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The Board meets eight times per year.

You are welcome attend our Board meetings and observe, other than the parts which are in PEB (Public Excluded Business).

If you wish to attend a Board meeting, it is advisable to email several days in advance, to check where the meeting will be held because the venue varies. Meetings commence at 5pm on the Mondays published on this page.

These are private meetings held in public so therefore there are no automatic speaking rights for members of the public.

You are entitled to put issues (in writing) to the Board for it to consider at a future meeting, but please bear in mind that the Board needs to have time to consider matters so that informed decisions can be made.  At such a time, if appropriate, the Board can agree to the provision of speaking rights.

If you have a matter you want to raise with the Board please email the with details of your request.

The minutes of each meeting are published on this page after they are ratified at the following meeting.

Ngā mihi nui

Agendas & Dates









Board Meeting Minutes

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