O Week 2025
O Week on the Great Lawn was the place to be during lunchtime on Tuesday and Thursday, Week 4. This year there were 27 clubs, activities and organisations ākonga could sign up to, and there are many events for ākonga…
O Week on the Great Lawn was the place to be during lunchtime on Tuesday and Thursday, Week 4. This year there were 27 clubs, activities and organisations ākonga could sign up to, and there are many events for ākonga…
Why the name ‘Wises’? Well, a long long time ago the idea of different groups in the school focusing on different areas of sustainability was mooted. The idea was rapidly and enthusiastically embraced by kaiako and ākonga and the Wises…
Thank you to our Wastewise leaders for 2024, Isla Hodge and Mila Sokolich. Wastewise have had a year packed with wide-ranging activities. We began with a Wises Day in March at the Auckland Zoo, based in the education classrooms. The…
The Social Studies/Tikanga ā-Iwi department would like to invite you all to our Annual Sustainable Christmas Market that will take place on Tuesday 3rd December 2024 from 9:30am to 12:00 noon in Level 2 of KHCL. PLEASE NOTE THIS…
Congratulations is due to Radha Patel - Western Springs Nga Puna ō Waiorea Alumni 2023. Your vision of our students crossing Meola Road safely to the bus stop has come to fruition. Radha, a member of the WSCW Wises groups…
Green Jam 2024 was held on the 19th of August at Auckland Zoo. The event was organised by our Wastewise students with support from the Kaitiaki rōpū. It included workshops focusing on environmental sustainability such as Predator Control, Te Whau…
Studies show how harmful microplastics from plastic chopping boards are to our bodies. Make a change today for the better—stop using plastic chopping boards and switch to ARIHI Wooden boards. At Arihi Boards, we take sustainably sourced wood and turn…
We had two special celebrations to acknowledge the award Whaea Alice Heather won in the annual Cawthron 2024 Freshwater Champions awards - the award recognised her work with rangatahi. The school put on scones for morning tea and some lovely…
It was wonderful to have our kaitiaki mahi acknowledged by being shortlisted as one of three kura finalists in the NZ Biosecurity awards. Our Waitītiko awa (Meola Creek) restoration work has been running for 12 years. The work is driven…