Ko wai ake mātou
Ko Ngā Oho te whare tupuna
Ko te Waiōrea ko te papakainga
Ko te wharepātaka ko Ōrea ka reka
Ko Owairaka te maunga
Ana ko te Waitemata te awa e rere nei
Haere mai HI
Haere mai HI
Taku pōwhiri taku pōwhiri taku pōwhiri HI
Welcome to Ngā Puna o Waiōrea where Te Reo Māori me ona tikanga, education and culture are the driving factors of our unit. We aim to prepare and enable our tauira to succeed in both Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pākeha by working collaboratively with tauira, whānau and kaiako throughout their journey here at Ngā Puna o Waiōrea.
Western Springs College/ Ngā Puna o Waiōrea operates under a co-governance model and is the first and only secondary school of this kind in New Zealand.