French Senior café trip
The Languages Department have been able to resume their yearly French Senior café trip, which was paused during Covid. Our Y11, Y12 and Y13 students took a bus trip to the city and arrived at La Petite Fourchette in the…
These are for articles to appear in the school newsletter.
The Languages Department have been able to resume their yearly French Senior café trip, which was paused during Covid. Our Y11, Y12 and Y13 students took a bus trip to the city and arrived at La Petite Fourchette in the…
OPEN WEEKS AT WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE/NGĀ PUNA O WAIŌREA School Tours will take place with the Principal: from 9am-10:30am Tuesday 18th July to Friday 21st July 2023 The tours will take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, and there will…
Are you and your family/whānau protected from measles? With people travelling overseas again, there’s a risk that someone with measles could unknowingly bring the disease back to Aotearoa New Zealand. Measles spreads easily and quickly, usually between people who are…
We hear lots in the press and media generally about declining standards in education. If you have been on any of my school tours during our Open Weeks you will know that I vigorously challenge that notion and demonstrate that…
Our Top Scholar for Dance, Minh Anh Tran, personally received her Premier Scholar Award from the Prime Minister at the Wellington ceremony. Congratulations again on this outstanding achievement! Minh Anh Tran is in the second row to the right of…
Everyday Upstander Kaitiaki ia rā. You have the power to prevent bullying! Research shows more than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when tauira/students intervene. Our school will have a lot of activities on Friday. Dress up in pink and…
To encourage collaboration between students in our year 9 maths classes, the maths department elected to participate in a collaborative activity with escaping a digital escape room as the theme. Designed by the Collaborative pedagogies WSC team, the task encourages…
The Y13 statistics students from WSC visited Pasadena Intermediate school during term 1 as a part of the statistics topic they were working on. During the visit, the WSC statistics students conducted the experiments they designed and collected data using…
This is happening Tuesday May 23rd. Please bring your clothing and accessory donations to the hall foyer before the event day. Ngā mihi nui
Welcome to term 2 and our new international students who joined us at the start of the term. As they settle into the new term, we encourage them to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities available to them.…