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Welcome from the Board Chair for Western Springs College - Ngā Puna o Waiōrea

Nau mai, haere mai.

On behalf of the Western Springs College Ngā Puna O Waiōrea school board, I am proud to welcome you to our school.

The school board’s role is to ensure that every tauira (student) at our kura reaches their full potential.  We do that by setting the strategic direction of our school and monitoring progress in delivering our plans and budgets.  We also ensure that our school is a safe and inclusive space for all, so that tauira, kaiako (teachers), kaimahi (staff) and whānau can thrive.

Western Springs College Ngā Puna O Waiōrea is unique in Aotearoa in having a co-governance constitution.  You can find a copy of our constitution here.

You are warmly invited to attend our board hui.  Our meetings are held in public.  There will be limited times when we need to meet in private to protect personal or commercial information.  

The dates of our hui are listed on this page.  We usually meet kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) but we also publish a link to join our hui online.  Meeting agendas are published a few days before our hui, and our board meeting minutes are uploaded once they are ratified.  

Our school policies are published on School Docs and you can access them here.  Please contact our school office if you would like a paper copy.

During 2023, we will be updating our strategic plan.  We will let our school community know about the ways to participate in the development of our new school plan.

As a board, our role is to govern our kura.  We do not get involved in day-to-day management of the school; our Principal, Ivan Davis, and Tumuaki, Chris Selwyn and their teams have this responsibility.  They should be your first point of contact for any issues about the school that you wish to discuss.

If you have any pātai (questions), whakaaro (thoughts and ideas), or feedback about the work of the board, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing

Ngā mihi nui,

Louise Gardiner

Tiamana | Co-Chair

Western Springs College Ngā Puna O Waiōrea School Board

Board Members

Louise Gardiner – Co-Chair, parent elected member

Tamati Patuwai – Co-Chair, co-opted member

Ivan Davis – Principal
Chris Selwyn – Waiōrea Tumuaki

Alicia Murray – Parent-elected member
Jackie Floyd
– Parent-elected member
Joseph McCready
– Parent-elected member
Sarah Tizard
– Parent-elected member

Kat Poi – Waiōrea-selected member
Brent Reihana – Waiōrea-selected member
Josie Wall – Waiōrea-selected member

Robert Pollock – Staff-elected member

Kyra Tuisamoa – Waiōrea Student-selected member
Hugo Russell – Student-elected member

Asha Vaidya – Secretary

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