Our WSCW 2024 Yearbook is now available online on our Yearbook companion website here. All…
Yoga for Student Wellbeing – Sign up for a Free 8-Week Course in Term 3
Come and learn how to practice yoga over 8-weeks in Term 3.
When: Thursdays after school, 3:30 to 4:30pm.
Yoga is a simple practice of moving and breathing for wellbeing. Above all, it is about learning how to breathe.
When we combine movement with deep breathing, the mind calms down, we feel more grounded, our emotions are balanced, and we can concentrate better on our schoolwork and hobbies. Harvard Medical School recently recommended Yoga as the best thing you can do for your mental health.
Over 8 weeks you will learn how to do your own yoga practice at home in a way that is right for you. We cover how to breathe; reducing anxiety and overthinking; a calming practice for sleep; breathing techniques for exam week, and more.
Yoga arose in indigenous cultures that, like Te Ao Māori, recognised that human beings are inherently part of the natural world: sun, rivers, trees, mountains, sky and sea. Yoga is a practical way to feel our connection to the land, to Papatūānuku/Mother Nature.
Yoga is for everyone. All body types, ages, health, and cultural backgrounds are welcome. The course is non-religious.
The first 8-week course is generously funded by WSCW and will be at no cost to participants. Our librarian Andrew Raba will be teaching the course.
Space is limited so sign up today (form here)!