Senior Boys Green (Ollie Burton, Andrew Bancale, Chris Taing, Eric Davidson)
Our Green team are still undefeated after 5 rounds. They played their closest rivals Auckland Boys last week
and in a close game won 4-2. With 4 rounds still to play, this team now looks odds on favourites to win a title.
Senior Boys White (Kadek Dana, Mark Bunkhong, Baramin Chidnok, Joshua Kuba, Tiger Fong-Fitzpatrick)
Our White team have had a tough draw but with only one loss (on countback after drawing) they still have an
outside chance of winning their grade. This week they play Auckland Boys #2 in what could also determine
who wins the grade.
Senior Girls (Minh Anh Tran, Radha Patel, Arushi Gupta, Manon Paul-Robie, Rose Perry)
With Minh Anh setting the standards, our four other girls have been playing amazing games to put our team
into a position of winning their grade. We still need to deal with the Epsom #2 team which we face in two
weeks and that game will determine who the Champion team will be. GIRLS, LET’S DO IT !!!
Junior Boys and Girls Programme
Of note, there is no junior badminton competition in Auckland. The programme set up is a Term 2 lunchtime
programme where in the first 2-3 weeks have been all about skills development. Starting with 20 junior boys
and 14 junior girls, we then commenced the school tournament which was a round-robin series involving 12
junior boys and 8 junior girls.
Apart from being crowned Junior Boys and Girls Champions, the carrot dangled was selection of 3-4 boys and
1-2 girls for our Springs Badminton teams to play alongside several experienced seniors in the Auckland Badminton
Term 3 competition. So far, standout junior boys have been Jackson Firmstone, Sachet Khare and Marley Hicks.
Our standout junior girls so far have been Sonia Peng and Pomoda Sumanasekara….
Senior Girls (Trelise Chappell, Sofia Naran, Tess Bailey, Sarah Hannay, Annabel Reid)
A mixture of experience and newness to the team. The team started well winning their first four games but then came
up against a very strong allround MacLeans team which was lost 1-3, our first loss in nearly four years. To put it in
it’s right perspective, MacLeans won the recent Auckland Champs with Springs coming home second – losing 1-4 to
MacLeans. This result was still the best we have had in three previous visits, having finished 3rd, 4th and now 2nd.
Looking to the future, the team has three young girls which we can mould into a very good team …
Junior Boys (Rhys Hanna, Niko Clare, Marley Hicks, Shriansh Dangwal, Louie Hardy, Toby Dunn, Christie Blair)
We have one year 10 and six year 9s – This team has the ability of being possibly the best junior team developed
in the last 10 years. Our junior boys teams of the past have won four of the last five Auckland grades !!! This team
are undefeated after four games look like they will mould into a very good team/s of the future .. Big thanks to
Mary Hanna for assisting in transporting our JBs to their games…
Mid-June we will start our annual school tournament, and that will be played over the next 2-3 weeks….
Richard Anderson – Sport Co-Ordinator