We had two special celebrations to acknowledge the award Whaea Alice Heather won in the…

International students returning to New Zealand are on the horizon from July onwards. At Springs we are looking forward to welcoming 28 new international students from a whole range of countries – Germany, Poland, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan, Singapore and Chile. We are on the lookout for homestay families to host these students. We pay a generous amount to households who take on international students and would love to hear from you if you are interested in hosting – see ad. elsewhere in this Newsletter if you would like to take up this opportunity.
We are excited about the update of our minibus fleet with the purchase of 2 new LDV vans. These high roof 12 seaters will supplement our two newest Toyota Hiace vans (10 seaters) bringing our minibus fleet up to 4 units. This is indicative of the growth of school sport at Springs and our need to transport team members across the isthmus. We are launching a fundraising campaign to support a phased plan targeting the updating of our fleet at regular intervals (will our next purchase be a hybrid van or a BEV?). If this is something you would like to support, stay tuned, more information will be coming out soon.
Our current roll sits at 1740 students (320 in Ngā Puna o Waiōrea) and on Wednesday next week we return to the Ministry of Education to kick start stage 2 of the rebuild. There are 3 scenarios here – a roll of 2140; a roll of 2,500 (with 600 in the rumaki); or a roll of 3,300! Growth pressures due to infill housing, apartment block developments, the Unitec housing project and parents with families moving from Herne Bay into the Pt Chev area are all contributors to our spectacular roll growth projections. Our concern is that the special nature and character of Springs will be compromised by such a huge roll. Let’s see how it all plays out!
I repeat my invitation to all ex-Springers to pop in for a visit to check out our amazing new school.
Ngā mihi,
Ivan Davis