It's the final countdown to Polyfest 2025! Ngā Puna o Waīorea (NPoW) is the host…

Ngā Puna o Waiōrea have managed to secure yet another top placing at this years Secondary Schools National Kapa Haka Competition which took place in Palmerston North during the last week of Term 2.
41 schools across the country partook in this vigorous event. Ngā Puna o Waiōrea were very fortunate to qualify as a Top 9 school after their preliminary performance and then went on to perform a second time for a final shot at the overall title, it was a fierce competition and our students did amazingly well they placed 3rd overall! Waiōrea has placed in the Top 3 for the last 3 Nationals, everyone is so proud! A huge mihi to all of the whānau, kaiako, and tauira who supported this kaupapa! It would not have been as successful without you all.