Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

The four wises panels at Springs / Waiōrea came together for the first time in a hui at the end of February. The panels are led by year 13 students and one to two teachers from each wises group. Our four wises groups are Kaitiakitanga, Healthwise, Travelwise & Wastewise. Before we started, we planned activities to engage the whole school and get everyone thinking about sustainability. We did a range of different activities to get to know each other and find out each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We tried Tai Chi with Ms Reid and cooked dinner for everyone in masterchef, where healthwise won. We then split off into our four panels and came up with promotions, ideas and goals that promote sustainability and wellbeing for the upcoming year. We were also lucky enough to have some guest speakers come in and talk about how we can fix environmental issues, which gave us hope that if we work hard, we can achieve a more eco-friendly planet without the issue of climate change. However with the untimely lockdown, most panels have had to postpone their first activities. We hope that soon we will be allowed to return to school as normal. When this happens, we can plan new dates for these activities. The activities we have planned for term 2 include bike and skate competitions, jump jam, a clothes swap and much more. We look forward to hosting these events in the near future!