In a proud and historic moment, Aotearoa New Zealand has reclaimed the Guinness World Record…
Mathematics and language-literacy self-beliefs, gender-role attitudes, and career aspirations in mid-adolescence: A German-New Zealand comparative study.
Year 10 students from several Auckland schools, including Western Springs College, will be invited to complete a short online survey to contribute data to the above project. Important choices for the future must be made in mid-adolescence. The project will help to increase understanding of how self-beliefs (e.g., interest, and self-concept) have shaped subject choice, success at school, and future career choice for New Zealand 14–15-year-olds, and how New Zealand students compare with their peers overseas. Year 10 parents and caregivers will receive a Participant Information Sheet (PIS) and Consent Form (CF) by email in April-May. When you receive these, please consider whether you can permit your Year 10 child to be invited to take the survey and complete accordingly. Penelope Watson, PhD |