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 Mathematics and language-literacy self-beliefs, gender-role attitudes, and career aspirations in mid-adolescence: A German-New Zealand comparative study. 

Year 10 students from several Auckland schools, including Western Springs College, will be invited to complete a short online survey to contribute data to the above project. Important choices for the future must be made in mid-adolescence. The project will help to increase understanding of how self-beliefs (e.g., interest, and self-concept) have shaped subject choice, success at school, and future career choice for New Zealand 14–15-year-olds, and how New Zealand students compare with their peers overseas. Year 10 parents and caregivers will receive a Participant Information Sheet (PIS) and Consent Form (CF) by email in April-May. When you receive these, please consider whether you can permit your Year 10 child to be invited to take the survey and complete accordingly.

Penelope Watson, PhD
Senior Lecturer
School of Learning Development and Professional Practice
Faculty of Education and Social Work
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92601
Auckland 1150 New Zealand
Phone: +649 3737 599 ext 46424

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