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Principal’s Notes – April 2024

With the release of the ERO report on student behaviour in New Zealand schools I am reminded how much we in schools depend upon our parents and agencies in the…

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Principal’s Notes – February 2024

An outstanding Scholarship result for 2023 has seen our 2023 Dux Arushi Gupta winning 5 scholarships in the subjects of Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, History and Technology. Arushi will be a…

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Ngā Manu o Waiōrea – Manu Kōrero 2018

(Photo left to right: Ayziah, Piripi, De Vhante, Atakura) A huge congratulations to our 4 speakers who partook in this years 2018 annual Ngā Manu Kōrero Regional Speech competition. Ngā…

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Start of something NEW! Read more for a look at our Waiōrea Rebuild Time Lapse!

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ASB Polyfest Success 2018

Congratulations to all whom participated in the annual ASB Polynesian Festival! Our school was represented well across all three divisions of the Māori Stage, and managed to place 1st overall…

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Whaea Kaukura Tepaki (Māmā Kau) – sunrise 21 Dec 1964, sunset 10 Jul 2024

To our school community, “Kua hinga he tōtara i te wao nui a Tane.” “A mighty tōtara has fallen.” It is with great sadness that we inform you of the…

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WSCW Open Week Tours – Week 2, Term 3, 2024

OPEN WEEK TOURS at WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE-NGĀ PUNA O WAIŌREA School Tours will take place with the Principal (or Senior Leader): from 9am-10:30am Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August…

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2024 WSCW School Ball – a roaring success!

Our 2024 WSCW School Ball took place at the Ellerslie Events Centre this year on Saturday 8th June. This year's theme was "Old Hollywood" and all of our students &…

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Pathways & Subject Choices Evening – 25th July

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Principal’s Notes – July 2024

It has been a very busy Term 2! Thank you for your support with our focus on attendance and lateness as highlighted in our first newsletter for the term. Our…

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Kapa Haka Nationals success for NPoW!

Whakatū, Nelson, recently played host to Te Huinga Whetū National Kura Tuarua Kapa Haka Competition, gathering together 42 of the top secondary schools across Aotearoa, showcasing their skills in traditional…

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Fantastic 48 Hour Film success!

A huge congratulations to Eamonn Grayson-Hobbs, Jed Leeves, Liam Brannigan and Pierre Donsimoni-Windley, who won Best School Team in the 48 Hour Film Competition Tamaki Makaurau Regional heats with their…

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Best wishes for the Touch World Cup, Pete!

We'd like to wish our WSC Director of Sports, Peter McIntyre, his whānau and his NZ teams all the best for the upcoming Touch World Cup, which is being held…

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WSCW Rugby returns!

The Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW) Rugby team is registered in the 1RB (restricted Under 85kg) School Boys Rugby grade for the 2024 season. It is the first…

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Dance Department News

Our Dance tauira / students have participated in a range of great co-curricular activities this term. Year 10 students and their dance teachers went into town on a Friday night…

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Library News

The library has been collaborating with the history department to bring literature into the teaching of subjects such as Vietnam and the settlement of New Zealand. In June, Andrew visited…

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The Big Sing Success!

This year our schools participated in the Auckland Regionals of The Big Sing, a national choral competition run by the NZ Choral Federation. Both groups performed on Tuesday 18 June…

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Jammin’ Through June in Te Whare Puoro

The musical chaos continued in Te Whare Puoro (The Music Department) throughout June and we are loving it! Smokefreerockquest Auckland Central Regional Finals 2024 Our five incredible bands rocked the…

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Emergency Procedure Drills at WSCW

Ensuring the safety of our ākonga/students and kaiako/kaimahi/staff is our top priority at WSCW. To prepare for potential emergencies, we conduct two types of drills each year: Evacuation and Lockdown.…

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Western Springs Newsletter #5 – July 3rd, 2024

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BISC – seeking new members

Business in Service of Communities (BISC) is a local business networking group who have been supporting Western Springs College-Nga Puna o Waiōrea for many years, and it is now seeking…

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2024 Auckland City Mission Appeal

Kia ora Springs-Waiōrea whānau, We're in the last days before the Term 2 holidays to bring in items for our annual Auckland City Mission appeal. Each whānau (form) class has…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families…

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The colours of WSC-NPoW

Here is another great photo from our Year 11 International student, Yisu Wang. Here is Yisu's inspiration for his photo - "I was at school and the sky was very…

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Yoga for Student Wellbeing – free 8-week course in Term 3!

Yoga for Student Wellbeing - Sign up for a Free 8-Week Course in Term 3 Come and learn how to practice yoga over 8-weeks in Term 3. When: Thursdays after…

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PAG Movie Night Fundraiser 20th June 2024

Kia ora WSC-NPoW whānau, You’re invited to the Parent Action Group (PAG) movie night fundraiser, straight from the French Film Festival on 20th June: 'The Taste of Things', directed by…

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Western Springs Newsletter #4 – May 21st, 2024

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Principal’s Notes – May 2024

It has been a busy start to Term 2. Thank you for your support with our focus on attendance and lateness as signalled in our Community Update at the beginning…

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Smokefreerockquest and Tangata Beats 2024

We have had a stellar year for Rockquest and Tangata Beats entries with 11 bands performing in the Central Auckland heats last Saturday and two entries for the Solo/Duo section…

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2024 WSCW Ball – final days to purchase tickets!

Our WSCW 2024 Ball is happening on Saturday 8th June, and our theme this year is OLD HOLLYWOOD - interpret that as you wish! The final deadline for receiving the…

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Kura finalist in the NZ Biosecurity awards

It was wonderful to have our kaitiaki mahi acknowledged by being shortlisted as one of three kura finalists in the NZ Biosecurity awards. Our Waitītiko awa (Meola Creek) restoration work…

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More wonderful photos taken by Year 11 International student, Yisu Wang.

The first picture was taken in Wanaka, at sunset. The sunlight was beautiful. Yisu used a short exposure of 1 second to get the flowing effect of the water. This…

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It is May Music Madness in Te Whare Puoro

Te Whare Puoro - The Music Department is rocking out in May for Te Marama Puoro O Aotearoa - NZ Music Month 2024. We are celebrating all month long with…

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Seeking volunteer Reader/Writers for the Derived Grade exams in September

The Learning Support Department is now thinking about recruiting volunteer Reader/Writers for the September Derived Grade exams. If you like connecting with young people, have strong literacy skills and would…

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Year 12 Geography Trip Term 2 2024

We kicked off Term 2 with the first of our Geography Department overnight field trips. Thirty-seven keen Geographers set off to Tongariro National Park with their four favourite teachers and…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families…

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Life Skills class has written a book!

Term one in Life Skills has been an exciting and productive time. The students have written a book! The inspiration came from horse and knight figurines. Students' ideas flowed as…

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2024 Auckland Teams Racing Cup

Earlier this years, 22 teams attended the regatta held from the Royal Akarana Yacht Club on March 20th-22nd. This was the second year that WSC has entered a team with…

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Women in Engineering

The University of Auckland is offering an amazing holiday camp for Year 11 students who identify as women. Run over three days, the attendees will have the opportunity to explore…

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Otago Maths Competition

Congratulations to Anya Gupta, Bee Lin, Dan Suciu, Jiani Wu, Sarai Betsalel, and Sam Johnston for participating and doing their best in the first part of the Otago Maths Competition!

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Clothing Swap (June 18th, 2024) – call for items

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Springs/Waiōrea Policies Review – Term 2, 2024

Our school policies and procedures are maintained through SchoolDocs, which follows a 3-year review schedule to keep them up to date. Each term, the whole school community (whānau, parents, caregivers,…

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Restorative work at the Waitītiko awa 

For more than a decade restorative work has been carried out at the Waitītiko awa (Meola Creek) by Waiōrea and Springs students, kaiako and whānau.  The work is driven by…

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Rudd School of ROCK

We have just released some new times for guitar, drums, piano, keyboard and vocal lessons at our Grey Lynn venue and we’d be delighted to have more WSCW students join…

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Gaming and Artificial Intelligence Talk

On Friday 10 May Dr Simon McCallum spoke to senior Mathematics and Digital Technology classes about the course he simultaneously teaches at Victoria University and Norwegian University of Science and…

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Netsafe whānau evening

Last week we were privileged to have the CEO of Netsafe, Brent Carey come and talk to whānau about how to support our young people/rangitahi in online spaces. Preceding Brent’s…

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WSC-NPoW Board Meeting #2 – 8 Apr 2024 (Agenda)


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Western Springs Newsletter #3 – Apr 5th, 2024

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Ngā Puna O Waiōrea – 2024 Polyfest Champions!

Week 8 of Term 1 was a busy, but successful, one for all of our Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) ākonga, kaiako, tutors and whānau involved in the Polyfest 2024…

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Public transport fares: changes for under 25s from Weds 1st May 2024

Fares for travel on AT buses, trains and ferries are changing for under 25 year olds from Wednesday 1st May 2024. Free travel for 5 to 12 year olds and…

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Business In Service to the Community (BISC) Directory

The BISC directory  is here

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Senior (Years 11-13) Student Whānau Interviews, Reports and Traffic Light Reports

Senior student whānau interviews to discuss Term 1 Progress Reports will take place on Thursday 11th April 2024 from 10am-7pm. There will be no onsite learning for any students on…

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Easter stars over Mt Taranaki

Check out this amazing photo snapped over the Easter break by our Year 11 International student, Yisu Wang. In his own words, "I first went to the Mangorei Track Trailhead…

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Sporting Achievements for T1, 2024

Here are a few of the sporting achievements of students from Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW) during Term 1 of 2024. Mountain Biking Results The Auckland Schools Mountain…

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Tira Puoro/Music Groups to Join

We have four music groups that run at lunchtimes that are open to anyone (no auditions). They all happen in Te Whare Puoro (Music department) in Puoro 3 (the big…

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Reminder from PhotoLife

All of our WSC-NPoW parents/caregivers/whānau should have received an email with their child’s unique Key Code to go online to view and purchase 2024 School Photos.       ***FREE DELIVERY EXPIRES Midnight…

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Gently Loved Markets Teens – May 4th, 2024

The Gently Loved Markets Teens Markets will be held on Saturday 4th of May at the Western Springs Garden Community Hall from 10am to 1pm. GLM Teens offers a sustainable market day for 8…

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TAPAC’s April School Holiday Programmes and Kids Show

TAPAC’s April Holiday Programmes – Enrolment’s Open Now! 15 – 26 April | 9am – 3pm | $70 - $350 We're offering special programmes designed to bring out the best…

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Library News

Term 1 has been busy in the library with over one hundred new books hitting the shelves, including comics, manga, novels, short fiction and non-fiction books on art, sport, and…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families…

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We’re Big Fans of Joel Little Here in Music

It’s not everyday a Grammy winning former student comes to visit Te Whare Puoro/Music Department so we counted ourselves incredibly lucky to host Joel Little at the start of March.…

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Investing in a calculator

It is recommended that students carry a dedicated scientific calculator to help with their learning. Having a scientific calculator enhances efficiency and accuracy in not only mathematics but other learning…

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Visual Arts News

Talofa Lava! Progress is well under way with our art students engaging with a range of media and art making practices. Art Homework Club We have opened up the art…

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TAPAC Board Advertisement

TAPAC is particularly looking for new Board Members with experience in: Finance and Accounting; successful applicant to be appointed as Treasurer. Fundraising. Capital Works. Please attach a cover letter outlining…

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Seeking volunteer Reader/Writers for the Derived Grade exams in September

The Learning Support Department is now thinking about recruiting volunteer Reader/Writers for the September Derived Grade exams. If you like connecting with young people, have strong literacy skills and would…

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New Zealand Traveller Declaration – new digital system

Are you going overseas for the school holidays?  When you return, you can now complete a digital New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) before you fly back into New Zealand – replacing the…

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Wastewise Clothing Recycle

Tuesday the 26th of March was our first clothing recycle for 2024 in Te Whakamanu. It is run by our fabulous Waste Wise team and teacher in charge Marie Hickey.…

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Vacancy: Assistant Science Technician

We are seeking an Assistant Science Technician at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea in a 20 hours/week role (term-time only), starting in Term 2 of 2024. This position reports…

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Western Springs Newsletter #2 – Mar 1st, 2024

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Business In Service to the Community (BISC) Directory

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Grey Lynn Mataaga Market

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Communications with our Community

We have several channels by which we keep in touch with you and you can stay informed: Community Updates: From time to time you will receive an email from the…

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Key Information for Whānau – website tab

Looking for infomation on term dates, sports info, how to find the parent portal, how to downlaod the school app?  See our Key Information for Whānau on the school website. …

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Implementation of Government Cellphone ban in schools

Need to know: Cellphones "away for the day" at Springs/Waiōrea (see further details below) Leave your phone at home, or keep it turned off and in your bag while at…

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From the School Nurses

At the start of the year, we like to identify all students who may have an increased need for our services. If your child has significant health needs that we…

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WSCW Ball 2024

The WSCW 2024 School Ball will be held at the Ellerslie Events Centre again, but in their biggest ballroom downstairs (Newmarket Room). Please be aware there are only 650 spaces…

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Celebrating 150 years of firefighting in Auckland – free open day (Sun 17 Mar 2024)

Experience 150 years of firefighting history in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland at a free public open day on Sunday, March 17th 2024. Today, Fire and Emergency in Tāmaki Makaurau serves and…

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Visual Art News

Welcome to Visual Art in 2024!     We are excited to introduce a new addition to our team, TeRina Kapa-Vivian who is joining us as a long-term reliever (LTR)…

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Digital Learning at Western Spring College – Ngā Puna o Waiōrea

Our teaching and learning at Western Springs College - Ngā Puna o Waiōrea is complemented by digital devices and the excellent digital tools we have available to us. In our…

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WSC Football 2024 programme

The Western Springs College Football Programme has been running for 12 years with some significant successes. In 2023, we had over 150 students making up eight teams (six boys and…

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Te Whare Puoro is back in action!

