Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Springs/Waiorea has a new club on offer – trail running! This small but dedicated group meets before school on Mondays and after school on Thursdays, where we usually head out to trails such as Riverhead Forest, the Waitakere Ranges, or closer to home. The group recently participated in the Backyard Riverhead relay, a gruelling event which required teams of four to clock up as many 6.7km loops or Riverhead Forest as possible within 12 hours. Congratulations to the team of Juliet Frater, Jamie Daly-Jones, Raf Hosking and William Brooker (stepping in at the last minute for Josh Campbell) for managing an impressive 16 laps, placing them second (although an unfortunate timing chip malfunction has them officially listed as fourth). Year 11 – 13 students who are interested in joining trail running club should speak to Sarah Carr in the social studies office. All levels welcome.
Orienteering club, coached and managed by the very talented Frater family, has also notched some impressive results. Congratulations to Juliet Frater, Eli Robinson-Gomas, Grace Cory-Wright, Andy Heathcote and Riley Crayford for top ten finishes in their respective categories at the North Island Secondary School championships.