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Alumna Pearl Little

Pearl Little is the Green Party Press Secretary based in Wellington. Her job involves helping to amplify the work of Green MPs through the media. She was the Strategic Communications Manager for Tory Whanau’s mayoral campaign, and worked for Newshub…

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Library Wrap-Up

It’s been a great wrap up to 2022 in the library with some new purchases, a pizza lunch for the library monitors, and a new story-time initiative to boost engagement with literature. Congratulations to Zephyr Bird who received the “Services…

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Visit from the Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre The Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre held a Logo Design Workshop for some of our Year 9, 10, 12 and 13 students. The WCRC wanted students' input in designing the logo for the centre…

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Arts News

Skill building, creating, connecting, refining, rehearsing and much more! It has been a busy term here at WSCW in all of the Arts learning spaces. This term has seen many performance  and assessment events for Music, Dance, Drama and Kapa…

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Arts News

Skill building, creating, connecting, refining, rehearsing and much more! It has been a busy term here at WSCW in all of the Arts learning spaces. This term has seen many performance  and assessment events for Music, Dance, Drama and Kapa…

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