Team Puoro/Music is back in action for 2024 and Te Whare Puoro is already loud! Everything extra-curricular is starting back up this week so I wanted to let you know…

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Year 10 Student View Behind the Scenes – AT Pt Chevalier to Meola Road Project

Students ate lunch at Coyle Park while Mark Banfield, Group Manager Infrastructure Project Delivery - Auckland Transport (left), an Intern Engineer and the Project Manager for the Pt Chevalier to…

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Charli Dunn – Auckland U17s Cricket Team win Nationals!

Congratulations to our Year 13 student Charli Dunn who was selected in the Auckland Under 17s Girls Cricket team to play in a National Tournament in Palmerston North in mid-January,…

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Springs/Waiōrea Policies Review – Term 1, 2024

Our school policies and procedures are maintained through SchoolDocs, which follows a 3-year review schedule to keep them up to date. Each term, the whole school community (whānau, parents, caregivers,…

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Ongoing athletics successes for the Su brothers

Western Springs College brothers, Benaiah Su (Year 12) and Daequan Su (Year 11), have recently achieved great successes at the Auckland Track & Field Championships, which were held on 3rd…

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St John Youth – keen to join?

St John Youth is a structured programme for young people aged 5 to 18 years. The programme is not just about learning first aid and lifesaving skills; it's about building…

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PAG Movie Night Fundraiser – Wed March 6th, 2024

Kia ora WSC-NPoW whānau, You’re invited to the Parents' Action Group (PAG) movie night fundraiser ADVANCE screening of The Great Escaper, starring Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson Bridgeway Cinema, Wednesday,…

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WSCW Pasifika Families BBQ Evening

We invite all of our Pasifika Families across all year levels to join us for our annual BBQ evening on Thursday 22nd February 2024, starting at 6pm. Please RSVP to…

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Lunch is ready!

Making Ranch-Style Chicken Wraps was one of our first practical sessions for Food Technology this year. Food Technology is one of the most popular options for WSCW students, and already,…

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The school app – don’t forget to update your alert preferences

Western Springs College - Ngā Puna o Waiōrea have a mobile app for news and events, daily notices and other important school messages.  Use the app to notify us of absences,…

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2023 year-end THANKS from WSCW staff

Every year, our WSCW staff are grateful for some of our wonderful community members who provide treats, gifts or services to us without wanting any acknowledgement in return. However, we…

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Principal’s Notes – Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

Happy New Year to all of our Springs-Waiōrea community! I hope that you all enjoyed the Christmas/New Year period with your family and friends, and that you've been enjoying the…

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Junior Prize-Giving 2023

Congratulations to all of our Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW) Junior learners (Years 9 & 10) who received awards at our Junior Prize-Giving on the last day of…

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Start of Term 1, 2024 – some key dates

Here are some key dates and events for the first 5 weeks of Term 1, 2024. Week 0 Wednesday 24th January 2024 - Western Springs College main reception reopens Week…

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Amelie Fairclough wins Gold at the NZSS Athletics Champs!

Our 2023 Year 13 Sportswoman of the Year, Amelie Fairclough, recently won 1st place/Gold medal in the Senior Girls 400m race at the NZ Secondary Schools Track and Field Champs,…

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Rehekōrero Australia Article

Picture this, 30 degree weather, performing poetry every night to fresh ears, and the sunburned shores of Australia. That’s what we, the Spoken Word group, Rehekōrero, experienced just earlier this…

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Skylah Tainui-Takerei awarded Tania Dalton 2024 Scholarship

A huge congratulations to Skylah Tainui-Takerei (Y12) who was one of 14 young ladies who was recently awarded a 2024 Scholarship from the Tania Dalton Foundation. This is an amazing…

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Thanks for supporting our 2023 Social Studies Market!

Thank you to everyone involved with the 2023 Social Studies/Tikanga ā-iwi Sustainable Xmas Market, which was held on Wednesday 6th December. Many people put in a lot of work to…

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Wastewise 2023!

Wastewise is one of the four Wises groups at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna O Waiōrea. The other three Wises are Travelwise, Healthwise, and the newly minted Digiwise. Each group has…

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Dance – Highlights of 2023

Trips to see amazing Dance shows - Ko Au by Projekt Team, Shel We by Tupua Tigafua in Tapac Theatre, He Huia Kaimanawa by Bianca Hyslop, TOMO by Gaby Thomas…

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Farewell & best wishes!

As this academic year comes to an end, we would like to bid farewell to two of our teachers, Peter Thyberg (left photo) and Jack Wilson (right photo). We would…

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Hello from Pūoro-Music

Tēnā koutou, I am Carmel, the new Head of Music at Springs Waiōrea, and I have returned to a school that I loved when I was the singing teacher here…

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From the WSCW School Nurses

Kia ora e te whānau, The nurses are located in the green building in the corner of the carpark just along from Tapac. In 2024, if your child has health…

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Moe mai rā/Rest in peace dear Trina

It is with much sadness that we share news of the death of our loved colleague, Trina Sellers. Trina taught at WSCW for 17 years, primarily teaching in the Learning…

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2024 Stationery ordering from OfficeMax

Our 2024 Stationery packs are available for ordering now from OfficeMax. Your child’s class list is already loaded. Just go to Simply add your details, check that you want everything…

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2023 WSCW Online Yearbook – now live!

Our WSCW 2023 Yearbook is now available online on our Yearbook companion website here. All of the WSCW Yearbooks from 2019 are also available on our website here, and these…

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Back to school stationery – orders open 1st Dec 2023

We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make your back to school shop super easy...and if you order in December 2023, you’ll go in the draw to WIN 1 of 5…

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Key Dates – final few for 2023!

There's a handy little list of the final key dates for the 2023 Springs-Waiōrea school year: Thursday 30th November 2023 - NCEA examinations end Friday 1st December 2023 - PAG…

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WSC Mixed Junior Water Polo team wins Gold at NISS!

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our WSC Mixed Junior Water Polo team that won Gold medals at the North Island Secondary School (NISS) Year 9 & 10 Cup (23rd-26th November 2023)…

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FREE EVENT hosted by Disabled Surfers Assn NZ (16 Dec 2023, Piha)

2023/24 Events The 2023/24 summer events are back! We can’t wait to see you all again so let’s hope this summer is kinder to everyone! Please stay in touch via Disabled…

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Principal’s Notes – Nov 29th, 2023

One of the most delightful features of our school year at ‘Springs/Waiōrea is the Annual Beach Picnic that we hold for Year 9 and 10 students at Long Bay Regional…

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PAG – Movie Night Fundraiser – Tues 5th Dec 2023

Kia ora WSC-NPoW whānau, You're invited to the Parent Action Group (PAG) movie night fundraiser ADVANCE screening of Next Goal Wins, directed by Taika Waititi Bridgeway Cinema, Tuesday, December 5th 6.45pm drinks…

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FREE Coding NZ summer holiday workshops

Coding NZ is running its FREE coding holiday activities again this summer - check it out! With the increasing amount of digital technology in our world today, Coding NZ believes…

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Used Physical Education (PE) uniforms

To our Senior students and Year 10 students, If you are no longer intending on taking Physical Education (PE) as an Option from Year 11 onwards, we would appreciate any…

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From our WSCW School Nurses

Desperately Seeking Crutches! If your child has borrowed crutches from the WSCW Student Health Centre (Waiōra) and not returned, can they please be returned as soon as possible....we have none…

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TAPAC’s Summer School Holiday Programmes- Enrolments Open Now!

TAPAC’s Summer Holiday Programmes – Enrolments Open Now! 18 – 22 December | 15 – 26 January | 9am – 3pm | $140 - $325 We're offering special  programmes designed…

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Tikanga ā-Iwi/Social Studies Sustainable Christmas Market

The Social Studies/Tikanga ā-Iwi department would like to invite you all to our Annual Sustainable Christmas Market that will take place on Wednesday 6th December from 9:30am to 12:30pm. PLEASE…

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Junior Arts Festival 2023

TAPAC was a hive of activity again this year with our annual Junior Arts Festival. The weeks leading up to this event were filled with creativity and collaboration as kaiako…

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Vacancy – International Office Administrator (temporary position)

We have an opportunity for an innovative and enthusiastic International Office Administrator to join our International Department at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. This is a temporary position to…

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2023 WSCW Prize-Givings – Congratulations & Thank You!

A big CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU to all those involved with our end-of-year Prize-Givings for 2023, which we held across Weeks 2 and 3 of Term 4: Thursday 19th October 2023…

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Principal’s Notes – Nov 2023

One of the themes I return to time and time again with our students and their parents too, is “what are your next steps?” Focus on your exit qualifications and…

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WSC School Board elections – voting closes Weds 15th Nov 2023 at 4pm

Kia ora e te whānau, The information below is for parents of students in Kura Auraki/Springs (English medium pathway). Voting in the School Board election is underway and the last…

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Ministry-mandated Teacher-Only Day – Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Need to Know Teacher-Only Day - Thursday, November 16th 2023. School closed for instruction. NCEA exams continue as scheduled. Further Details School across New Zealand have been allocated four teacher-only days (TODs)…

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Social Studies Sustainable Xmas Market – Weds 6th December

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Parent Actions’ Group (PAG) Update

Thanks so much to everyone who made it along at short notice to our Term 4 PAG meeting on Tuesday the 7th November, and thank you to everyone who's been…

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Junior Rugby 2024

With the support of Ponsonby Rugby Club and some keen whānau, we have the opportunity to reinvigorate Junior Rugby at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna O Waiōrea. If you are interested…

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Sabina represents NZ in the U18 Ice Hockey team!

Sabina Tunnicliffe has been named for the NZ U18 representative Ice Hockey travelling team.  She is one of only two players from Auckland on the 18-strong girls team who will…

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Wiremu Godfrey – NZ Judo Secondary Schools Champion

Wiremu Godfrey competed in Secondary Schools Judo competition on Saturday 16 September.  In his weight category (under 81kg) he won BRONZE & in the open weight he also won a…

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Principal’s Notes – November 2023

It is wonderful to see the feature on Harry-Ashton-Ireland in this Alumni Newsletter. One of the themes I return to time and time again with our students and their parents…

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News from the Languages Department

Towards to the end of Term 3, our long awaited Overseas EOTC trip departed to Taiwan. Here is a trip recount from one of the students. Taiwan Trip Recount -…

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WSC Equestrian News

Final event of 2023 There is still one more competition ahead in the Schools Equestrian calendar for 2023 – the Auckland Secondary Schools Three Day Event at Puhinui (Dec 8-10th).…

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NZQA Matters: External Exam reminders

IMPORTANT NOTES NCEA exams start on Monday 6th November and finish on Thursday 30th November. Students MUST bring their exam admission slip to EVERY exam. Please ensure they are not…

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Parents’ Action Group (PAG) – Western Springs College

We are in the process of reinvigorating our Parents' Action Group (PAG), and will meet on Tuesday 7th November at 7pm on Level 1 of KHCL (Grey Lynn area, to…

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Tautiakitanga – Sustainability

Recycle your Tetra Pak cartons Tetra Pak cartons are no longer to be put in the recycling bins collected by Auckland Council. Instead, you can find alternatives, like Mylk Made…

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Year 9s Careers- “Ko Wai Au?” “Who Am I?”

