Senior student whānau interviews to discuss Term 1 progress reports will take place on Wednesday…
NCEA exams start on the 16th November and finish on the 9th December. Students have been given their exam slips this week.
Some reminders for students:
- You must have your A4 size NZQA examination admission slip to be able to enter your exams
- You line up using the Exam Code from the top right hand corner of your admission slip. Alphabetical order and then numerical.
- If you do not have a copy of your admission slip you need to come to the front office to collect a new copy before 9am on the morning of your exam
- You may not wear a watch of any description in the exam, your phone must be turned off and placed under your desk in your clear plastic bag
- Clear water bottles only, no coloured water bottles
- Jackets are not allowed to be worn in exams
- Your exam slip and your pens and pencils need to be in a clear plastic bag
For students with SAC a timetable of locations/ rooms will be posted every day in the Admin corridor outside Ms Debreceny’s office. Please check this using your exam code and go straight to the allocated room. If you have any queries check with Pella Perston or Julie Debreceny.
Some of our students are sitting digital exams this year. A reminder to ensure that devices are charged before entering the exam and that you know your NZQA login and password. We ran some very successful digital trials in the platform provided by NZQA late last term.
If circumstances require a derived grade please contact Julie Debreceny on Derived Grade applications must be submitted to NZQA by Friday 11th September.
All the best for the exams.