Meet the Candidates” evening for the nominees standing for the 2 parent-elected board vacancies at Western Springs College.
When: Monday 9 November 2020
When: 7:30 pm
Where: Western Springs College staff room.
Candidate Statements
I’ve only been out of Western Springs College for two years and I already want to come back! Having previously served on the board of trustees as a student-elected representative (2016-2017) while I was in year 12 at WSC I was impressed with the work, skill and dedication that our school’s leaders possess.
Currently I’m studying a business degree at Auckland University where I meet students everyday and hear their educational stories from their own high schools and gain a contrast to the experience my peers and I had at WSC. My younger brother is a year 12 student at WSC and the feedback I get from other former students has shown me the excellent young adults our school creates.
A successful school understands what leads to strong academic results for young people, stemming from aspects of our school from the curriculum, digital learning and the spaces we learn in. I am grateful for everything WSC has given me and want to engage in more great changes to our school such as the Kahui Ako-Communities of Learning, co-governance constitution and the rebuild that we worked on when I was on the board of trustees. I bring my previous experience of being a board member working alongside these projects and a unique perspective, being a former student and a connection to youth.
As a former student I understand how the board’s decisions affect students’ learning. I am proud of the way WSC strives for achievement through new forms of learning. I want our school community to be able to provide the best educational outcome to students like was offered to me.
If Western Springs exemplifies one thing it’s community. The work we do with local schools which feed into our cohort such as Pasadena and Ponsonby Intermediate is vital to provide quality education to students. The lead our school takes on environmental, educational and cultural issues is vital for a thriving community.
I believe I bring a perspective to the board of an understanding of the complex educational and wellbeing issues of our youth. School was to me like so many of my peers more than just education. It’s a community and growth provider which creates young adults.
Please lend me your support for the Western Springs College Board of Trustees for an experienced but youthful and relatable perspective to our school.
Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Louise Gardiner ahau.
I am standing for my first term as a member of the school board for Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. My son Jacob starts Springs next year in year 9 and my daughter Neve is in year 4 at Pt Chevalier School. I have a long-term commitment and stake in Western Springs College providing an exceptional education for our tamariki.
I have been a member of the Pt Chev School Board since mid-2017 and chair of the board since 2018. In late 2018 I led an extensive community consultation on our school charter that resulted in a new strategic vision for the school in 2019 that reflects our community’s vision and goals for our school.
I am passionate about local schools serving their communities, and the kaupapa of Western Springs. This extraordinary year reinforces the need to equip our learners as empathetic, critical thinkers with broad skills to succeed in an uncertain future. We must ensure equitable opportunities for all our learners to participate and achieve and provide effective approaches, practices, funding and governance to make sure this happens. I am committed to the co-governance model at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea.
I have over 20 years’ experience in public sector roles in governance, strategy, policy, external relations, stakeholder management, technology and business improvement. I am currently Head of Business Engagement, ICT for the council-controlled organisation, Regional Facilities Auckland, which includes the art gallery, zoo, stadiums, conventions, performing arts and commercial entertainment, maritime museum. I have also led business support functions including business planning and reporting, finance, property, risk, health and safety, project management, and procurement.
Previous positions have included a strong education focus including managing the NZ Parliament’s Education and Science Select Committee (including the committee’s inquiries into decile funding, the teaching of reading, and resourcing of tertiary institutions in the early 2000s); advisor to the House of Commons Education and Skills Committee visit to NZ in 2002 to study education provision; programme administrator (RTLB programme) at the School of Education (University of Auckland); and principal policy assistant to the Chief Executive and Chief Education Officer of Southwark Council (London).
Previous volunteering includes refugee settlement and advocacy, youth mentoring with Project K, and girl guides. My passions are the arts and music. My professional mission is enabling the arts, culture, heritage and recreation through technology. It would be my absolute privilege to represent my community on the Western Springs School Board.
Richard GREEN
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tenā tātou katoa.
I am standing for the board as I wish to continue my service to the Western Bays community through my work in educational governance.
My board journey began when I coached my son Jackson’s soccer team for WSAFC for one year. We lost every game. I decided that I should find another way to help.
I stood for the Point Chevalier School board and was not successful my first election. However I was elected to the board the next election, serving twelve years on that board, eight as chair. I worked with others there to accomplish an almost complete rebuild as well as deal with fires, councils and lawsuits. Challenging, but it gave me a strong foundation.
At that time I also saw the need for stronger governance at Pasadena Intermediate. I stood eight years ago and was successfully elected. With the team of that board Pasadena Intermediate is a different school. I am proud of how we achieved the school’s development and growth, with the roll almost doubling. I still sit on that board. I was also on the Western Springs Board for 18 months prior to the change of constitution.
My two boys, Jackson and Joshua, went through WSC and next year my daughter Molly is enrolled to attend.
Irrespective of my child I have no agendas or preconceived ideas, only a desire to offer my service to the community through being an effective and knowledgeable board member.
I sit on the national board for the NZSTA (NZ School Trustee Association), the organisation that represents boards in New Zealand. This year I was elected as deputy chair. I have also sat on the NZ International Comedy Festival Trust Board for over three years.
We are all life long learners and I have continued to study my whole life, with a diploma in Film and TV production (SSFTV), a diploma in Treaty Education (MIT), a level 4 certificate in personal training (NZIHF) and have just completed a full time diploma in te reo Māori (Takiura). Education is important to me.
My day job is as Kaiwhakahaere of He Waka Eke Noa charitable trust, so I understand governance from both sides.
I look forward to having the opportunity to continue to serve my community if elected.
And good luck to all the candidates, thank you for putting yourselves forward for this important role.
Carol GUNN
Kia ora, ko Carol Gunn ahau. I am the current Board Chair and have been a parent-elected board member on the Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Board for six years.
I have been privileged to support our school through a transformational stage of its development. I am proud to see the ease with which our teachers and educational leaders are taking on the challenges of adapting to new ways of work arising from the new buildings and the stop-start life of 2020. I am proud of the emphasis that is placed on co-governance, and student well-being. We have a strong team of board members and school managers but no one is, nor can afford to be, complacent about the challenges that face us as the school roll increases and the pressures on students and teachers continue to grow.
During my term, I have been actively involved in a range of different projects, including:
- The rebuild – attending Steering Group meetings and Design Control meetings with the Ministry of Education, architects and project managers.
- Working with other BoT members to secure the budget to redevelop the school.
- Representing the Board on the Sustainability Panel – a student and staff initiative.
- Representing the Board at Western Springs Precinct meetings, convened by Regional Facilities Auckland. The purpose of these meetings is to inform and co-ordinate development activities within this recreational area. Participants include: TAPAC, MOTAT, the zoo, Auckland Stadiums, ATEED and Parks.
- Supporting the drive to get solar panels.
- Supporting school and board involvement in Te Kāhui Ako o Waitematā.
I am the mother of two students – Cameron is in year 12 at Western Springs College, and Emma is in her second year of university.
I enjoy being part of the local community and I am currently the manager of the Grey Lynn Farmers Market – a part-time role. I have also been actively involved in various groups as our children have grown, including Plunket, Toy Library, playgroups, and school fundraising committees.
My professional background is in business strategy, research, supplier management and marketing. Roles that I have held, include: Marketing Manager at Māori Television, Marketing Manager for ICT and Creative sectors at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, and Advertising and Brand Manager for Tourism NZ, Market Research Manager for Tourism NZ.
I am passionate about continuing to support Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea to deliver the best possible education for every child, so that they can be equipped for the future.