Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…
Thanks so much to everyone who made it along at short notice to our Term 4 PAG meeting on Tuesday the 7th November, and thank you to everyone who’s been in contact to be put on the PAG mailing list.
PAG is made up of a group of parents who work together to support our school and strengthen the school community. PAG is open to all parents of students at Western Springs College and new members are always very welcome. Please let us know at if you’re happy to be added – even though the school can send emails to every parent on PAG’s behalf, it’s really helpful to have a list of parents who are keen to connect and be involved in the school in various ways that PAG can contact directly.
So after a year of mostly hibernation, we’re going for it in a last minute flurry of activity.
Most crucially – staff lunch! we’re going to make it happen – Thursday 7th December!
This is a beautiful thank you lunch that PAG has been putting on for all the staff for decades, so it’s great to keep the tradition alive.
I’ll share a spreadsheet with all the details soon but meanwhile please note the date because we’ll need helpers, donations and lots of delicious food. Thank you to wonderful Ginny Grant for once again coordinating this.
PAG End of year drinks at Gypsy Tea Room, Monday 27th November 7pm: also a bit of a tradition, whether it’s five of us or a couple of dozen, it’s lovely to get together and celebrate another year.
Movie night: again, we’re going to make it happen – early December, details will come out to our school community next week!
First PAG meeting 2024: Thursday 8th February, 7pm in KHCL
Ngā mihi nui