When we think of any career planning we reflect on our personal values, strengths and interests. In whanau class last week, Year 9 students were asked to develop their own…

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News from Learning Support – Life Skills – Native Tree and Bird study

Early in term 3 the Life Skills class from Learning Support was invited to take part in some regenerative native tree planting by Waitītiko stream which runs between Western Springs…

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Grey Lynn Park Festival – Sat 18th November 2023

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13Bus YES Tāmaki Makaurau Regional Awards

Recently a number of Western Springs College-Nga Puna ō Waiorea Year 13 students won awards in the the Young Enterprise Scheme Tāmaki Makaurau Regional Awards - Auckland West region. In…

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Arts Week

2023 Arts Banner design by Dawa Yeshe (pictured above) Term three ended with a creative bang! Throughout this week WSCW ākonga could experience and participate in pop up Arts events…

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NCEA Level 3 Calculus programme for Māori and Pacific students

University of Auckland is offering a special 4-week Calculus programme for Māori and Pacific Year 12 students to give them clear pathways into Engineering. The details are as follows: Focus:…

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Women in Engineering

As a part of IEEE women in engineering leadership summit, University of Auckland is offering a free STEM workshop for Y11, 12, and 13 students to attend. The workshop is…

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New Books and Library Awards

Librarian’s choice for this month goes to “Weird Sea Creatures” by Erich Hoyt. A collection of high definition deep sea photographs of the strangest creatures you’ve never seen; including the…

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Yearbook 2023 Website – student/ākonga photos

We are in the process of gathering material to upload to the WSC 2023 Yearbook companion website. Please contact Deputy Principal, Geraldine Victor via email - - to request…

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Drew Cunningham – NZ U18 Ice Hockey Gold medalist

The Auckland Under 18's Ice Hockey team took the Gold medal at the New Zealand Midget Ice Hockey League (U18 NZMIHL) National Championships in Dunedin recently. The NZMIHL features four…

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Job Vacancy – Western Springs College, Receptionist

          We are seeking a friendly and highly-organised member of our community for the Receptionist role at Western Springs College, starting in the 2024 school year.…

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Kai Urungi – Business Operations Manager, Waiōrea

We are seeking a highly organised and aroha-fuelled individual to fill the role of Kai Urungi (Business Operations Manager) at Ngā Puna o Waiōrea on a 12 week, fixed-term basis;…

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Harry Ashton-Ireland – Dutch National Ballet Academy

Harry Ashton-Ireland completed his professional dance training at the Dutch National Ballet Academy in 2023. During his studies he has learnt and performed repertoire from William Forsythe, Ernst Meisner, Rachen…

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2023 Waiōrea Parent-Selected board member statement

Josie Wall Kia ora whānau, I would like to Thank whaea Shannon Haunui – Thompson for nominating me. Ko Waitī te awa Ko Puketōtara te maunga. Ko Tainui te waka.…

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WSC Alumni playing Water Polo at US Colleges

WSC Alumni, Bailey Hollick (formerly in Moana) and Bella Raynes (formerly in Whenua) are playing Water Polo at two different colleges in the USA, and they recently competed against each…

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ECO News – Sep 2023

Recycling Week coming up! Recycling Week is an annual initiative to raise awareness and educate New Zealand on best practices for waste minimisation and recycling. Encouraging conscious procurement, and disposal…

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Charli Dunn in NZ OFC U-16s Women’s Football squad!

Our Year 12 Western Springs College student, Charli Dunn, was recently selected as part of the 19-player squad announced by NZ Football to play in the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) U-16s…

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Drowning Prevention Auckland – Term 4 holiday programmes

Drowning Prevention Auckland has just released a series of water safety programmes for the September school holidays that will run at pools around Auckland. The Splash Holiday programme is a…

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Exciting news from Languages Department!

When the Covid Pandemic happened in 2020, the closure of our borders meant that overseas travel stopped. After all these years of not being able to expand our wings, we…

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Principal’s Notes – September 2023

With term break upon us, signs of Spring weather beginning to emerge and daylight savings due, I want to wish all students and staff a refreshing break as it will…

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Sophia Jones – WSC Alumna in WOW 2023!

WSC Alumna, Sophia Jones, has been selected as one of the Top 120 designers from 22 countries to feature in the 33rd iteration of the world-renowned World of WearableArt (WOW)…

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Māori YouTube Channels Created by NPoW Whānau

Created by whānau from Ngā Puna O Waiōrea, two new YouTube channels are promoting Māori language learning. Speak Māori and Waiata Māori are on YouTube and social media channels. Speak…

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Grey Lynn Park Senior Playspace Renewal – Auckland Council seeking your feedback

As a community stakeholder, Western Springs College is updating our school community on the ‘Have Your Say’ campaign for the renewal of the senior play facility (Dryden St end) at…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We…

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Y11 Business Studies – Guest Speaker Laura Fisher

In late August, Year 11 Business Studies classes were treated to Laura Fisher coming to school to explain how Shannon Kelly (her business partner) and herself successfully launched their new…

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Debating Success

Congratulations to two of our debaters Beza Habtermariam and Alice Shepherd! Beza and Alice have been part of the Advanced Open Team in the Auckland School Debating Competition. The team…

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PASIFIKA PRIZE GIVING – Thursday 19 October 6pm

Malo e lelei, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi atu, Taloha ni, Ni sa bula, Namaste, Kia ora. Warm Pasifika greetings to you all! Talofa lava, Malo le soifua, CALLING ALL FRIENDS…

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Students Brave the Shave for a Cure 2023

In an inspiring display of unity and compassion, three exceptional students, Jaime Black, Draco Ciprian, and Oliver Burton, boldly shed their locks in support of "Shave for Cure," an initiative…

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Library Week Success

Thank you to everybody who participated in library week this year. Over a beautiful sunny week, we had competitions, a table full of donated books, dress-ups and more. It was…

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Students Complete 6-Week Yoga Programme for Wellbeing

Over 6-weeks in Term 3, 15 students participated in an introduction to personal home yoga practice. Each week the group went through a different aspect of practice. And everybody learnt…

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The Red Cross Journey

Do you like jogging with friends? If you do, our Healthwise team would like to introduce this wonderful event to you. Walk to raise money for refugees across the world!…

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Seeking Itinerant Music Teacher (Brass Instruments)

  Itinerant Music Teacher - Brass instruments - 2 hours per week Te Whare Puoro (Music Department)  Western Springs College- Ngā Puna o Waiōrea The Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o…

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Short-term vacancy (2 weeks) for Waiōra Receptionist/Gateway Assistant

We are seeking a friendly & calm member of our community to provide short-term cover (2 weeks) as a Receptionist at our WSCW Student Services Centre (Waiōra) and also provide…

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Principal’s Notes

Given my frequent reference to ‘next steps’ when speaking to students, and parents as well actually, it was hugely pleasing to see the wonderful turnout to our Pathways & Subject…

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Assessment Update: mid-Term 3, 2023

2023 Senior Course Selection Senior Course Selections for current Year 10-12 students are due on Thursday 15th September. Course selection will take place online through the school portal. Information on…

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Springs/Waiōrea Policies Review – Term 3, 2023

Our school policies and procedures are maintained through SchoolDocs, which follows a 3-year review schedule to keep them up to date. Each term, the whole school community (whānau, parents, caregivers,…

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Drama Department Year 12 Production

The Judas Zoo Year 12 Drama Production Week 2, Term 3 Term three began with the two Year 12 Drama classes performing their production, ‘The Judas Zoo’ by Gary Henderson.…

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WSCW Archery Team update

Archery NZ Indoor Nationals - Results Brothers, Jacob Schaffer (Year 11) and Toby Schaffer (Year 10), recently competed at the 50th Jubilee of the Archery NZ Indoor Nationals in Palmerston…

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Digital Learning & Communications at WSCW

A Spotlight on the Digiwise Panel Our students/ākonga have the opportunity to join a ‘Wises’ panel - students in these groups focus on promoting sustainable behaviours aligned to our school…

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Orewa Spring Holiday Surf Programme

If you're keen to get your child signed up to join the popular Holiday Surf Programme at Orewa Beach over the upcoming school holidays, then please email to book…

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Spoken Word Competition Success

'​WORD - The Front Line' is an inter-high school spoken word poetry competition held every year. This year's team from Ngā Puna o Waiōrea had an excellent performance at the…

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Congratulations Sam Kenny – 2023 NZ Short Course Swimming Champ!

Our Year 13 student, Sam Kenny, recently competed in the 2023 Apollo Projects NZ Short Course Championships, held at the Hawke's Bay Regional Aquatic Centre (8-12 August 2023). Congratulations to…

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In desperate need of Reader/Writers and/or Supervisors for the NZQA exams!

Kia ora, The Learning Support Department is looking for Reader/Writer and Exam Supervisors for the NZQA exams this year, starting from Monday 6th November 2023. This is a paid opportunity…

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ECO News

Opening of the Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre Western Springs College was privileged to attend the opening ceremony of this wonderful new Community Recycling Center, and it looks fantastic. Located at…

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First place for Western Springs Equestrian Team!

Maeve Gooder (Year 11) and her horse Waiwai competed in the recent Inter-Schools Show Jumping event at St Peter's College in Cambridge and took home a first place for WSC!…

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Former Students at University Football World Cup

Theo McIntosh who graduated from Springs in 2020 and Hari Pathak Adlard who graduated in 2021, have been selected for the University of Auckland (UoA) Football team (Theo named in…

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Planting at Waitītiko

On August 9th we held our 10th annual planting beside the kura's awa Waitītiko. Auckland City Council's Trees for Survival, once again provided our plants and under the guidance of…

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Drama and Performing Arts Technology

In a thrilling venture beyond the boundaries of our classroom, our Senior Performing Arts Technology students recently embarked on an eye-opening journey to BodyFX, a renowned professional makeup company specializing…

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Clothing Recycle – Tuesday 5 September

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Announcing Book Week

Week 7 is Book Week where the library runs a range of events to celebrate all things reading. We have the annual library whanau time quiz and house quiz; dress…

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Eye Bags – Year 13 Business Studies, Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) business

Do you need a cool, locally designed tote bag? Eye Bags are a Year 13 Business Studies group. We are dedicated to creating unique, beautiful tote bags that feature designs…

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Mazda Wildlife Career Expo

On August 7th, Waiōrea students attended the Mazda Wildlife Career Expo at the Auckland Zoo. They went around to various booths to talk to companies and organisation that work to…

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Green Jam 2023

On Monday the 14th of August a team of Wastewise and Kaitiaki members and Education for Sustainability students headed across the road to the Zoo for Green Jam 2023, our…

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Springs and Waiōrea reopens tomorrow (Weds, August 16th 2023)

Need to know: Springs and Waiōrea will be open to all year levels tomorrow (Wednesday, August 16th). Business as usual. Details: Sewage contamination treated overnight by Contaminated Site Solutions. Contaminated…

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Springs & Waiōrea closed – Tuesday 15th August 2023

Need to know: School closed for onsite learning on Tuesday 15th August - Springs and Waiōrea. Learning will move online with Google Meets at start of each lesson, and work…

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School closure due to sewage leak (Mon 14 August, 1:40pm)

Unfortunately, Western Springs College students have been sent home at the end of lunch today (1.40 pm) due to a major sewage leak in the school, which has consequently created…

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NCEA Level 1 changes from 2024

Need to know: Next year (2024) at Springs, we will implement a new programme that allows students to embark on a two-year journey towards achieving a NCEA Level 2 qualification.…

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WSCW Lockdown EXERCISE now completed -Thurs 10 August 2023

We have completed our lock down exercise and all students, staff and persons on-site are safely accounted for. Everyone did extremely well and responded to instructions. I would like to…

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WSCW Lockdown EXERCISE notice – Thurs 10th Aug 2023, from 12:30pm

Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea is conducting a lockdown EXERCISE. This is NOT a real incident.   Please do not come to school or phone the school as you will not…

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Dress for Success Designer Sale – Sat 5th Aug, Sun 6th Aug

If you love sustainable fashion & designer labels, then you don’t want to miss the annual Dress for Success Designer Sale on Sat 5th August and Sunday 6th August (10am…

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Principal’s Notes

I urge parents to consider attendance at the upcoming Pathways and Subject Choices Evening with their children. Please refer to our newsletter article here that outlines the event in more…

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ECO NEWS – August 2023

Plastic Free July Competition We ended Term 2 and started Term 3 with our Plastic Free July competition. We have had amazing entries from students who did their best to…

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Assessment Update – August 2023

Derived Grade Exams Derived Grade exams will take place in weeks 8 and 9 this term (i.e. from Thursday 7th September to Friday 15th September). The derived grade timetable will…

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Momentum – choreography by Y13 Dance (Tues 8th & Weds 9th August 2023)

Our Year 13 Dance classes warmly invite you to their choreographic showing 'Momentum' on Tuesday 8th August (6pm show) and Wednesday 9th August (3:30pm & 6pm shows) in the TAPAC…

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Music News

Smokefree Rockquest update BUZZ and Carthage both made it through to the top 30 acts for 2023 - massive congratulations to both bands! And now, following in the footsteps of…

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Pasifika Update

CALLING ALL PASIFIKA AIGA & WHĀNAU! Kia Orana, Malo e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu, Namaste, Bula and warm Pasifika greetings to all our aiga & whanau. Talofa lava. Malō le…

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WSCW Pathways and Subject Choices Evening (Thurs 17th Aug)

The Careers Department are hosting the Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Pathways and Subject Choices Evening on Thursday, August 17th from 4:30pm to 7:00pm in KHCL. The evening is aimed…

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YouDance Festival 2023

The 12 students who performed at YouDance Festival received positive feedback on their choreography from dance professionals who attended the shows. Jack Gray, Artistic Director of Atamira Dance Company, ‘Isope…

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This year, our Y13s have a choice of hoodie and/or track pants. Hoodies are $85 each and will have a large "23" with all the Y13 students' surnames printed in…

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Pani Hauora– Year 13 Business Studies Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)

Is your skin irritable, dry and not feeling 100%? Are you looking for a natural remedy to soothe and help your skin? Well, we have a product for you. Pani…

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Reader/Writers required for Derived Grade Exams (7th-15th September 2023)

Kia ora, The Learning Support Department is looking for volunteers to support the students with Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) for the Derived Grade Exams from the 7th September to the…

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Visual Art news – Greetings from Rangitoto

Extended Winter Greetings! Despite the weather and seasonal illnesses – students are continuing to extend and challenge themselves in the Visual Arts. It's been great to see the progress of…

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Careers Expo and Subject Pathways – 17 August 4.30 pm – 7pm KHCL

The Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Pathways Evening is being held in KHCL is aimed for whanau and students who are Year 10 and older although all students…

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Library News

During Pride Week, the New Zealand poet laureate Chris Tse visited Springs where he delivered a keynote speech in the hall to over 300 students. He spoke about the major…

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Mini Arts Tour

In week 9 of term 2 a fantastic group of young creatives performed a selection of short works for Pasadena Intermediate. This is an annual event that we look forward…

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Nathan Lindsay – Representing New Zealand

Congratulations to Nathan Lindsay (year 13) on being selected as a member of NZ U18 Bowling team- Katipō18. On Friday 18th August, Nathan will be travelling to Singapore with the…

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2023 New Zealand Secondary School Swimming Championships

The Western Springs College swim team produced fantastic results at the 2023 New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Championships in Wellington from 20-23 July. The over 16 years 4 x 50m mixed…

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Enhancing Sustainability at Waitītiko

To support our planting programme for the school awa Waitītiko, Paula Marx our school Development Manager decided to set up a pest trapping programme. If our programme is successful we…

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Additional Open Day Tours – Weds 26 Jul & Thurs 27 Jul 2023

ADDITIONAL OPEN DAY TOURS AT WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE/NGĀ PUNA O WAIŌREA School Tours will take place with the Principal: from 9am-10:30am  Wednesday 26th July and Thursday 27th July 2023  …

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WSCW Phone Lines are currently down

Kia ora koutou, Currently, Western Springs College (WSC) & Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) are unable to receive or make external phone calls. This problem is under investigation, but in…

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2024 Springs Enrolment Application

Springs enrolments for 2024 are open. Parents/caregivers who live in-zone should complete an online enrolment application here.

