Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Given my frequent reference to ‘next steps’ when speaking to students, and parents as well actually, it was hugely pleasing to see the wonderful turnout to our Pathways & Subject Choices evening last week. We recorded attendance north of 750 people arriving to learn of career opportunities, tertiary learning opportunities as well as next steps in their child’s school journey in relation to subject choices for their following years at school.
I congratulate our Careers Team for their work in coordinating the wide range of outside agencies that were present, and I acknowledge too our Heads of Departments (HoDs) who provided course information in relation to their subject areas.
I acknowledge the refrain from both parents and students along the lines of “Can’t you do this every year? This is fantastic.” That it was!… and I hope we can deliver in this regard effectively in future years.
I acknowledge too, the feedback from those parents who hadn’t visited the new school before and were ‘blown away’ by the opportunity the new spaces afford us for an event like this and how lucky our students are to be learning in an environment like this!
Ngā mihi,
Ivan Davis