Youthtown Hangout Space
We will have an awesome FREE hang out space open for all teens, where we will be running fun youth development activities for them! It would be amazing if you could help us spread the word as we aim to help build…
New Zealand Police – 105 Non Emergency
NZ Police recently launched a new non emergency number, 105. We’ve done this to make it easier to get hold of us in the event of non-urgent situations or ‘Things which have Already Happened’, which don’t require Police assistance immediately.…
Help us raise money for laptops for WSC/NPoW students that genuinely can’t afford them
This is a fundraising initiative to raise money for laptops for WSC/NPoW students that genuinely can't afford them - this is a huge education equity issue! It is about doing online surveys (approx. one every two months) and Springs/Waiorea being…
Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea
Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Board of Trustees 2019 Election and Selection Held under the school’s alternative constitution enabling co-governance. A copy of the alternative constitution, promulgated 14 March 2019, is online at Declaration of Parent-elected trustees results…
The Library
We currently have a fantastic display of work produced by some of the year 9 students. With the English department shaking up their list of generic text response activities this year, many students chose to produce something 3 dimensional. These…
PPTA Strike Action
You will be aware that there will be rostering home of students, as well as an Auckland Region stike day, if negotiations with Ministry of Education are not forthcoming. We ask that you keep your son/daughter home if their year…
Principal’s Notes
Parents will note elsewhere in this Newsletter my outline of the industrial action facing the sector over the weeks remaining in this term. Today, in a meeting with the Prime Minister I have heard genuine resolve that the current deadlock…