You will be aware that there will be rostering home of students, as well as an Auckland Region stike day, if negotiations with Ministry of Education are not forthcoming.
We ask that you keep your son/daughter home if their year level is affected by the rostering home schedule below:
Week Date of Action Year level not taught
7 Tuesday 11th June Year 10 CANCELLED
9 Tuesday 25th June Year 11
10 Tuesday 2nd July Year 12
Rolling regional strikes are a PPTA action wherein each region is allocated one specific day on which to strike for a full day. The day of action for Auckland Region secondary schools is Monday 17th June, and we ask that all students are kept at home on that day. We will be unable to provide supervision.
The Minister, Chris Hipkins, has asked both PPTA (secondary) and NZEI (primary) leaders to meet him in Wellington on Thursday this week. This is a welcome sign, with the hope that progress can be made on the issues facing the teaching profession.
Do keep a lookout for updates/changes/cancellations in relation to the strike action outlined above.
Ivan Davis