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Recent College Sport Auckland successes – Archery, Swimming

Archery Western Springs College entered a Barebow Team - Jacob Schaffer (Year 11), Toby Schaffer (Year 10), Eljay Paisley (Year 11) and Frederick Storer (Year 11) - into the Term…

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Public transport changes from July 1st, 2023

From July 1st 2023, students can get discounted public transport fares as part of the Government’s Budget 23. Free travel for children aged 5 to 12 years From 1 July,…

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Yoga for student wellbeing – sign up for a free 6-week course in Term 3

To all our Springs-Waiōrea students/ākonga - come and learn how to practice yoga over 6-weeks in Term 3.  When: Thursdays after school: 3:30pm to 4:30pm.  The first 6-week course is…

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Job Vacancy – International Student Administrator

We have an opportunity for an innovative and enthusiastic International Student Administrator to join our International Department at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. This is a 35 hour per…

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Music News from Term 2, 2023

Performances, competitions, visits and staff changes - it’s been busy in Te Whare Puoro (Music Department/Block). Changes in the Music Department staffing There has been quite a shift around in…

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Professor Paul Ballantine (University of Canterbury) visits Y13 Business Class

In mid-June, the Year 13 Business Studies class was fortunate to have Professor Paul Ballantine (Executive Dean of Business) from the University of Canterbury come and discuss Marketing. Professor Ballantine…

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Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki Mānawa maiea te ariki o te rangi Mānawa maiea te Mātahi o te Tau Hail the rise of Matariki Hail the lord of the…

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Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival – Billy McCarthy’s report

Throughout my 5 years at Waiōrea, I've been asked by my Drama teachers to participate in Sheilah Winn and every time I've said no, as I didn't care for Shakespeare.…

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State Memorial & Concert of The Honourable Dame Catherine Tizard

Moe mai rā e te Whaea, e te Kuia, e te Kahurangi Dame Cath! On Saturday June 17th, it was the privilege of Ngā Puna o Waiōrea to be invited…

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Pūhoro Māori STEMM Academy Wānanga

On Thursday June 29th, a group of Year 11 and Year 12 Ngā Puna o Waiōrea students went on an all-day Māori STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Mātauranga) Wānanga…

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Ngā Manu Kōrero – Tamaki Ki Waitematā

Taku Manu Kākātarahae, Taku Manu Taiko, Taku Manu Kōrero e. Ngā Manu Kōrero is regarded as the most significant event on the Māori education calendar for nurturing the oratory skills…

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Autaia 2023

AUTAIA, HĪ!! AUTAIA, HŌ!! We returned to the Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre stage, on Friday 9th of June, and performed to a sold-out crowd! A group of 70 tauira from…

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Visual Art News – July 2023

Greetings from Rangitoto and the Visual Arts department - we are over half way of the year and creative productivity is ramping up across all three fields at senior level.…

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Ecoder – a Year 13 YES Business

Ecoder is a Year 13 Business Studies Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) business and is a brand that focuses on sustainability and cleanliness. Our latest product is an eco-friendly scent bag…

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Lawn Whisperers – a Year 13 Business Studies Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)

Do you need your lawn mowed but can’t find a quieter alternative? That’s why we are here. We are an eco-friendly Year 13 Business Studies Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) business,…

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Waiōrea-Springs success at Auckland Weightlifting Champs!

At the end of May this year, we had two Ngā Puna o Waiōrea ākonga (students) - Dasan Paullay-Beazley (Year 11) and Puna Shortland-Theodore (Year 9) who represented Ngā Puna…

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SPLASH – One-Day Water Safety Programme – July 2023

Drowning Prevention Auckland is running a series of water safety programmes for the July school holidays that will run at pools around Auckland. The Splash Holiday programme is a fun…

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RECYCLING TIP Bunnings battery recycling program: free and easy to use.These Bunnings stores have a battery recycling unit, making it convenient for customers and tradies to drop off their used…

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PPTA industrial action suspended immediately – June 21st, 2023

The PPTA has called off all industrial action, effective immediately, as it has agreed on the arbitration process for its pay dispute with the Ministry of Education. All Springs &…

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2023 Auckland City Mission Appeal

Kia ora Springs-Waiōrea whānau, It is the final two weeks to bring in items for our annual Auckland City Mission appeal. Each whānau (form) class has been given a list…

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Rostering Home dates

The PPTA's escalated industrial action will be in the form of two year levels being rostered home on scheduled days for the remainder of this Term. The rostering schedule is:…

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Peter McIntyre – three generations involved in New Zealand Open Women’s Touch programme

Peter McIntyre is the coaching lead for our New Zealand Open Women’s Touch programme.  He is  joined by his daughter - Assistant Coach Le Toia Tainui-McIntyre and Assistant Coach Kim-Anaka…

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National Shakespeare Festival 2023 – Extraordinary Results!

We are proud to announce the outstanding achievements of two talented students from our kura who recently captivated audiences and garnered accolades at the prestigious Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand…

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Principal’s Notes – June 2023

The current industrial action in support of better pay and conditions for teachers is top of mind across the secondary education sector at the moment, none more so than among…

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Going Global with Yoga for Youth Mental Health

[Photo credit: Andrew Raba - Meeting with German School Teachers in Mainz to talk about Yoga Education in Schools] Over the month of May, I traveled to Europe as a…

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Travelwise week at Springs

Travelwise week is a chance for Springs-Waiōrea to focus on promoting sustainable and safe transport. We are a sustainable school, but we need to keep improving the choices we make…

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Here at Springs/Waiōrea, we need relief teachers/kaiako who are passionate about the importance of relievers and their valuable contribution to the success of students in our schools. If you are…

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Billy Mccarthy – a huge year in the performing arts

Billy Mccarthy is a year 13 at Ngā Puna o Waiōrea, he is an amazing talent and has an admirable work ethic, both of which he shares across a wide…

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Australian Maths Competition

Australian Maths competition is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known mathematics competition for school students. The competition is open for schools in New Zealand to take part in. Interested…

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Mathex 2023

Mathex is a challenging and fast paced mathematics contest where schools from across Auckland compete against each other in teams to answer questions as quickly as possible. The Mathematics Department…

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Springs/Waiōrea Policies Review

Our school policies and procedures are maintained through SchoolDocs, which follows a 3-year review schedule to keep them up to date. Each term, the whole school community (whānau, parents, caregivers,…

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What is the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge?

The World Vision 40 Hour Challenge is New Zealand’s largest youth fundraising campaign.  "CHANGE EVERYTHING FOR CLEAN WATER!!!" EVERY DAY IN MALAWI, 11 CHILDREN DIE FROM DISEASES RELATED TO DIRTY…

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Springs values still resonate with Alumna Carla Harré

I am Carla Harré, an alumni of Western Springs college. I graduated Springs in 2017 and since then I have graduated from Unitec with a degree in Performing and Screen…

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Equestrian Update

Congratulations to the WSC Equestrian Team who competed in the Pegasus Cup Schools Show Jumping event on March 20-21st at Takapoto Estate in Cambridge. This was the first time that…

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Swimming Update for 2023

Term 1 saw an action-packed schedule for the School’s Swim Team. School’s Swimming Sports First up was the well-attended School’s Swimming Sports held at the AUT Millennium, where the senior…

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Visual Art News

Greetings from Rangitoto - the creative buzz of our senior cohorts working on their individual programmes is ramping up as we move into the second half of the year. Junior…

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Reader/Writer positions for September 2023

Are you able to help out with the Practice Exams in September as a Reader/Writer? The Learning Support Department is looking to recruit new people from our school community who…

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Gently Loved Markets Teens – Sat 24th June 2023

Gently Loved Markets Teens is a sustainable market day for Teens with thrifted, and upcycled clothing, accessories, plants, home-baking and more! This free family event is being held at the…

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Assessment Update – June 2023

Level 1 NCEA requirements 2023: Year 11 students need 80 credits to achieve Level 1 Within that 80 credits, 10 numeracy and 10 literacy credits are required Literacy can be…

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French Senior café trip

The Languages Department have been able to resume their yearly French Senior café trip, which was paused during Covid. Our Y11, Y12 and Y13 students took a bus trip to…

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Open Week Tours – July 2023

OPEN WEEKS AT WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE/NGĀ PUNA O WAIŌREA School Tours will take place with the Principal: from 9am-10:30am  Tuesday 18th July to Friday 21st July 2023 The tours will…

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Measles Alert

Are you and your family/whānau protected from measles? With people travelling overseas again, there’s a risk that someone with measles could unknowingly bring the disease back to Aotearoa New Zealand.…

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Principal’s Notes

We hear lots in the press and media generally about declining standards in education. If you have been on any of my school tours during our Open Weeks you will…

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Top Scholar acknowledged

Our Top Scholar for Dance, Minh Anh Tran, personally received her Premier Scholar Award from the Prime Minister at the Wellington ceremony.  Congratulations again on this outstanding achievement! Minh Anh…

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Pink Shirt Day on 19th May 2023

Everyday Upstander Kaitiaki ia rā.  You have the power to prevent bullying! Research shows more than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when tauira/students intervene. Our school will have a…

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Encouraging collaboration in maths classes

To encourage collaboration between students in our year 9 maths classes, the maths department elected to participate in a collaborative activity with escaping a digital escape room as the theme.…

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Collaboration with Pasadena Intermediate School

The Y13 statistics students from WSC visited Pasadena Intermediate school during term 1 as a part of the statistics topic they were working on. During the visit, the WSC statistics…

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Ball themed clothing swap

This is happening Tuesday May 23rd.  Please bring your clothing and accessory donations to the hall foyer before the event day. Ngā mihi nui  

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News from the International Department

Welcome to term 2 and our new international students who joined us at the start of the term. As they settle into the new term, we encourage them to take…

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Gardener and Groundsperson Wanted 

Come work as part of our excellent grounds team. 40hrs per week Mostly gardening - 30hrs, plus some grounds team work - 10hrs 52 Weeks per year. Requirements and skills:…

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HEAD-HIGH Workshop with well-known NZ actor Lynette Forday

In Term 3 of 2023, Springs-Waiōrea are offering students the opportunity to take part in a weekly workshop run by well-known Celebrity Treasure Island contestant & Shortland Street actor and…

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Science Competitions

Interested in taking your scientific knowledge and understanding to the next level? Biology: The NZIBO (New Zealand International Biology Olympiad) is an examination that has 3 levels, the first of which happens…

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North Island Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs

A full term of local training and racing had the Springs Orienteering team primed for 3 days of racing in the North Island SS champs.  A 5am start plus long…

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WSC Sailing

The WSC sailing team competed in the Auckland Cup for Teams Racing, run out of the Royal Akarana Yacht Club over April 30-31. For a team that was put together…

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EARTH DAY In May this year, we celebrated Earth day (the actual date was 22nd April), with a focus on our ocean, to raise awareness on the importance of looking…

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Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We…

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Board Meeting agenda 08/05/2023

Board agenda 08/05/2023  

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Epro8 in 2023

Each year WSC - NPOW enters teams in the interschool Epro8 engineering competition. This has been impacted by Covid restrictions since 2020, but it should be all go for 2023.…

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Waiōrea performs at the NZ Breakers semi-final

On Sunday 12th March, a group of 23 Waiōrea students performed a "Wero" on court to the Sydney Kings, on behalf of the New Zealand Breakers at the trans-Tasman battle…

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Ngā Puna O Waiōrea – 2023 Polyfest Champions!

