The Annual College Sport Auckland's Young Sportsperson of the Year (YSPOTY) Awards Dinner was held…
Having difficulties reading or comprehending written texts? You’re not alone. 1 in 10 New Zealanders are afflicted with dyslexia or similar reading disabilities, yet the existing resources to aid this portion of our population are few and far between. Reading is an essential part of day-to-day life, and something no one can afford to miss out on. That’s where we come in.
Kia Ora! We’re DyslexiChef, a Year 13 business studies group, and it’s our mission to assist dyslexic individuals in the aspects of their everyday lives they’ve previously struggled with – specifically cooking. Our dyslexic friendly recipe cards are accessible to people of all ages, and implement a procedural thinking model to help with comprehension. This means they’re more like comic books than novels – and who doesn’t love comic books! Gone are the days of struggling to read a recipe because you’ve lost your spot on the page, or the instructions are too long and convoluted.
We offer recipe cards for Pad Thai, ANZAC biscuits, butter chicken, potato salad, spaghetti bolognese, beef minestrone, banana bread, Wiener Schnitzel, leek and potato soup, and Shepherd’s pie – the perfect variety of tasty and healthy meals for you to add to your cooking repertoire – with each one costing only five dollars!
If you, or anyone in your life, are interested in specialised cooking aid, contact us through:
Our website:
Or check us out on Instagram @dyslexi_chef photos
Our team at Summit Point School, getting feedback on our product from a class of middle-school dyslexic students.