This year the Dance Department took six trips to amazing Dance shows: Station by Freshman’s…
We have four music groups that run at lunchtimes that are open to anyone (no auditions). They all happen in Te Whare Puoro (Music department) in Puoro 3 (the big room). Anyone is welcome to join, and we are also happy for you to try out a group for a couple of weeks before committing.
Tuesday Lunch – Choir
Wednesday Lunch – Musical Theatre Ensemble
Thursday Whānau and Lunch – Chamber Group (orchestra)
Friday Lunch – Jazz Band
Mondays afterschool there is a new music opportunity! Andrew Isdale, one of our itinerants and a very talented musician, is supervising afterschool band/songwriter or practice sessions until 4:30pm. He can help with performance skills, songwriting, instrument skills, recording and more.