With families around NZ experiencing increasing financial hardship - we have an increasing number of…
Firstly, we would like to acknowledge whānau impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle, and before that the floods. This is unprecedented weather and we understand the physical and emotional toll it can have. The safety and wellbeing of our whānau, kaimahi and tauira are our primary concern and we wish you well. We also acknowledge those whānau, wider organisations and communities working hard to keep our people safe.
We have taken the risks of reopening into careful consideration and the Board Chair and the Senior Leadership Team is confident that, based on current information from MetService and Auckland Emergency Management, it is safe to reopen tomorrow.
We are aware that some of our kaiako and tauira are in areas that are experiencing power outages, road closures, and limited public transport options. We will do our best to ensure our timetable this week is not disrupted, but please bear with us as we work through the impact of any staff absences.
If your student is unable to attend school tomorrow, please be sure to notify us of their absence via the usual channels so that we can know they are safe. As school is fully open from Wednesday for teaching and learning we will not be providing Google Meets or online learning, but should you have any specific concerns about your student’s absence from school, please contact their whānau teacher in the first instance and the relevant Head of House.
- There will be a 15 minute whānau class tomorrow morning for all students to check in with their whānau teacher. All students should go directly to whānau class first period. A reminder all students should be onsite by 8.50am.
- Athletics Day has been rescheduled to Monday the 20th February due to the current condition of the school fields.
Kia kaha,
Board Chair and Senior Leadership Team.