The last week of the term 1 was a busy, but successful, one for all of our Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) ākonga, kaiako, tutors and whānau involved in the…

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Principal’s Message – April 2023

You will see elsewhere in this Newsletter that Ngā Puna o Waiōrea has again taken out first place in both Division 1 (the Premier division) and Division 2, and second…

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Geography teacher happy to be back in the classroom

Geography teacher Sarah Carr would like to thank her colleagues and the leadership of Springs - Waiōrea for allowing her to take leave in order to complete a Postgraduate Diploma…

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ECO News – April 2023

ECO TIP Auckland is aiming for zero waste by 2040 and keeping your food scraps out of the rubbish is a great way you can help, this is why this…

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Dance News – Trips and Street Dance guest tutors

This term the year 12 Dance class have been developing their understanding of hip hop and street dance with their Dance teacher Sam Wood Rawnsley. The outcome of this learning…

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More feedback on our newsletter please.

We are always looking to improve our communication with whanau and community and would appreciate your feedback on our newsletter.  Thank-you to those that have already given feedback. Click here…

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WSCW 2023 Ball for Y13 & Y12 students

The WSCW Y13 & Y12 School Ball will be held at the Ellerslie Events Centre (Level 3 Guineas Rooms) on Saturday 27th May 2023. There is a limit of 500…

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Geography Adventures

Great weather, no lockdowns and a school/BoT that supports EOTC have made it a great year to be a Geographer. Geography is the study of places and the relationships between…

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Sheilah Winn Regional Shakespeare Festival 2023

Bright and early on a Sunday morning thirteen dedicated performers and their Drama Kaiako headed off to this year’s SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Regional Shakespeare Festival 2023, hosted…

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Fundraising for the communities affected by the floods and cyclone

On the 31st of March, the Healthwise leaders had organized a karaoke session at lunch. Teachers sang their favorite songs, and there were even duets with students! Mr Dan started…

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Junior Arts Festival 2022

In the final week of 2022, our Arts Departments shared a very special celebration of Junior Arts here in TAPAC theatre. Our foyer and theatre were filled for two sold…

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Board Meeting agenda 20/03/23

PUBLIC Mtg 2 - 20230320 Board Meeting Agenda

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Principal’s Notes – March 2023

A focus of my Board report this month is school attendance. Parents and caregivers will be aware this is a national focus too as school attendance stats have been in…

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NCEA Information Evening for Māori & Pasifika whānau

NCEA Information for Maori and Pasifika Whānau Wednesday, 22nd March 2023 – 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm in the KHCL Building This information session is designed to answer any questions…

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Library News – March 2023

It has been a great term at the library with hundreds of new books bought, winning orientations, great read-alouds, and more. Term 1 is our orientation time where hundreds of…

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NZ Sailing Trust holiday programmes – Hinemoana & Tikapa Moana

The NZ Sailing Trust has two trips (Hinemoana & Tikapa Moana) during the school holidays to help ākonga complete their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Journey or residential trips or just…

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Atea Blood Drive – Friday 24 March 2023, 9am-1pm

The Atea Blood Drive is taking place again this year on Friday 24th March in the school hall, from 9am to 1pm. See the below form for more information.

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The Light Project parents’ evening – Thursday 23rd March

WSCW is hosting The Light Project parents’ evening next week on Thursday 23rd March (7pm start) on Level 2 of the KHCL at Springs. All welcome. The Light Project was…

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Dress for Success Auckland event – Sat 1 April 2023

Dress For Success Auckland is holding it one of it’s events – Fill A Bag Sale – at the Western Springs Garden Community Hall on Saturday 1st April 2023, from 10am to…

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March 14 i.e. 3.14 was Pi-day, a day to celebrate the well-known mathematical constant Pi. Pi is the relationship between the circumference and diameter of a circle. The celebrations usually…

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Year 9 Statistics Project

Our year 9 students are on the verge of completing their statistics projects. They are tasked with presenting the findings of their projects to their whānau. Parents of year 9…

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Wastewise Clothing Recycle

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Visual Arts News

Extended Greetings from Rangitoto, Despite the disruptive start to the year, it has been a whirlwind of activity as students have settled into the first term - introducing them to…

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Welcome Arts Leaders of 2023!

This year we are fortunate to have four new creative and driven Arts Leaders joining our team. Oliver Burton, Oscar Lyons, Ruby Judson, Isabella Benson. Hi! I’m Bella, one of…

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Athletics News – Congrats Amelie!

Amelie Fairclough (Y13) was selected in December last year to be in the NZ Secondary Schools touring athletics squad to complete in the televised Classic Competitions in NZ in January…

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Philosophy makes neurons – practical learning

The Year 12 Philosophy class have been learning about addiction and the brain, so this weeks lessons they have been having practical lessons in making different neurons out of pipe…

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Eco News

Eco tip - Choose local Local food, local artists, local clothes makers, local menders… not only is this beneficial financially, it is also a more environmental choice as products don't…

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Wises Camp 2023 – Camp Maynard

Wises liaison teachers; Ada Wong, Jared Hockly, Deb Thompson and Marie Hickey, had the pleasure of spending a productive and inspirational camp with a great group of student leaders and…

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Important Notice – WSCW to close at 10am on Weds 8 March 2023

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Te Matatini 2023

Congratulations to all past and present kaiako and ākonga who took part in various rōpū at Te Matatini this year. Ngā Puna o Waiōrea was well represented in Angitū by…

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Warm welcome back in 2023!

We welcome all our staff, teachers/kaiako, students/ākonga and their families/whānau back to the 2023 school year at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. Last week on Thursday (16 February), we…

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Blue Light 2023 Programmes

Blue Light is a registered charity that works in partnership with the NZ Police to provide young people of Aotearoa New Zealand opportunities that empower and challenge!  All of the…

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WSCW Archery News

Jacob Schaffer has had a fantastic start to the year, where he competed at the Youth North Island Championships in Tauranga earlier this month. Jacob won Silver in both his…

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Job Vacancy – WSCW Accounts Officer

We have an opportunity for an experienced, innovative and enthusiatic Accounts Officer to join our Office Administrative team at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW). This is a 25 hours/week, term-time…

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Athletics News – Congratulations to the Su brothers!

The Su brothers, Benaiah (Year 11) and Daequan (Year 10), both competed at both the North Island (Whanganui) and the South Island (Timaru) Colgate games over the summer holidays and…

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WSC Summer Sports – still time to sign up!

If you're interested in playing Summer Sports for WSCW, then please head along to Te Whakamanu (adjacent to the new gym for our new students) and register your interest in…

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Mount Albert Lions Rugby League – 2023 call for players

The Mount Albert Lions Rugby League Club Under 16s Boys team are looking looking for the 2023 season. Pre-season training has commenced Tuesday and Thursday nights. 6.20pm Fowlds Park Mt…

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Digital Learning and Communications

Our teaching and learning at Western Springs College - Ngā Puna o Waiōrea is complemented by digital devices and the excellent digital tools we have available to us. In our…

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Speed limit on Motions Road goes down to 30km on 2nd March.

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Job Vacancy – Student Administrator – International team

We have an opportunity for an innovative and enthusiastic Student Administrator to join our International team at Western Springs College – Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. This is a 35 hour…

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Football sign-up and news

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Scholarship Success

We are delighted to receive notification of the success of Springs - Waiōrea students in the 2022 New Zealand Scholarship Examinations. Congratulations to the students who gained scholarships in the…

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Springs/Waiōrea Policies Review

Our school policies and procedures are maintained through SchoolDocs which follows a 3 year review schedule to keep them up to date. Each term, the whole school community (whanau, parents,…

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WSCW Equestrian Team

This has been a tough past few weeks for families with flooding damage to homes and paddocks, many with concerns about horse welfare, both within and outside of the Western…

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Our school values, with the aim of strengthening relationships in a positive environment, are reflected in our school culture, and enable us to remove barriers to engagement and improve students’…

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Springs Waiōrea will be open on Wednesday 15th Feb

Firstly, we would like to acknowledge whānau impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle, and before that the floods. This is unprecedented weather and we understand the physical and emotional toll it can…

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Community Update: 12 February – Cyclone Gabrielle

Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea will be closed for onsite learning on Monday 13th February and Tuesday 14th February due to the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle. Due to…

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Rio Faleafa selected for NZ U18s Water Polo Squad in 2024!

A huge congratulations to our WSC Year 12 student, Rio Faleafa, who was recently announced in the 2024 New Zealand Under 18s Mens Water Polo Squad! Rio will train in…

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Coding NZ offers free holiday activities over 2022/2023 summer holidays

After receiving fantastic feedback from parents and students last year, Coding NZ has decided to offer free tutored coding holiday activities again this summer. Check out the flyer and link…

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Waiōrea 2022 Prize-Givings – Ngā mihi nui

A huge thanks and congratulations to all of our Ngā Puna o Waiōrea tauira who received awards at our recent Waiōrea Prize-Givings held in our last week of school (full…

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Skylah Tainui-Takerei selected for NZ Netball Development Camp in 2023!

Our Year 11 Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea student/tauira, Skylah Tainui-Takerei, was recently announced as one of 90 secondary school netball players from across Aotearoa New Zealand invited to…

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Principal’s Notes – December 2022

What a pleasure it has been to witness the roll call of prizewinners walking across the stage to receive recognition for their outstanding work in 2022. From the Year 13…

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WSCW 2022 Yearbook Companion Website now online!

Our WSCW 2022 Yearbook is now available online here. All of the yearbooks from 2019 are also available on our website here, and these can be accessed from our school…

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London awaits Nina Somerville!

Congratulations to Nina Somerville, who as a member of the Young Shakespeare Company of New Zealand will be performing at the Globe Theatre in London next year! Nina was selected…

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Thanks for supporting our WSCW Y9 Social Studies Sustainable Market!

A huge THANKS/Ngā mihi to everyone who supported our WSCW Year 9 Social Studies Christmas Sustainable Market, which was held on Thursday 1 December on Level 2 of KHCL. We…

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2023 Fully Funded Outward Bound Courses for teens with physical disabilities

Outward Bound runs Adapted courses for secondary school students with physical disabilities. These courses are fully funded. The only cost to students is getting a pre-course medical done by a GP…

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Air Training Corps looking for New Cadets

This is an excellent extra-curricular activity for students aged between 13-15. Activities include bushcraft, hiking, drill, leadership, and community events. Two squadrons are located in Arch Hill (Tuesday nights) and…

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Waiōrea’s Amazing Race and Rā Manaakitanga

As part of Ngā Puna o Waiōrea haerenga week in week 7, the Year 9 and 10 students took part in the bi-annual Omanga Miharo- Amazing Race. Working in their…

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News from the International Department

Special Programme for Term 3 and 4 new students While the senior students were sitting the NCEA exams, our Term 3 and 4 senior new students were enjoying the four-week…

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2022 Art Celebrations!

Extended Seasonal Greetings Although the year is drawing to a close, it is worth noting the number of Visual Arts displays that have occurred in the last couple of months. …

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2023 Fully Funded Outward Bound Courses for teens with physical disabilities

Outward Bound runs Adapted courses for secondary school students with physical disabilities. These courses are fully funded. The only cost to students is getting a pre-course medical done by a GP…

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Life Skills Trip to the Zoo

Learning Support Senior Life Skills Programme This year, some of our senior Learning Support students have been involved in a specialist course called Life Skills. They have participated in a…

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RECYCLING IN TĀMAKI MAKAURAU TOP TIPS FOR A SUSTAINABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 1. Quality not quantity - when buying gifts think: less but better, putting the time into picking a quality…

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Prize-Givings 2022 – Congratulations & Thank You!

A big CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU to all those involved with our end-of-year Prize-Givings for 2022, which we held across Week 3 of this term: Monday 31 October 2022 -…

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NPoW places FIRST at Te Ahurea Tino Rangatiratanga!

In November 2022, Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) took part in the Auckland Secondary Schools' Kapa Haka competition, known as Te Ahurea Tino Rangatiratanga, which was established in 1996 to…

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Dress for Success Auckland event – Fill A Bag Sale (Sat 3 Dec 2022)

Dress For Success Auckland is holding it one of it's events - Fill A Bag Sale - at the Western Springs Garden Community Hall on Saturday 3 December 2022, from…

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Year 9 WSC student represents NZ in International Climbing event!

Our Year 9 WSC student, Amaya Tan-Peters, recently represented New Zealand at the Noumea Open International Climbing event held in New Caledonia between the 13th-15th October 2022. Amaya came 2nd…

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Successes for Year 13 student, Avery Longhurst!

Our Year 13 student Avery Longhurst, CEO of the company called Buzz Shots, recently won two awards at the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) for the West Auckland region…

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Principal’s note

As you can see in this latest Newsletter ex ‘Springers’ are aceing it out there. Well done to all of you...and don’t forget to visit your old school. We would…

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Football Fern Daisy Cleverley

Alumna, Football Fern Daisy Cleverley continues to be a bright presence in the women's football scene. She currently plays for the Danish first division club HB Køge, enabling her to…

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Alumna Pearl Little

Pearl Little is the Green Party Press Secretary based in Wellington. Her job involves helping to amplify the work of Green MPs through the media. She was the Strategic Communications…

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What did Dance students do in 2022?

