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Bright and early on a Sunday morning thirteen dedicated performers and their Drama Kaiako headed off to this year’s SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Regional Shakespeare Festival 2023, hosted at Kristin College. This year our five WSCW teams creatively presented short scenes from Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, As you like it and Taming of the Shrew. All performers did extremely well, presenting their ideas with confidence, pride and a little humor. The audience response was clear, they loved it!
Well done to all the 2023 Sheilah Winn performers: Elly- Mae Lawson, Billy Mccarthy, Eve Galbraith, Forrest Murray, CK Kempster, Zephyr Bird, Alex Pizzini, Maxine Allen, Lydia Friend, Lucie Harrison, Poppy Thomas, Trelise Black, Eva Van Kan Debreceny.
Extended congratulations and awards to:
Best 15 Minute Scene – Elly-Mae Lawson and Billy Mccarthy. This enters these two strong performers into the next phase of the National Competition in Wellington later this year. One 15 minute scene is selected from all scenes to move on to the National Competition.
NSSP Direct Entry – Eve Galbraith Eve’s stand out performance of King Lear has resulted in her being awarded direct entry to the NSSP. One performer is selected from all performers in each region to participate in the National Schools Shakespeare Production.
Most Promising Young Actor – Lydia Friend. Lydia was awarded most promising young actor for her hilarious performance of the nurse in their Romeo and Juliet short scene. Best Costume – Maxine Allen, Lydia Friend. This scene was also awarded best costume.
Finally an extra special acknowledgement of our hard working Drama department, especially our HOD Robert Pollock who spent many hours behind the scenes to support this kaupapa.
Samantha Wood Rawnsley – Arts Coordinator