The Drama Department are getting ready to present scenes from classic kiwi plays in 11Drama’s A Showcase of New Zealand Theatre. Scenes include Astroman by Albert Belz, Woman Far Walking by Witi Ihimaera, Foreskin’s Lament by Greg McGee, Daughters of Heaven by Michelanne Forster and Wheeler’s Luck by Nigel Collins, Toby Leach & Damon Andrews. Make sure you get along to TAPAC Theatre on Thursday 6th August for one or both of the two showings at 3:15pm and 6:30pm. Koha entry on the door.
At the end of last term the Dance Department showcased the work of Year 9, 10 and 11 Dance students in their Semester 1 Showing in TAPAC Theatre at the end of Term 2. Enjoy viewing performance photography by Emma Kemp in this edition.
Recently too we have celebrated the wonderful efforts of our 2020 Sheilah Winn team with a shared lunch and informal award ceremony with all who participated. Robert Pollock commended students on their efforts and we reflected on assessor feedback and the challenges of performance this year amidst Covid-times.
Congratulations again to our University of Otago’ Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival team, 2020! They recently received certificates of success and participation for this year’s Auckland West festival entries.
Thanks to Ruby Giesen – 13Art Design – for the ArtsNews Heading in this issue.
Kirsty Britton – Arts Coordinator
Semester 1 Dance Showing
Thanks to all the parents, staff and students who came to support the Year 9, 10 and 11 Dance students in their Semester 1 Showing in TAPAC Theatre at the end of Term 2.
The 35 performers shared their warm-ups and class work they had started learning and making during lockdown and developed in Term 2. We are proud of their excellent creative work and ability to polish their performance skills and perform work they had only just finished learning and creating!
Year 13 Dance students Amy Fox, Louis Lowman, Olivia Gemmell-Rangi, Grace Hemingway and Lilly Raukawa-Heslin were excellent rehearsal directors, MCs and technicians. Thank you students for your help on the day.
What’s next for Dance?
Dance Trip to NZ Dance Company’s Night Light
for senior dance students
Friday August 14 – 7.30pm
The Annual WSCW Dance Showcase
Senior dance students present their NCEA classwork
Wed 16 September (Week 9)
Year 13 Dance Choreography Show
Year 13 Dance students present their own choreographed dances with their own lighting, music and costume designs, inspired by whakatauki / proverbs
Thursday 15 October, 3.30 and 6.30pm
Chloe Davison – HOD Dance
Greetings from the Visual Art Department
Traditionally term 3 is the start of the ‘busy’ness part of the year – with senior students shifting into gear and engaging in creative and critical processes to extend and clarify their conceptual intent. Despite the on-going impact and uncertainty of COVID – we have strived to maintain a supportive and nurturing base in the Art Department; to enable students’ access to resources and to keep working during their break and homework times. The new ‘normal’ is in affect every day and whilst we have some leniency with external dates extended by NZQA – the expectation for students to be productive and work hard is still an important factor in determining how well they navigate and complete this year.
Four junior classes have a new teacher this term – with Alyssa Venning-Thomas picking up the part time role. We are very fortunate to have Alyssa join the team – as she is straight out of Teachers Training College with lots of energy and ideas to assist the development of the programmes.
Senior students are mostly on track; the Year 11 students are working between two fields (painting and printmaking) to produce some highly expressive works. Both Y12 and Y13 students have received feedback on two internals and are in the process of working towards their externals folio boards. The plan to display these works will be as a collective level 1 ‘makers’ exhibition in term four incorporating senior work also from the Technology and Media departments – so keep an eye on the notices for more details.
New work in Painting!
The Y13 Painting internal ‘Exquisite Corpse’ was recently completed and on display as part of the open week. These works are part of a collaborative mural that will progressively grow and feature permanently in the school.
Congratulations to students featured on your success with these works. Y13s Scarlet Macdonald, Gwyneth Kamuhemu, Lizzie Thompson, Harriet Hannah-Wickes, Taylor Wong, Cathy Zhang, Maya Brookfield and Vlada Morgunova.
Ia Manuia
Lily Laita – HOD Art