After two years of cancelled events, the Springs Dance Department made up for lost time with a buzzing array of events - trips, performance opportunities, guest tutors and more! Trips…

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Social Studies Sustainable Market – SAVE THE DATE

On Thursday 1st December (week 7), just about all of the WSCW Year 9 cohort will be involved in our Annual Social Studies Christmas Sustainable Market. This will take place…

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Principal’s Notes – November 2022

On Wednesday last week, we welcomed on to the site for the first time our new Evaluation Partners from the Education Review Office (ERO).  ERO has shifted to a more…

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Would you like to be a Homestay Family for WSC?

WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE - HOMESTAY FAMILIES WANTED Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do…

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Library Wrap-Up

It’s been a great wrap up to 2022 in the library with some new purchases, a pizza lunch for the library monitors, and a new story-time initiative to boost engagement…

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FUYA Academy Sportsperson of the Year Recipient

Dillon Lovrin, a year 10 student, and dedicated soccer player, was nominated and won the FUYA Academy Sportsperson of the Year award for 2022. The football academy awards were held…

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2023 stationery can be ordered from now

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Visit from the Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre The Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre held a Logo Design Workshop for some of our Year 9, 10, 12 and 13 students. The WCRC…

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WSCW tech recycling programme has closed

Sadly, the HP Tidy Tech recycling programme has closed and you will no longer be able to recycle your old technology items at school.  Please do not bring any IT…

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Frances Sauvao Va’auli receives the ‘Tulī Takes Flight’ scholarship

Alumna, Frances Sauvao Va'auli was a recipient of the‘Tulī Takes Flight’ scholarship which was presented at the Dawn Raid Commemoration on 27th August, 2022. The scholarships are a part of…

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2022 WSCW Prize-Givings – Save The Dates

As the year is zipping by, we thought we'd share with you the dates for our Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea 2022 Prize-Givings so that you can save the…

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GOOD IN THE HOOD Campaign now on- Support WSCW and the NZ Sailing Trust

Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW) have been kindly nominated by the NZ Sailing Trust as the successor of any donations they receive as a recipient of the GOOD…

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More success for Waiōrea at Ngā Manu Kōrero 2022

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe (congratulations) to our Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) ākonga, Year 10 Rehutai Appleyard, representing our region Tāmaki Makaurau – Ki Te Waitematā, who achieved…

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2022 Winter Tournament Week Wrap-Up

Following COVID related-disruptions, our second-ever Winter Tournament Week took place between Monday 29th August and Friday 2nd September 2022. A huge THANK YOU to all those involved with this amazing…

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WSC Junior Cricket Boys (starting in Term 4) – new team members welcome!

As we head into Term 4 soon, our WSC Cricket season will be starting for our school teams. If there are any Year 9 or Year 10 Boys interested in…

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Ordering of PhotoLife Sports Teams & Clubs Photos (free delivery to WSC ends midnight Sun 9 Oct)

Just a reminder that parents should have received an email from PhotoLife about ordering of WSC Sports Teams & Club Photos. If you haven't, please check your Spam folder or…

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Autaia – Haka Theatre Performance showcases future stars from Waiōrea!

On Thursday 29th of September 2022, a sold-out performance in the Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre in Aotea Centre showcased original works of haka theatre through Autaia - a unique blend…

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Kapa Haka Nationals 2022 Competition – Congratulations Waiōrea!

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe (congratulations) Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) for taking out 2nd place at the recent Kapa Haka Nationals 2022 Competition, Ngā Kapa Haka Kura Tuarua…

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Principal’s Notes

Senior ‘Derived Grade’ Exams 990 students were involved in this year’s derived grade ‘mock’ exams over 7 days – beginning at 9.00 am with session 1 and session 3 concluding…

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Arts News

Skill building, creating, connecting, refining, rehearsing and much more! It has been a busy term here at WSCW in all of the Arts learning spaces. This term has seen many…

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Arts News

Skill building, creating, connecting, refining, rehearsing and much more! It has been a busy term here at WSCW in all of the Arts learning spaces. This term has seen many…

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Arts News

Skill building, creating, connecting, refining, rehearsing and much more! It has been a busy term here at WSCW in all of the Arts learning spaces. This term has seen many…

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Grace Cory-Wright – Selected for NZ Secondary Schools Orienteering Team

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Grace Cory-Wright (Year 10 student from Moana House) who was selected in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Orienteering Team. Grace participated in the Australian Schools Championships…

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NZEDC event – HOPE NIGHT – Weds 19 Oct 2022

The New Zealand Eating Disorders Clinic (NZEDC) is hosting a free event called HOPE NIGHT on Wednesday 19 October 2022 (4pm to 6pm) in Newmarket, which is for individuals and…

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48Hours 2022 Film Competition Success!

Congratulations to Archie Crayford and Finlay Trelease-Hughes (Team Shole)! Their film 'Maybe Crazy' made for the 48Hours 2022 Film Competition was nominated for Best School Team Award in the Auckland…

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“Stars are the Limit” Careers Evening for Māori & Pasifika students – Tues 18th October 2022

In the first week of Term 4, on Tuesday 18th October 2022, the Stars are the Limit Careers Evening will held for Māori & Pasifika students of Western Springs College-Ngā…

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School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C) – strike taking place on Fri 23 Sep 2022

Western Springs College/Ngā Puna O Waiōrea accepts that students from the college may want to take part in the School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C) event on Friday 23 September 2022.…

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Year 13 Biology trip to Auckland Zoo

Our Year 13 Biology class went to the Auckland Zoo for an educational session on trends in human evolution. The session covered changes from quadruped great apes to biped intelligent…

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WSCW vacancy – Accounts Officer – would you like to join us?

We have an opportunity for an experienced, innovative and enthusiastic Accounts Officer to join our Office Administrative team at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW). This is a 25…

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Ngā Puna o Waiōrea ākonga in Spoken Word Finals

Kia ora tātou, Our team, Piremina Ngapera, Ava & Kaiya Walker, Arahi Sionetali-Rattray and Koromiko Jacobs-Williams came 3rd  in the WORD - The Front Line finals behind Marcellin and the winners Papakura.  An awesome…

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Wellbeing Expo – Sat 24 Sep – come join us!

Western Springs will be hosting its first Wellbeing Expo on Saturday 24th September on site from 10:00am-2:00pm. We will have stalls from a range of charities, organisations and businesses that…

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Healthwise – Competition News

Healthwise organised a form class activity to help create an environment that is inspiring (for Oranga House), welcoming (for Atea House), calming (for Whenua House), safe (for Moana House) and…

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WSCW Peace Ambassadors attend the 2022 Youth Peace Symposium

Each year, The Peace Foundation (Te Rōpū Rongomau o Aotearoa) puts on a Youth Peace Symposium Event. It is held on a school day at the Western Springs Community Centre,…

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Green Jam 2022

Green Jam 2022 was live and enlivening! The sustainability conference was an amazingly informative and inspiring event. A result of the collaboration of students from Wastewise, Year 12 Education for…

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ECO News

ECO TIP - Plastic free options to store food Did you know that the average household bin in Auckland is about 45% food waste? Uneaten food is a major contributor…

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Reader/Writer (Exam Assistants) for the NZQA November exams

Kia ora Community, The Learning Support Department is turning their attention to the November 2022 exams and recruiting for Exam Assistants (Reader/Writers) - a three hour session where you will…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families…

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Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea – School Board 2022 Election and Selection Results

Held under the school’s alternative constitution enabling co-governance. A copy of the alternative constitution, promulgated 14 March 2019, is online at Declaration of Parent-elected Board Member Results Parent-elected Board Member…

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Laptop Appeal

With families around NZ experiencing increasing financial hardship - we have an increasing number of families who are unable to purchase laptops for their children.  We are raising funds to…

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EPro8 update

The opening round of this construction competition is done and dusted... Seniors We had 3 teams entered. They placed 1st, 4th and 3rd in their events. There are 12 teams…

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Springs student at Youth Parliament

As already in the Principal's Notes for August 2022, our strong links with NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern show through in a report from our Year 12 Springs student, Amelia…

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Principal’s Notes – August 2022

Every school day at Springs/Waiōrea is a big day? In Aotearoa, all children under 16 years of age are required to attend a registered school every day, unless they are…

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WSC successes at the NZ Secondary Schools Championships

We're really proud of the Western Springs College Swim Team, who competed at the 2022 New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships on 28-31 July 2022 at Waterworld in Hamilton. Our six…

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News from Zylah & Esther from Y12 Education for Sustainability

Last term, we undertook a cleanup of our community with the aim of gaining sponsorship which we would then contribute to the school’s solar panel fundraiser. We’d like to thank…

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WSCW vacancy – Accounts Officer

We have an opportunity for an experienced, innovative and enthusiastic Accounts Officer to join our Office Administrative team at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW). This is a 25…

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News from the Maths Department – Aug 2022

New Zealand Engineering Science Competition New Zealand Engineering Science competition is an annual problem solving competition run by the University of Auckland for secondary school students throughout New Zealand. The…

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Earphones at Western Springs College/Ngā Puna O Waiōrea

We recommend all students bring a pair of earphones to school/kura. Earphones will be available from the school office from 22/8/22 for $16. Why are earphones a recommended item on…

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How To Read the Daily Notices

A reminder that daily notices can be viewed by caregivers and students on the WSCW website at the daily notices menu or on our school app, also on the menu…

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Arts News

It’s Showtime! At the end of term two we warmly invited whānua, kaiako and tauira to our Junior Arts showing in the school hall. This new event aimed to give…

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Senior Course selection for 2023 + Y11 MCAT date

Senior Course Selection for 2023 (information due in Term 3, 2022) Term 3 is course selection for 2023 for Years 10-12 students. Information will be sent to whānau over the…

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WSC-NPoW’s enters first-ever mixed Netball team

Mixed Senior Netball is done and dusted! This year marks WSC-Waiōrea's first mixed gender netball team enrolled in Netball Waitakere's first mixed senior grade ever! The games were tough -…

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Fantastic mahi from two Y12 Education for Sustainability students

Introduction  Western Springs College provides a subject for Year 12 students and above called Education for Sustainability. Under this course, students learn about environmental, social, and economic factors of sustainability,…

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Food deliveries (including Uber Eats) stopped during school hours

We'd like to issue a friendly reminder that WSC-NPoW will no longer accept deliveries for students from food delivery companies (including Uber Eats) during school hours. We thank you in…

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Year 9 camps planned for Nov 2022

We are in the process of organising the Year 9 camps at Tāwharanui campgrounds. Springs Year 9 students will go in House groups for 2 nights and 3 days at…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families…

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News from International Department – Aug 2022

NEW TERM 3 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS After the NZ border closure to international students for two long years, the international department welcomed a group of 31 new international students for Term…

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Y13 English visit to Auckland Art Gallery

One of our Year 13 English classes had a wonderful visit to the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki last week. We were guided through the exhibition "Declaration! A Pacific…

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Library Week

When: Week 7, 5th September to 9th Our wonderful librarians Sharda and Andrew have an exciting week lined up to celebrate all things literature and language. A famous New Zealand…

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Do you have any spare calculators to donate?

Do you have any spare calculators at home or work that are not being used? Then please hunt them out and consider donating them to our school for use during…

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ECO NEWS – Aug 2022

ECO TIP - What can you compost? Photo credit @ethiqueworld PLASTIC FREE JULY We had some amazing entries into the Ethique Giveaway staff and students draw. Huge thanks to everyone…

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Y13 studying Tourism Development.

In the first week of Term 3, 49 students and 3 staff visited Rotorua to learn first hand about spatial and temporal patterns of tourism development in Rotorua.  From the…

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Upcoming Fully Funded Outward Bound Adapted Courses

Outward Bound runs Adapted courses for secondary school students with physical and intellectual disabilities. These courses are fully funded thanks to Outward Bound’s generous supporters and donors. The only cost to…

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Meet the Candidates for 2022 WSC Parent-elected Board members

On Monday 22nd of August at 7pm, there was an opportunity for our school community to meet the following six candidates standing for election - either at school or online…

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Business In Service to the Community (BISC) Directory

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Principal’s Notes – July 2022

It is wonderful to begin this Newsletter with the acknowledgement of the receipt of $1,000 deposited into our accounts by BISC – Business in Service of the Community.  This annual…

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NZ Touch Age Group Rep – Skylah Tainui-Takerei

Over the past 3 year, Skylah Tainui-Takerei (a Year 11 Ngā Puna o Waiōrea tauira) has represented the Auckland Under 16s Girls provincial side, at the same time making the…

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2022 Photos for WSC Sports Teams & WSCW Clubs/Groups

PhotoLife will be onsite on Wednesday 10 August 2022 (Week 3, Term 3) to take photographs of our 2022 WSC Sports Teams and WSCW Clubs & Groups for our Yearbook…

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Vacancy – WSCW Exam Centre Manager

Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW) is seeking an Examination Centre Manager to run the NCEA and NZ Scholarship examinations in 2022. The smooth and successful running of an exam centre is…

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2022 Triennial School Board Elections

Triennial elections for the Western Springs College-Ngā Puna O Waiōrea School Board will soon be taking place in Term 3. Our co-governance constitution means that we have positions on our…

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Reader and/or Writer – volunteers wanted for exams

Kia Ora Community, WSC has the Derived Exams (formerly known as Mocks) beginning on the 15th September 2022 (in week 8 of this term) and finishing on Friday 23rd September…

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More Rockquest successes!

