Tree Planting – August 2020
Tuatahi ake me tuku aku mihi mahana ki ngā ringaringa maha i āwhinatia e mātou kia tiaki i ā Papatūānuku, i te Wao Nui a Tāne whānui, āno nei tō tātou awa a Waititiko. Tēnei au te tuohu atu kia…
Danger at the school gate:
Whānau, please help us keep your children safe at the end of the day: Please don't park on the yellow lines, when dropping off or picking up your child; even if they are just a minute away. It puts students…
Principal’s Notes:
Stop Press - Springs/Waiorea wins Architectural Award Our architects at Jasmax have been acknowledged in the education category of the New Zealand Institute of Architects Auckland Awards for the WSCW redevelopment. As a school we are very proud of this…
TAPAC – The Auckland Performing Arts Centre
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Wastewise Clothes Swap
On Wednesday the 22nd and Thursday the 23rd of July Waste Wise ran a clothes swap in the hall where students were given the opportunity to combat fast fashion by swapping second-hand clothes instead of purchasing and throwing away new…
School Ball 2020
First school ball since lockdown in Eden Park and we kicked the season off with a hiss and a roar! All the students looked stunning and in true Springs/Waiōrea (WSCW) fashion some students creatively interpreted the theme in the way…
World Vision Youth Leader
We understand the power in young people leading young people. In Aotearoa, our youth are at the forefront of social change and at World Vision we’re doing all we can to empower them. I’m excited to touch base and share two amazing opportunities for your school leavers with World Vision in 2021. Help us…