Library news
Now is a good time to read an eBook Since you are unable to visit the library, it is a good opportunity to browse our eBook collection where you will find many interesting titles of your choice of genre. There…
These are for articles to appear in the school newsletter.
Now is a good time to read an eBook Since you are unable to visit the library, it is a good opportunity to browse our eBook collection where you will find many interesting titles of your choice of genre. There…
How to make your own sour dough starter If you don’t have any yeast, because it’s all been panic bought during lockdown, it’s still possible to bake delicious fluffy bread at home. Healthy Food Guide editor Jenny de Montalk explains…
Official School Opening: by the Prime Minister on February 21st was a momentous occasion on a perfect day. Check out this link which features photo highlights of the day. Credit - Connor Crawford who photographed the opening for Ponsonby News. COVID-19:…
Senior classes in Media, English and Economics were treated to a thought provoking presentation by Damaso Reyes, an award winning photographer and news journalist. "Don't get tricked by online information. Think before you share or like." The News Literacy…
Grey Lynn School Aloha Night Friday 20 March 5-8pm Live music! Yummy Food! Kids Activities! All Welcome.
Library Monitors I am pleased to announce our Library Monitors for 2020. Years 10 to 13 students deserve a special mention as they are returning to the role. All monitors have the routine duties - issues, returns and shelving. Since…
Discover Italy's art, design, fashion, architecture and, of course, food! The Western Springs College 2021 Technology Tour to Italy will focus on four key destinations - Rome, Sicily, Venice and Milan, all of which are incredibly unique and rich in…