your first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns.  The Waiōrea office may also be able to assist if your Form Teacher is not available.

Wairua WRTO Matua Thomas
WRRO Whaea Sharene
WRTRO Whaea Mapihi
Waihanga WHTO Matua Tawera
WHTRO Whaea Stacey
Waipuna WPTO Matua Uekaha
WPRO Matua Richard
 WPTRO Whaea Anahera
Waiata WATO Whaea Emma
WARO Whaea Kiri
WATRO Matua Craig
Waimarie WMTO  Matua Rewa
WMRO Whaea Hana
WMTRO Whaea Pania

Whanaungatanga  – Tuakana/Teina

We embrace Tuakana / Teina – forming a strong relationships between our senior and junior students. We also have Peer Support at the beginning of the year to help new students. We incorporate ‘outside the classroom’ activities such as Waiōrea Sports Day, Te Tokaroa Walk where all Waiōrea students, Years 9 to 13 participate and compete for whānau house points.

Homework Centre/Study Wānanga

Homework centre is compulsory for all students and takes place every Wednesday from 3.30pm-5pm. Tauira are supervised by Kaiako.

Study Wānanga is offered to students who may require extra time at school after hours for study and assessments.  The Kaiako usually runs these with the help from whānau.  The hours can range from after school to 9pm or in some cases sleepovers, all depends on the mahi that needs to be done.

Whānau Tautoko

Whānau/Parents/Caregivers of tauira are split among six groups which you remain the same unless specified, throughout the entirety of your child’s Waiōrea journey. These rōpū are run by co-ordinators whom are also whānau members. Some of the expectations are:

  • Rostered on to do kai for wānanga kapahaka, study wānanga
  • Fundraisers – rōpū will be rostered on for different fundraisers
  • Monthly whānau hui – expectation of attendance

Although it is a big commitment, we see whānau involvement as one of the most important factors for your child’s success. We are one big whānau and we feel everyone plays a vital role in our success as a kura.

Bell Times


Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday
8.30 – 8.50am Monday – Staff Briefing
Wednesday – Even Staff Briefing / Odd Form Teacher Meeting
Friday – no meeting.
8.30 – 8.50am Tuesday Core meetings – Year 9 evens, Year 10 – odds.
Thursday – no meeting
Waiorea Karakia warning bell 8.47 Waiorea Karakia warning bell
First Bell 8.50
First Bell
9.00 – 10.30 Period 1 9.00 – 10.30 Period 1
10.30 – 11.00 Interval 10.30 – 11.00 Interval
10.55 Warning bell to move to class 10.55
Warning bell to move to class
11.00 – 12.00 Period 2 11.00-12.30 Period 2
12.00 – 1.00 Period 3 12.30 – 1.00 Form Time
1.00 – 1.40 Lunch 1.00 – 1.40
1.35 Warning bell to move to class 1.35 Warning bell to move to class
1.40 – 3.10 Period 4 1.40 – 3.10 Period 4
After School Monday – Departmental meetings.
Wednesday – PCT meetings
After School Tuesday – meeting cycle
Thursday – meeting cycle
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