Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (start dates)
29th January – Wednesday:
Ākonga arrive at 9.00am and will be dismissed at 12.30pm.
New Waiōrea Year 9’s will attend their pōwhiri at 9.45am.
30th January – Thursday:
9.00am Year 13 Waiōrea ākonga and all new ākonga to Waiōrea from Years 9-13 attend kura.
31st January – Friday:
9.00am Waiōrea Year 9 and Year 13’s only are at school all day 9.00am to 3.10pm.
Western Springs College (start dates)
29th January – Wednesday:
12.00 noon to 2.30pm: All Springs Year 13’s must attend school. This includes any Year 13 student new to Springs in 2025. Students are to assemble in the Gym.
30th January – Thursday
9.45am: Springs Year 13 students at school meet together on the Cafeteria deck (in preparation for welcoming pōwhiri). Dismissed at 2.00 pm.
9.45am: Springs year 9 students and all new students in Years 10 to 12 assemble at the school gates (Gate #3) with their whānau to prepare for the welcoming pōwhiri.
2.30pm: Students dismissed.
31st January – Friday:
9.00am – 2.00pm Springs Year 9 students and Springs Year 13 students attend school (orientation day for Year 9’s led by Year 13’s).
Whole School – Springs and Waiōrea: (start dates)
3rd February – Monday:
All students Years 9 to 13 return to school today
8.47am: Waiōrea ākonga assemble for karakia
8.50am: Springs students arrive for 9.00am start
9.00am: School begins
3.10pm: Students dismissed
6th February – Thursday:
Waitangi Day observed (school closed).
7th February – Friday:
School closed.
Further details:
The 3 days from the 29th to the 31st of January count towards students’ overall attendance and are extremely important in setting the expectations for the year ahead, as well as building leadership skills among our student body. We will be recording attendance and engagement over these 3 days for all Year 13’s in particular.
New students (Yr 10-13) are to bring their device on Thursday 30th Jan for digital orientation
New Yr 9 students are to bring their device on Friday 31st Jan for digital orientation
From Wednesday January 29th to Friday 31st January students will need to bring their lunch to school as the cafeteria will not be open that week .
All students (Years 9-13) return to school on Monday the 3rd of February. Students will head straight to their Whānau class at 9.00am before their period 1 classes which will start later than usual at 9.30am to allow for key orientation messages and directions for our new students. Please note: because of Waitangi Day occurring on Thursday February 6th, our Board has made the decision, as have many other school boards, for the school to remain closed on Friday February 7th.
A key focus for 2025, and a well-known government priority, is punctuality and attendance. We thank you for your support in helping ensure your children are on time for school and attend school regularly (the 90% national target means students should not miss a total of more than 1 day per fortnight all year round).
Student Timetables will be available on the school portal from Monday the 20th January. They can be accessed by clicking on the Attendance tab. Login and password reminders will be sent to all whānau of students new to Springs/ Waiōrea at the beginning of that week. It is extremely important that all students log in and check their timetables before Monday the 3rd of February.
Issues with timetables and option changes : Heads of Houses and the Year 13 Academic Director will contact students they need to see regarding any issues with student course selection in the week starting Monday the 20th January. This will only include students with timetable clashes or those missing a subject. If students are contacted by their Head of House or the Year 13 Academic Director they will be required to come in to school, in person, on either Thursday the 23rd January from 10am-2pm or on Friday the 24th of January from 10am-12pm. Any students who wish to change an option will be able to apply for an option change starting the week of the 17th of February. Please be aware there is very limited space for any option changes to occur and this must be done in person with the relevant Heads of House or the Year 13 Academic Director.
The school offices are open from Wednesday the 22nd of January should you have any queries.
We are excited about the school year ahead and look forward to welcoming you for 2025.
Ngā mihi,
Ivan Davis