What a pleasure it has been to witness the roll call of prizewinners walking across…

Students ate lunch at Coyle Park while Mark Banfield, Group Manager Infrastructure Project Delivery – Auckland Transport (left), an Intern Engineer and the Project Manager for the Pt Chevalier to Meola Road spoke about their careers and the various factors contributing to decision-making in the Meola Road project. Mark Banfield said he was very interested to take on board the local students’ feedback as cyclists and road users as well as the experts.
Earlier in the day, a bridge building competition was held in the classroom using peanut slabs ‘cars’ to test the roadway. Congratulations go to Darcy Iveson, Finn Grace and Felix Devereux-Evison were judged winners by the Transport Engineer from AT.
An afternoon Meola Road site visit allowed us all to see the daily challenges faced by Dempsey-Wood workers preparing the layers of the roading substrate.
Thanks to the Science kaiako and Sherna Matta who nominated these fabulous Year 10 students who asked considered, well-prepared questions based on their experience as cycling and bus commuters. Thanks to AT staff organiser Sandy Webb and The Wonder Project Engineering NZ for creating this opportunity.
K Wallace
HOD Careers