Ngā Puna o Waiōrea currently offer numerous sports options to students. Sport codes are grouped into either Winter or Summer codes. Often multiple teams for each code exist allowing students to participate at a skill level appropriate for them. Students within Ngā Puna o Waiōrea are expected to perform at their highest ability in all areas of school life before they take part in any extra curricular activities.
For all Waiōrea Sports enquiries please contact:
Waiorea office
+64 9 815 6742 | waiorea@wsc.school.nz
– Terms 1 & 4
- Waka Ama
- Athletics
- Swimming Sports
- Dragon Boating
- Softball
- Touch
Winter Sports
– Terms 2 & 3
- Rugby League
- Netball
- Ki-o-Rahi
- Basketball
- Mahepohepotanga Tournament
Other Sport Options Offered at Western Springs College
Sports code options
Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea offer over 30 different sports codes. We are always open to introducing new codes where we have strong student interest. We have experienced significant success over recent years, with our coaching programmes going from strength to strength and student involvement skyrocketing.
Summer (Terms 1 and 4)
A new sport for Springs, we have a team of four students competing in the regional competition.
We have our annual athletics day where the fastest, strongest and toughest students are crowned champions and the more elite athletes attempt to qualify for the central zone meeting and prestigious Auckland championships. This year nearly a thousand students participated.
We have a senior boys and junior boys team playing each Saturday. Trainings are on Tuesdays at Victoria Park.
We have a road cycling team that compete in a time trial series, followed by North Island SS and completing our programme at the Nationals Track & Road Cycling champs.
Open to Year 13 students only. We usually have teams competing in the mixed 250m and mixed 500m. We are currently Auckland Champions, two years running in the mixed 250m.
This is open to all, including beginners. Term 1, we have the Sprint Series held every Tuesday afternoon at various locations. It requires a commitment to training and skills development with the aim of entering the Auckland and North Island Competitions.
Springs enter a team into a regional one day tournament.
Students are selected from our annual school swimming sports day, to enter the central zones and then on to the Champ of Champs.
Tennis is played on Mondays in the North Harbour Zone. Historically, we have a senior boys, senior girls and junior boys teams. Late March we also have the annual school tennis tournament. In Term 4 a junior boys and junior girls team compete in the Monday competition. Springs have won four titles in the last two years.
Term 1, we have a senior mixed team playing in the North Harbour Zone. Term 4, we usually have a junior boys and girls team playing.
We usually have a senior boys and senior girls team in Term 1 and a junior boys and junior girls in Term 4.
A squad of thirty compete in various grades in the annual Auckland Championship Regatta, which prepares our teams for the Nationals.
Currently, we have seven age group teams. Annually we compete in the North Island Champs and strive to go to the National Tournament.
We cater for students who compete in either Optimist or Starlings classes.
Winter (Terms 2 and 3)
Badminton is played at a competitive and social level in a college sport sanctioned competition. Teams play two afternoons a week. Springs have 4-6 teams, a boys, girls and mixed teams participating.
Contact: Richard Anderson | sports@wsc.school.nz
This year we have eight teams entered, seven boys and an U15 girls team. Our Senior A Boys recently qualified for the Premier Grade.
Contact: Sami Va’auli | vaaulia@wsc.school.nz
Zone meets are organised to give students some experience before the College Sport Auckland Championships.
We have entered students into the Springboard Diving, where we have had great success in the past.
This year we have two teams (with reserves) ready to compete in various events around the northern region.
The WSC Sports Department introduced a structured football programme for girls and boys in 2012 with a view to developing the College’s talented young players while building football into a ‘tier 1’ sport at Western Springs College.
We were incredibly fortunate to have appointed John Cunningham as our head coach for this five year development window and, under his guidance, have successfully progressed our Senior Boys first XI from the Senior A4 competition to the A2 competition and our Senior Girls First XI were promoted into the Auckland Premiership competition for the first time at the end of 2016. Seven Football teams (two Girls and 5 Boys) make up the programme for 2017.
Under the programme we are also focused on developing and supporting young coaches in inviting keen past students to return to school and take up these key coaching positions.
Links for Players and Parents:
New Players please register your interest here
For general football information, please follow our facebook page
Season draws and results
One of several growing sports in the school, as this year we have two girls teams and one boys team entered in the college sport comps.
Historically we have one girls team entered in the local competition and usually compete in the Auckland Championships.
We compete in the Auckland Secondary Schools MB series and also compete in the National MB and XC series.
Is the sport that has the most participants of girls with over 140 playing each year. Springs netball is open to all girls from Y9 –Y13 in a competitive or social level.
Our First XIII league team has played the top division for the past 3 years, we also have an under 15 (9 aside) team competing. We are looking to improve the current level of performance and to ensure better outcomes for the developing programme.
Contact Peter McIntrye | mcintyrep@wsc.school.nz
Historically, we have a senior team competing in the 2nd grade competition and a junior team participating in the Saturday ASSRU competition.
A popular winter sport where we train and trial students to send a squad of students to the North Island Secondary Schools Ski Champs in Turoa.
We usually send several teams to the North Island Secondary Schools Snowboarding Champs. For the last two years we have been Girls Boardercross Champion.
Over the past 3-4 years, Squash has been a popular and very successful sport, having won 6 titles in the last three years. Our programme has a senior boys, senior girls and several junior teams playing weekly and each team trains once a week under the tuition of a Squash Auckland coach.
Historically we have catered for students who wish to participate in the Auckland Secondary Schools series.