Western Springs College won first place in both the solo/duo, and band sections of the SmokefreeRockquest Auckland Central regional finals! Huge congratulations to This Machine Means Murder who won the bands…

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WSC Health Education Survey 2022

We would like to offer you the opportunity to complete the Western Springs College (WSC) Health Education survey for 2022. The link for the survey is here. This survey is…

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WSC 2022 Senior Open Debating Competition: 3 teams in Octo finals!

Sam Marsh, Scarlett Ledgrove, Amelia McCrone, Ruby Judson, Alice Shepherd,  Sam Mankelow, Bella Benson, Esther O'Donnell, Arushi Gupta, Jaime Black, Radha Patel, Mackenzie Fleet, Maha Shahab. The 3 WSC Senior…

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College Sport Auckland Individual Swimming Championships – Sun 26 June

Individual champs were a big success this year. Springs had six swimmers: Sam Kenny, Liam France, Koen Dettling, Tom Kenny, Tess Whineray and Abigail Sharp. Four of the swimmers medalled…

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Year 11 Geography trip to Waihi

Another fabulous spin off of COVID fun, is the field trips rescheduled to winter. However, the weather gods smiled upon all but two of the groups. While it hailed on…

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Netsafety Week 2022

This week is NetsafetyWeek2022. We’ve joined forces with Netsafe to promote the safe and positive use of the internet. During this week our student Digiwise team will be promoting online…

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Show jumper – Charlie Ullrich

One of our Year 12 students, Charlie Ullrich, has had great success in show jumping.  Recently, Charlie was lucky enough to travel over to Germany and train with Gugler Sport…

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Eco News – July 2022

ECO TIP - Plastic Free July     Photos credit @Plastic Free July Aotearoa Have you tried to live plastic free this July? Email us your photos and be in…

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Y12 Geography trip in Tongariro

What an epic Year 12 Geography trip this year! Covid-related issues led to an unusual winter adventure instead of an autumn trek. Icy conditions on the crossing meant we ran…

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Matariki planting at the awa

In week 9 of Term 2, the week of the rising of Matariki, the kura continued the our annual native planting programme next to our awa Waititiko.  This has been…

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WSCW success at Smokefree Rockquest Auckland heats

WSCW success at SmokefreeRockquest Auckland heats - bands and solos On Saturday afternoon (11 June 2022), 27 bands from 15 Auckland Central schools made lots of noise, pumping out original…

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Auckland City Mission Appeal

Many form classes are currently taking part in our annual Social Studies Auckland City Mission Appeal. The Auckland City Mission provides around 900 emergency food parcels every week and they…

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WSCW vacancy – International Department Service Administrator

We have an opportunity for an innovative and enthusiastic Service Administrator to join our International team at Western Springs College – Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW). This is a 30 hour per week role,…

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WSCW 2022 Ball

"Enchanted Ruins" was the theme to this year’s ball and the transformed ballroom definitely looked enchanting thanks to Asha Vaidya (mastermind behind the theming), Beth Fitzgerald and our Events leaders…

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Principal’s Notes – June 2022

Open Week school tours (actually extended to 8 days) preceding the 2023 enrolment season have now been completed with a huge amount of interest evident from our feeder schools.  Additional…

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Eco News – June 2022

          As a Gold Green-Gold Enviro school, we are very proud to announce that we are now recycling disposable face masks! We have 3 bins located…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families to host & care…

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International Department News

As we are heading into the middle of the school year, our international students are finding it challenging to juggle all the school work and preparing for assessments and exams. …

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WSCW vacancy – Examination Centre Manager

Western Springs College, Ngā Puna O Waiōrea is seeking an Examination Centre Manager to run the NCEA and NZ Scholarship examinations in 2022. The smooth and successful running of an exam centre is important for all…

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Digital Learning Update – June 2022

Digiwise YAS training The Digiwise team undertook Netsafe Youth Action Squad training recently. Our 8 keen members learnt about how to keep themselves safe online and ways to promote online…

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SPCA Fundraiser

On the fourteenth of April, the Peace Ambassadors fundraised for the SPCA with a bake sale. Many ambassadors baked, with cookies and cakes in the shapes of paws and animals!…

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Principal’s note

International students returning to New Zealand are on the horizon from July onwards.  At Springs we are looking forward to welcoming 28 new international students from a whole range of…

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Louis Esther – Early influences still revealing themselves

Louis Esther is the Vice President of Marketing at Kami, an education tech start-up that is transforming classrooms in 180 countries and used by over 33 million students and teachers.…

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WSC enters the 2022 Auckland College Climbing Competition

Run by College Sport Auckland and Auckland Sport Climbing Club, the Auckland College Climbing Series first kicked off a brand new competition in 2021 - with its goal being to…

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WSCW Netball Legacy – Whaea Kau Tepaki

Kia ora all, It is with a very sad heart that after 20 years, I announce that Whaea Kau Tepaki is standing down from the Netball Coordinating role. Over the…

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Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day was held on May 20th this year. Celebrated annually around the globe, Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against…

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Year 13 Business Pitch

Year 13 business groups presented their business pitches to a group of external judges last Monday in Henderson. As part of the YES (Young Enterprise Scheme) they compete against other…

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12 Business at Grey Lynn Market on Sundays

The two Year 12 Business classes will be marketing/selling their products this term, with each group attending two market days. The first groups with candles, eco pot plants, hot chocolate…

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Arts News – May 2022


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Job Opportunity – WSCW Finance Officer

We have an opportunity for an experienced, innovative and enthusiastic Finance Officer to join our Office Administrative team at Western Springs College – Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW). This is a 30…

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Principal’s Notes – May 2022

On Friday 13th May, we were involved in another of the Accord Teacher Only Days focussing on the review of NCEA. The NCEA is New Zealand’s key school-leaving qualification, and…

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Library News – Term 2, 2022

Check out the Term 2 Library Newsletter for 2002 with lots of interesting things to look at, thanks to our fantastic Library Assistant Andrew Raba!           …

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Science Department News

Last term, year 10 Science students began their first topic, ‘The Science of wellbeing’. Students got the opportunity to learn about the brain and nervous system as well as the…

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Parent workshop with Dr Judith Locke at WSC on Thurs 2 June

Dr Judith Locke - a clinical psychologist and former school counsellor, teacher and workplace trainer - is coming to Western Springs College on Thursday 2 June (6:30-7:30pm) for a PARENTS…

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ECO news

Solar panels at WSCW At the time of writing, we have generated 61,522 kWh since our solar array was installed in January 2021, with a capacity of 50kWh on a…

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Puhoi research trip

On a fairly typical Auckland day (cloudy with the ongoing threat of sprinkles), 76 keen Geographers embarked on a trip to the Puhoi River. The goal: to test their hypothesis…

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News from the International Department

What would be the best part of supporting international students? Without a doubt, it would be witnessing our students grow as a person over their time at Western Springs College…

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WSC Girls Water Polo – 5th in NISS Championships

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to the WSC Girls Water Polo team who recently competed (26-29 March) in the North Island Secondary Schools (NISS) Division 1 (i.e top division) Championships - finishing…

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Ngā Puna o Waiōrea WINS at the 2022 ASB Polyfest

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe to Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) who were placed FIRST at the 2022 ASB Polyfest - the Auckland Secondary Schools Maōri & Pacific Islands…

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Two 2021 Alumni featured in 2022 NZQA Top Art Exhibition

Exciting news... Two 2021 Alumni have had their Level 3 Art Design portfolios selected to tour as a part of the 2022 NZQA Top Art Exhibition. Congratulations on your success…

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Fundraiser for Ukraine

On 24th February 2022, the news of Russia invading Ukraine sparked across the globe. With the invasion occurring, 3.8 million Urkrainians were forced to leave their homes and millions have…

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Term 1 (Week 9) Digital Learning Update

Many thanks  to our wonderful teaching staff & ILAs who have supported our students during the current Omicron outbreak via hybrid learning. Hybrid learning means students have been able to…

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New WSC-NPoW Board Chair

Carol Gunn resigns from Board Chair role  I wish to inform the school community that at Monday evening’s Board meeting (28 March 2022), Carol Gunn stood down as Board Chair…

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TAPAC – April Holiday Programmes for Teens

TAPAC is running quite a few April 2022 Holiday Programmes for Teens - check out the poster below!  

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Biodiversity Project

WSCW's Kaitiaki roopu and Wastewise group in conjunction with the Albert-Eden Youth Board and Urban Ark – Manawa Taiao launched the Biodiversity project on Wednesday 30 March 2022. The project…

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Eco News

ECO TIPS 3 week old Ezra McCrorie in his newborn sized cloth nappies from Bear and Moo   When you crush your cans, they become too small for the sorting…

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WSC Girls Cricket – T20 Champions!

HOWZAT! WSC Girls T20 Champions!! On Wednesday 23 March, our WSC Girls Cricket team won their College Sport Auckland T20 competition against a very competitive Lynfield College team. Under the…

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Rainbow Rangitahi Social Group

Below is information regarding a social group for Rainbow rangatahi aged 14 years and under.

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News from the Learning Support Department

From Garden to Plate Our LIfe Skills Programme students, (a programme run by Learning Support teacher Jane Tan and ILA Nick Westerling), have been busy this term growing a variety…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. We are recruiting new host families for when the NZ borders open to overseas students in July.…

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Principal’s Notes

International students returning to New Zealand are on the horizon from July onwards and we are on the lookout for homestay families to host them. We pay a generous amount…

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2022 Leaver’s Gear

The Year 13s have voted for their Leaver’s Gear this year to be sourced from Canterbury Clothing and the options are below. An order form has been emailed to all…

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WSCW 2022 School Ball – update

Following the PM's announcement that vaccine passes will no longer be required (unless venues want to continue enforcing them), Ellerslie Event Centre has confirmed they will NOT be requiring a…

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ASB Polyfest 2022 – Nga Puna o Waiorea 3 Kapa Haka Roopu Performances Live Streamed on Maori Television!!!

We hope you enjoy the performances of Waiorea, O Rehu & Nga Oho, along with all the other Kura in attendance.
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Thursday Lunchtime Yoga 1:05-1:30pm Wero "Learn a simple moving and breathing practice that supports mental wellbeing. All students and staff welcome. No previous experience or flexibility required."

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Pā Harakeke o Waiōrea – Official Opening

On the 9th of March, the kura officially opened our pā Harakeke, NgaUri o Pakoti (the descendants of Pakoti). Pakoti's offspring according to Maori tradition was harakeke (flax).  This opening and naming…

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Construction Works at Seddon Fields

We have received the following communication from Western Springs Football Club. The resurfacing of the Artificial turf fields at Seddon Fields commences on Monday 14th March.  The turf fields will be…

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Library News

It has been a busy start to the year in the library with over 25 class visits, orientations, and research sessions. 500 books have gone out since term began! We…

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Solar power going strong.

Our community funded solar array continues to generate clean power for us, the sun is very reliable!   Here are the latest figures… The sun has generated 67,712kW of power since…

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News from the International Department

Living and studying in a foreign country as a teenager is a challenging but valuable experience. It can be more challenging than usual when students are faced with the pandemic.…

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Principal’s Notes

Our rostering home schedule will continue next week (week 7 of term) so that we can maintain on-site learning for the 75% to 80% of our student population still able…

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Mathematics News

Pi-Day March 14 i.e. 3.14 is Pi-day. It is a day to celebrate the well-known mathematical constant Pi, the relationship between the circumference and diameter of a circle. The celebrations…

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Eco News

ECO TIPS The water you use to cook pasta can be used to water your plants and flowers, and will help you save some water . After cooking your pasta,…

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Chamber Group - calling all players   WSC/NPoW Chamber Group is looking for new members. Do you play violin, viola, cello, clarinet, oboe, flute, double bass or bassoon? If so, we…

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Learning Centre

Kia ora koutou 2022 has seen the introduction of lots of changes to our Learning Center.  We have sadly said goodbye to Helen Thorpe and Trina Sellers but have been…

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WSCW Ball 2022

The WSCW School ball will be held at the Ellerslie Events Centre on Saturday 11th June 2022 if we are in the Orange setting in the COVID Protection Framework. The…

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Rostering Home

As Omicron case numbers rise across the nation we anticipate the need to transition to a rostering home plan for year levels as teaching staff impacted by isolation requirements around…

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When a positive case is identified at WSC/Waiorea

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Paid Union Meeting

18th February 2022 Dear Parents and Caregivers, Under the national industrial award, the PPTA is granted the right to hold two paid union meetings (PUMs) annually. The Western Springs College…

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Principal’s Notes

I have been determined not to begin my first Newsletter communication to the community this year with ‘stuff’ about Omicron, but needs must, and I refer you to the section…

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Resource Centre – Hub Manager

We have an opportunity for a special someone to become the Resource Centre (RC)/Hub Manager at Western Springs College - Nga Puna o Waiorea (WSCW). The RC/Hub sits in the…

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News from the International Department

It was great to welcome our international students back to school and see their faces in person after the lovely summer holiday. It has been challenging for some of the…

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Digital Learning & Communications

Our teaching and learning at Western Springs College/Ngā Puna o Waiōrea is complemented by digital devices and the excellent digital tools we have available to us. In our recent digital…

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  2022 Arts – Exploring, creating, refining and designing! This year started with navigating the current landscape of covid protection framework in relation to each one of our Arts areas.…

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ECO News

Our school values, with the aim of strengthening relationships in a positive environment, are reflected in our school culture, and enable us to remove barriers to engagement and improve students’…

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WSC Football 2022

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Violin Lessons

My name is Antonia Grant and I am taking on new violin students for 2022, ranging from beginner to intermediate level. I am teaching part-time at Saint Mary’s College in…

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NZ Cadet Force

Interested in Aviation? Wanting to fly? Shooting? Bushcraft? Navigation? Let us help you! If you’re in Year 9 or 10 or aged 15 to 13, then come check us out! …

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Formclass activities to engage juniors after lockdown

Staff got right into running various formclass activities with a social engagement focus for our juniors when they returned after the very long lockdown period. The activities ranged from form teachers taking their…

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Principal’s Notes

Let’s start with a Beatles song to celebrate the end of a very challenging 2021: “Well, shake it up, baby, now Twist and shout”  The 2021 year has been a…

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2022 Digital Learning Information

Here is the 2022 digital learning information you need to know. This information includes device and headphone requirements and some background on how digital learning occurs at Western Springs College Ngā…

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Tēnā koutou katoa Samantha Wood Rawnsley connecting in for our final 2021 ArtsNews. Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the creativity and adaptability of our dedicated arts Kaiako and ākonga.…

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Alumna Courtney Sina Meredith on the true riches of life.

