Learning Centre
Kia ora koutou 2022 has seen the introduction of lots of changes to our Learning Center. We have sadly said goodbye to Helen Thorpe and Trina Sellers but have been lucky enough to welcome four new staff members. In 2022…
WSCW Ball 2022
The WSCW School ball will be held at the Ellerslie Events Centre on Saturday 11th June 2022 if we are in the Orange setting in the COVID Protection Framework. The back up date is Saturday 20th August 2022. The venue…
Rostering Home
As Omicron case numbers rise across the nation we anticipate the need to transition to a rostering home plan for year levels as teaching staff impacted by isolation requirements around contact with Covid continue to grow. Today we have 22…
Paid Union Meeting
18th February 2022 Dear Parents and Caregivers, Under the national industrial award, the PPTA is granted the right to hold two paid union meetings (PUMs) annually. The Western Springs College branch of the PPTA will be attending a PUM on…
Principal’s Notes
I have been determined not to begin my first Newsletter communication to the community this year with ‘stuff’ about Omicron, but needs must, and I refer you to the section in this Newsletter on a year level rostering home schedule…
Resource Centre – Hub Manager
We have an opportunity for a special someone to become the Resource Centre (RC)/Hub Manager at Western Springs College - Nga Puna o Waiorea (WSCW). The RC/Hub sits in the middle of KHCL on Level 2 and is the centralised…
News from the International Department
It was great to welcome our international students back to school and see their faces in person after the lovely summer holiday. It has been challenging for some of the students not to be able to return to their home…