Academic Expectations
“Ko te mea tuatahi ka tika, ka tika ko te mea tuatahi”
“First we will be best, then we will be first”
At Ngā Puna o Waiōrea, the expectation is that our students, inspired by a love of learning, work to the best of their ability in all subject areas. Excellent academic achievement is highly valued and encouraged through effective communication, teaching and learning strategies.
Extra-curricular activities are seen as a privilege at Waiōrea in which individual academic performance will determine participation and involvement in these kaupapa.
It is recommended that students and whānau alike have a clear understanding of the course requirements, achievement objectives, assessment due dates and individual progress of each core and option subject.
Students are encouraged to take active responsibility of their learning regardless of the context as they aim to develop their individual skill sets for their chosen career pathways.
Academic Options – Waiōrea Rumaki Students
English and Te Reo Māori/Te Reo Rangatira are compulsory for all Waiōrea students from Years 9 – 13
Year 9 – All subjects are taught by Waiōrea kaiako within a Māori medium setting; these subjects include Te Reo Pakeha, Te Reo Māori/Te Reo rangatira, social studies, health, physical education, technology, Māori performing arts, maths and science.
Year 10 – Core subjects: Te Reo Pakeha, Te Reo Māori/Te Reo rangatira, social studies, health, physical education, maths and science are taken and taught within a Māori medium setting – students are offered two options within a English medium setting. These two options are split throughout the year i.e Term 1 & 2 will be Business Studies and Term 3 & 4 will be Media Studies. *Te Reo is Māori is offered as an option however for Waiōrea students it remains as a core subject.
*Other language options are available upon discussion with the tumuaki
Year 11 – Core subjects: Te Reo Māori/Reo Rangatira, Science, Te Reo Pakeha and Maths are taken within a Māori medium setting. Supplement to the core subjects, Waiōrea students choose x2 full year options in the English medium setting.
Year 12 – Core subjects: Te Reo Māori/Te Reo Rangatira, Te Reo Pakeha, with x4 full year options in the English medium setting.
Year 13 – Core subjects: Te Reo Māori/Te Reo Rangatira & English, with x3 full year options in the English medium setting. Y13 students also have x4 study periods a week. The expectation is that these hours are used for study and assessment work on site.