Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

We are in the process of organising the Year 9 camps at Tāwharanui campgrounds. Springs Year 9 students will go in House groups for 2 nights and 3 days at these times in Term 4:
Atea (Mon 14 Nov-Weds 16 Nov)
Kapura (Weds 16 Nov-Fri 18 Nov)
Moana (Mon 21 Nov-Weds 23 Nov)
Whenua (Weds 23 Nov-Fri 25 Nov).
The aim of this camp is to provide students with the opportunity to take part in learning outside the classroom. We believe that these trips are important as the links that students are able to make between the classroom and real-world experiences can be critical to their long-term learning. Students will be taking part in various activities to do with our school values. Please note that it is not compulsory for your son/daughter to attend this camp. It is, however, a fantastic learning opportunity and experience for them.
The cost of this camp is $120. This includes transport, food, activities and accommodation. If payment is a problem please contact Ruth Roberts We ask that the full amount of $120 be paid before your student attends the camp. We have students all over Aotearoa (including at WSC) who have to choose between ‘need’ and ‘want’ and for them attending the camp is a luxury they may not be able to afford. If you are able to, please consider adding $10, $20 or $50 when paying for your child. We truly appreciate such generosity from our community.
The payment options are:
Electronic Transfer – Account #: ASB 12-3020-0333033-00 Ref: Y9 camp
Pay at the Office