Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

The Judas Zoo Year 12 Drama Production Week 2, Term 3
Term three began with the two Year 12 Drama classes performing their production, ‘The Judas Zoo’ by Gary Henderson. This was a mammoth task with four casts and eight shows over four evenings.
The quality of their work was exceptionally high and audiences were transported to Aotearoa in 2045. The first satellite prison for young offenders has been built and 12 teenage cyber-criminals have been tasked with getting all the prison’s systems online. If they complete the task their sentences will be commuted. As it transpires, they learn this is a lie and as a result chaos ensues. The play is high-stakes drama with clever a interspersing of humour, handled brilliantly by all four casts.
Audiences were enthralled and feedback was overwhelmingly positive. A huge thank you to staff and whānau who supported the students in their work and we look forward to what they will bring us as Year 13 students next year.
Robert Pollock
HOD Drama
Fred Hickey as SCRAG
Zephyr Bird as ANGEL, OceanMichael as JOHAN and Indiana Ortiz as OX
Charlotte Kempster (CK) as the very crazy Prill