Must see – If you haven’t yet got along to the see – 13 Dance Showcase which last night featured the school’s Chamber Group – enjoy a show at TAPAC today at 3.30pm and 6.30pm.
Coming this next week! We have our annual Dance Showcase Collections on Wednesday 25th September at TAPAC Theatre, 3.30pm and 6.30pm. This is a calendar highlight and incredible summary of student innovation and work in dance across junior and senior levels.
Next term we celebrate the work of our senior art students finishing Level 1 Practical Art, Level 2 and 3 Art Design, Painting and Photography and are excited to announce the Senior Art Portfolio Exhibition – Wednesday 30th October will be in the Ken Havill Centre for Learning, zone Rangitoto.
Lastly our annual Junior Arts Festival in Week 5 will showcase fine talent coming through in all junior areas of the Arts.
We look forward to supporting students venturing into the Arts next year. With subject selection currently being completed we encourage you to get in touch with any questions relating to courses in Art, Dance, Drama and Music. Head of Department, Arts Faculty contact details are:
Art – Lily Laita:, Dance – Chloe Davison:, Drama – Robert Pollock: and Music – Margaret Robertson:
Wishing you all a very safe and happy holiday break.
Kirsty Britton – Arts Coordinator
Greetings from the Art Department
It is week eight and we are definitely in the home stretch – gathering momentum and working towards the folio end goal is both a challenge and reward for our students and we look forward to showcasing their work next term (details included below). To support their work over the holiday break, Art staff are committed to ensuring that the rooms will be open most days from 11-2. Students should see their teacher so they can opt for a day (or days) to come in and work on their folio and catch up on internals.
Congratulations to senior Art Painting students Phineas Reid and Frankie Smith for having their work chosen to represent Western Springs College – Ngā Puna o Waiōrea in the annual ‘Ringa Toi’ Exhibition. The event is organised by NZQA – to celebrate the wide range of Excellence in NCEA Art by Maori students throughout the country. We are fortunate to have had students work accepted for all three years that it was been running, even gaining certification and prizes awarded on the night.
Lastly, thank you to all of the parents and caregivers who have paid student Art fees – a reminder that payment can still be made at the office as full or arranged AP. Thanks also to those who continue to bring in newspaper and jars for the department – we are also looking for small plastic containers and lids.
Y11 due; Friday 18th October, Week 1
Y12 due; Friday 25th October, Week 2
Y13 due/Senior Art Exhibition display; Wednesday 30th October, Week 3 (Y12&Y11 Thursday 31st October and Friday 1st November)
Y13 Scholarship due; week 4
Ia Manuia Lily A Laita – HOD Art