Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…
Best wishes to our sports teams and to all of our students in these teams as they head off to tournament week, joining 25,000 other students from around the country in competition.
As always, play fair and enjoy the opportunity to play at the top level!
Best wishes too, to our Year 11, 12 and 13 students heading into our senior exams from September 5th. Prepare well, give these your best shot…and show us what you can do! It is important to remember that these exams will provide benchmark data for derived grades should a student fall ill or suffer from unforeseen circumstances of a serious nature during the external exam season in November/December.
We continue to celebrate the wonders of our new school, and I have to say how proud I am that Springs/Waiorea students no longer have to settle for second best anymore. The facilities we have now, are the very best you will find anywhere, and there is more to come with Waiorea’s blessing ceremony happening on September 20th, with the new gym, weight room and associated facilities due to open next week, and work beginning on the new student canteen ready for later this year. Demolition is proceeding apace, and a new sports field, a transformed S block, a staff carpark and a new property management compound will complete this work.
I celebrate the young adults we see every day, enjoying this university-like campus, sitting in their groups, choosing their spaces and reveling in their interactions in an environment that is warm, comfortable and expansive!
Our students are reporting the ‘hydration stations’ are their “new best friends”, how they are loving the clean and separate bathrooms, the new and different furniture, the general ambience, the warmth and natural light, not having to go outside in bad weather, the look of the new space and its comfort, the cohesive feel that is better for socializing, how much quieter it is than they expected, how you notice teacher patrols much more, how school is more fun now, how people are respecting the environment much more and how students are becoming more self-aware of their noise, behavior and how it impacts on others near them.* These are all verbatim responses from a student survey co-ordinated by our Junior Learner Council. I wish to acknowledge and congratulate Sophia Reay for her impressive organizational and presentation skills here! Well done, Sophia.
Tech Recycling: A shout out here to support our Tech Recycling promotion. This is a win/win for all parties and already our bin in the foyer of the Hall is full. (see details further on in this Newsletter.
…..and finally, some simple requests to help with the management of our young people – simply signing out:
Unwell? Students must first go to Waiora and Christine our school nurse. She will organize the contacting of home and arranging pick-up if she deems this necessary.
Appointments: Students need a note or text from home that they can show their teachers before being allowed to leave class. They must then go to the main office where a senior leader will sign them out.
Visiting: Parents/caregivers/family/whanau wanting to collect a child or drop something off for them – come to the front office where reception staff will organize this for you.
Ivan Davis