Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…
Every school day at Springs/Waiōrea is a big day?
In Aotearoa, all children under 16 years of age are required to attend a registered school every day, unless they are sick.
We know there is a direct correlation between regular attendance and NCEA achievement. (Source: He Whakaaro Report: Relationship between attendance and attainment, 2020). A Year 11 student who attends school every day has about a 90% chance of achieving NCEA Level 1, but this drops to a 1-in-5 chance (20%) if they only attend school half of the time.
But that’s not all. Springs is a hub in this community and is a place where our children and young people learn – find out what they are interested in, learn more about who they are or who they want to be, their communities, our histories, different cultures, and the wider world. It’s also where many people meet their life-long friends. Right now, approximately 84% of our students are attending regularly – way, way ahead of national data! Let’s work together to make that 90%!
NZQA have given schools a firm steer that derived grades must be exam based this year and that we are not to expect Unexpected Event Grades (UEGs) to be sanctioned again. NZQA’s requirements are clear:
Our Derived Grade ‘Mock” Exams:
Derived Grade results must be based on evidence gathered from school assessment activities that mirror the format and conditions of the externally assessed standard.
I will be hammering this point home to the community and among our staff and student body throughout this term. Our derived grade exams begin on Thursday September 15th and NCEA external examinations start on Monday November 6th.
A senior report will be sent out prior to these school exams too, so that signposting and signaling is clear to all.
As a school, we are again going to extraordinary lengths to support students, whānau, staff and our community so that pathways to next steps on a student’s qualification journey are not interrupted or lost completely. COVID-19, the onset of winter illness and other issues have meant that learning opportunities have been significantly impacted. With only 11 weeks to go before the NCEA end of year examinations start we emphasise to students and parents the importance of attendance!!!
Springs student at Youth Parliament
Our strong links with the PM show through in the delightful report from Amelia Chitty, our Year 12 student who was selected for this year’s youth parliament. Read her report and enjoy the photographs elsewhere in this Newsletter. Talking with Amelia, it was very clear that this 3 day experience had a huge and lasting impact on her. Seeing her growth in understanding of how parliament works and thereby understanding the law making powers of the institution urges me to recommend this opportunity to future aspirants here at Springs Waiōrea. Do contact Amelia if you are interested in more information about this scheme.
It’s Option Selection time
Senior Course Selection for 2023, Term 3 2022
Term 3 is course selection for 2023 for Years 10-12 students. Information will be sent to whānau over the next couple of weeks. The deadline for Senior Course Selection is 4pm Thursday 15th September. Year 10’s will have a Course Selection Assembly so they clearly understand the process and the requirements for NCEA Level 1 for 2023. Students will go through how to complete their course selection in form class over the next few weeks as well.
Year 11 MCAT: Thursday 15th September am
The Year 11 MCAT (Maths Common Assessment Task) will take place on Thursday the 15th September. Details for what is required on the actual day will be sent out closer to the time and will be discussed in Year 11 Maths classes.
Ngā mihi,
Ivan Davis