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Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea school board,
2020 Mid-term Parent Election and Waiōrea Whānau Selection Notice
Nominations are invited for the election of two (2) parent-elected board members, and nominations are also invited for one (1) Waiōrea whānau-selected board member to the board according to the school’s alternative constitution enabling co-governance. A copy of the alternative constitution, promulgated 14 March 2019, is online at gazette.govt.nz/notice/id/2019-go1165.
The election by voting is for two (2) Western Springs College parent-elected board members for a 3-year term. The selection by hui is for one (1) Waiōrea whānau-selected board member for a 3-year term.
A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations for the election will be posted and emailed to all eligible voters, and for the selection the nomination notice will be emailed to all eligible Waiōrea whānau.
You can nominate another person to stand as a candidate, or, for the election only and if you are on the school electoral roll, you can nominate yourself. Both parts of the form must be signed. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office.
Nominations close at noon on 1 November 2020 and may be accompanied by an optional signed candidate statement and photograph.
The Western Springs College voting roll and Waiōrea selection roll are open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours.
There will also be lists of candidates’ names for the election and selection, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school.
Election voting closes at noon on Friday 4 December 2020. The selection hui will be held at Ngā Oho at 6 pm at a date to be advised.
Trevor Crosby
Returning Officer / Kaiāwhina (rok@wsc.school.nz)
Te pōari o Western Springs College – Ngā Puna o Waiōrea,
He pānui mō te kōwhiringa pōti mātua me te whiringa whānau nō Ngā Puna o Waiōrea – 2020
He pōwhiri tēnei kia koutou kia whakauru ingoa mō te tokorua (2) ka pōtihia e ngā mātua, me te tangata kotahi (1) ka whiriwhirihia e te whānau o Ngā Puna o Waiōrea hei māngai ki te Pōari. Koianei te whakatīnanatanga o te mana taurite o te kura i whakapāohotia i te 14 ō Poutū-te-rangi 2019. Mā te hononga ipurangi nei koe e kite ai tēnei ture – gazette.govt.nz/notice/id/2019-go1165.
Ko te kōwhiringa pōti mātua ki te pōari, mō te tokorua (2) nō Western Springs College mō ngā tau e toru. Mā te hui ka whiriwhiria te tangata kotahi (1) nō te whānau o Waiōrea hei mema pōari mō ngā tau e toru.
Ka tukuna tētahi pepa whakauru ingoa me te reo karanga mō ngā kōwhiringa pōti mā te poutāpeta me te īmera ki te hunga mātua e taea ana te tuku pōti, ka mutu ko te wāhi ki te whiringa whānau nō Ngā Puna o Waiorea, ka īmeratia atu te pānui.
Ka tāea e koe te whakauru ingoa o tangata kē atu hei māngai, māna, mō te wāhanga kōwhiringa pōti anake, ā, mēnā kei te rārangi pōti o te kura tō ingoa, ka taea e koe te whakauru i tō ake ingoa. Me waitohu ngā wāhanga e rua o te pepa whakauru. He tōenga pepa whakauru ki te tari matua o te kura.
Ka kati ngā kuaha o te whakauru ingoa hei te 12 karaka i te ahiahi o te 1 o Whiringa-ā-rangi 2020, ā, kei a koe te tikanga kia āpitihia e koe he kōrero whakamārama mōu (kua waitohutia) me tētahi whakaahua.
Ka tūwhera te rārangi pōti me ngā rārangi whiriwhiri o Waiōrea ki te kura hei tirohanga atu mā koutou i ngā hāora o te kura. Ka whakairia hoki ki reira ngā ingoa kua whakaurua ki te puna pōti me te puna whiriwhiri i a rātou e uru mai ana.
Ka kati ngā kōwhiringa pōti hei te 12 karaka i te ahiahi o te 4 ō Hakihea 2020. Ka tū te hui whiringa whānau ki roto o Ngā Oho hei te 6 karaka i tētahi pō kāore anō kia whakatau.
Ngā mihi
Trevor Crosby
Kaiāwhina / Returning Officer (rok@wsc.school.nz)