"Courtney Sina Meredith, The University of Auckland's Young Alumna of The Year 2021, is a distinguished author whose work delves into issues such as racism, sexism and poverty and draws…

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Parenting classes

NEXT CHAPTER PARENTING offering Individual, or group, PARENTING SESSIONS via Zoom. Eight one hourly sessions, weekly at a time convenient to you, available evenings. Topics covered include Communication, Empathy, Setting…

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Science Rudi Goldberg was the inspiration for some year 9 students who built their own machines. This rat is so cute and understands just like there human that energy can…

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Community Notices

Western Springs College Football Programme 2021/2022 Welcome to Western Springs College’s football programme.  We have been formally running the programme for 10 years now, with some significant successes. We are…

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Peace Symposium

PEACE AMBASSADORS Earlier this year, the WSCW Peace Ambassadors were invited to attend this year’s Peace Symposium. The theme of ‘Inner Peace for Outer Action’ was explored through various activities,…

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Back to school stationery – order now!

We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make getting school ready faster! Your child’s class list is available now on the OfficeMax MySchool website – We encourage you to order…

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WSCW’s sustainable journey documented in the prestigious American Journal of Community Psychology.

Niki Harré and Charlotte Blythe, School of Psychology, University of Auckland, have published an article featuring Western Springs College - Ngā Puna o Waiōrea’s (WSCW) sustainability journey in the American…

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Design, Photography or Painting Portfolios

Missing your 2019, 2020 or 2021 11Art, 12Art Design, Photography or Painting Portfolio? The Art Dept at WSCW may be able to help. Interest in collecting can be made to…

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Recommended Products Bamboo cotton buds, available at Dirty Hippie for $6.50 (box of 200), Healthpost for $3.90 (box of 100)and Ecowarehouse for $5.50 (box of 200). - Benefits: Bamboo Cotton…

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Waiōrea Alumni are ‘dotters’ at ‘gotyadot’ campaign

​Ngā Puna o Waiōrea were a leading light in the ‘gotyadot’ campaign, which is a kaupapa designed by rangatahi, for rangatahi to get ‘dotted’. They also teamed up with UNITEC…

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Shot Cuzz Bus comes to TAPAC

Please come on down and get your jab at the Shot Cuzz bus this Friday (5th November). Friends and whānau welcome too! Be in to win a prize on the…

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Principal’s Notes

Subject selection 2022: Special assemblies to address this important aspect of school life have begun with a special focus on our Year 10s who will move into Year 11 and…

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YMCA Holiday Programme Positions

YMCA have part time (after school care) and casual (Holiday Programme) positions available for Team Members and Team Leader.

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Tēnā koutou katoa The Arts departments are a hive of creative activity! Walking through these spaces you will see ākonga and kaiako busily preparing for and refelcting on the multutiude…

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Ponsonby Cruising Club

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Health Education: Year 9 and 10

JUNIOR SEXUALITY EDUCATION Year 9 and 10 Health classes will begin their sexuality education in the second half of this term.  The dates following are a guide to when each…

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International News

School Holiday Trip At each school holiday, the international department organises a trip or two for our international students so that they can enrich their experience in NZ while sharing…

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Secondary School Swimming

Our 13-15 years boys' relay team of Sam Kenny, Tobias Beaumont, Jasper Stevenson and Koen Dettling came 6th in the 4x100m freestyle relay and 6th in the 4x50m medley relay.  They also…

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Eco News

Stevie and Andi Teleiai love their comfortable and colourful cloth nappies. Recommended Products Ecofloss Bamboo charcoal floss and refill, available at Healthpost. Degradable, sustainable and beautiful. Activated charcoal floss for…

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2022 Portfolio Leadership Process

Every Year 13 student at WSC/NPoW is considered a school leader. They lead in the way they conduct themself and the way they interact with their peers of all ages…

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Tatau practitioner Tyla Vaeau – inspired by the resilience and strength of Moana peoples.

Tyla Vaeau is a tatau practitioner, artist and researcher of Samoan (Sale'a'aumua, Aleipata and Safune, Savai'i) and Pakeha (NZ European) descent. After attending Western Springs College she went on to…

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Smokefree Rockquest

After COVID forced the competition online last year, this year's Smokefree Rockquest was very much a live event. The Auckland Central regional heats had 32 bands competing. A fabulous show…

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New focus for Ninja Kiwi co-founders Chris and Stephen Harris

Alumni Chris Harris and his brother Stephen are co-founders of Ninja Kiwi, who created the globally popular computer game Bloons. In March the company was sold to Swedish game company…

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A generous donation

A gift of $27,000 has been donated to the College by someone who has watched the school from afar and admired the direction and essence of our education practices and…

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Inclusive Learning Assistant Advertisement

We are looking for an ILA (Inclusive Learning Assistant) to join our large and busy Learning Support Department, beginning term 3.  Experience working with students with learning needs is a…

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Business Studies

Guest speakers Joe Vagana, Trow Group, and Garry Lawrence, Garry Lawrence Roofing Ltd, shared their business experience with two classes of Year 11/L1 Business Studies students this week."Sharing real life…

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Auckland City Mission

Auckland City Mission Appeal Many form classes are currently taking part in the Social Studies Auckland City Mission Appeal. Last year the Mission provided 45,000 food parcels to Auckland-based individuals…

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Digital Learning Update June 2021

Our digital citizenship programme has focussed on digital distraction and the fair use of our wi-fi resources this term. It is expected that students will put their phones in their…

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Tēnā koutou katoa It has been another busy term in the all Arts areas of Western Springs College Ngā Puna O Waiōrea. I would like to take this moment to…

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Principal’s Notes

Senior Reports: Reports for Years 11, 12 and 13 students are due to be sent out to whānau at the beginning of Week 10 of this term (July 5th). These…

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News from the International Department

Introducing the newly structured international department The International Department is under a new staffing structure now, where Joanne Qiao is still the International Director, Yuki Tsukihara is the Service Administrator, and…

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40 Hour Famine WSCW

Thankyou for your amazing contribution!!!  So far $4264.89 already raised for the WSCW 40 hour Famine Campaign.  Stunning result - thankyou to all those who contributed with their very original…

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Sports News

BADMINTON Senior Boys Green   (Ollie Burton, Andrew Bancale, Chris Taing, Eric Davidson) Our Green team are still undefeated after 5 rounds. They played their closest rivals Auckland Boys last week…

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Auckland Squash Competition

On Tuesday 15th of June to Wednesday 16th, the senior girls' squash team attended the Auckland Champs competition. We went into the event for the experience that comes with it.  After…

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Homework Centres

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Orienteering Update

North Island Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs 2021 Western Springs had a team of 10 students competing at the NISSOC in Palmerston North from Thursday 29 April – Saturday 1 May.…

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Sports News

Swimming – North Island Secondary Schools' Championships The Western Springs Swim Team of Tess Whineray, Nauatea Crosswell, Hereata Crosswell, Abigail Sharp, Tom Kenny, Sam Kenny, Tobias Beaumont, Jasper Stevenson and…

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Eco News

Ms Liao-Marsden uses a reusable cup to soup from the Canteen Ethically Kate Visited WSCW Kate Hall, known as Ethically Kate, is an educator, activist, and blogger who advocates for…

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Community Notices

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Principal’s Notes

Top Scholar Awards, Grand Hall, Parliament Buildings, Wellington The Top Scholar Awards ceremony celebrates the academic achievements of the highest achieving secondary school students in the New Zealand Scholarship Examinations. …

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Impacts of water scarcity (poem) by Esther O’Donnell

The Earth’s Cry Water is everything. A spindly thread of life, feeble, singular, wondrous. Providing everything. Everything. The earth cries a silent sob. Listen closely and you will hear it. Ignore it…

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Wises planning day and Clothes Swap

Wises camp/planning day. A successful event for Wises panels coming together to plan for 2021 was held last week of term 1. Groups got to know each other, ate together, ran…

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News from the Music Department

Performance successes! We’ve had a busy and fabulous time in the last few weeks. For the first time in several  years we held our Junior Talent Quest. A small but…

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Ball Reminder

Our WSCW Ball on Saturday 26/6/2021 in Eden Park is shaping up to be a glamorous event. A gentle reminder to please have ball form handed in to the admin office and payment…

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Breakfast Clubs in WSCW 2021

It's free and for any student who wants some food before tackling the day ahead of them.    We are very grateful to have already received very generous contributions from a…

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Greetings from Rangitoto

At the time of writing it is the first week of Term 2 and all of our classes are extremely busy; Y9 have pattern paintings to resolve and the Y10s…

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Trail running and orienteering

Springs/Waiorea has a new club on offer - trail running! This small but dedicated group meets before school on Mondays and after school on Thursdays, where we usually head out…

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International Department News

Dome made by Year 13 Design Technology students One of the reasons that attracts high school international students to New Zealand for studying is that they can choose subjects from…

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WSCW Peace Ambassadors

The Peace Ambassadors are a group of students who have completed a Leadership Training Day run by the Peace Foundation. This happens once a year, and is a great opportunity…

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Career Education at WSCW

Like most NZ schools, we are excited to be using an online tool called Career Central (CC) to help students begin exploring what makes them unique and how this might…

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Sports News

Our school water polo team just won division 2 nationals!  Here’s how we did it. We started off rough with a loss against Christchurch Boys in a tough game. We…

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40 Hour Famine

The WSCW 40 hour Famine group will soon be promoting The 40 Hour Famine - for World Vision, who are dedicated to working with children and communities to overcome poverty…

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Examination Centre Manager

Western Springs College, Ngā Puna O Waiōrea is seeking an Examination Centre Manager to run the NCEA and NZ Scholarship examinations in 2021. The smooth and successful running of an exam centre is important for…

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Principal’s Notes

As our students and staff look forward to a much deserved holiday break, I think it is appropriate to address the national advertising campaign around ‘burn-out’ and the symptoms of…

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A Research Project Invitation

   Mathematics and language-literacy self-beliefs, gender-role attitudes, and career aspirations in mid-adolescence: A German-New Zealand comparative study.  Year 10 students from several Auckland schools, including Western Springs College, will be…

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Athletics & Swimming

The Athletics Auckland Secondary School Central West Zones were held on Wednesday 17 March at Mt Smart Stadium.  WSCW had 18 students that had qualified for this event: Vincent Bailie…

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Library Monitors

I am pleased to announce our Library Monitors for 2021. A special welcome back to our former monitors and to our new members, I hope you will enjoy being part…

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Safe Travel at Springs

Western Springs College - Ngā Puna o Waiōrea is a school that knows the importance of sustainable travel. As such we encourage as many students and staff to travel using…

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More sports news

TENNIS In Term One we entered a senior and junior boys tennis team into the North Harbour competition which was played after school on Mondays. Our junior boys team played…

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Digital Learning Update April 2021

Last year the Ministry of Education released its Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities. This statement sets out Government’s priorities for education, which include protecting the wellbeing of all…

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Tēnā koutou katoa It has been a busy time in the Drama department preparing eight groups of students for the SGCNZUOSW Regional Shakespeare Festival Auckland West. Last Sunday we took…

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Raranga Workshop

On Saturday the 20th March a Raranga Wānanga was held in Waioteao at WSC/NPOW to bring together tikanga Māori and sustainability. Whaea Annie Jane Ah Mu, a traditional Maori weaver,…

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May Open Week Tours

OPEN WEEK AT WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE – NGĀ PUNA O WAIŌREA SCHOOL TOURS TERM 2 School tours with the Principal will take place from Tuesday 4th May to Friday 7th…

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College Sport Archery 2021

Archery is made up of 2 bow types, recurve and compound. This year there were 140 recurve archers and 14 compound archers from 18 High schools. The event is run…

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WSCW Netball 2021 – Coaches & Managers needed

Kia Orana Whanau – WSC-NPOW Netball have increased teams this year and we are needing Coaches and Managers for Year 9 (3 needed), Year 10 (3 needed) and a Senior…

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Open Week Tours – Term 2

OPEN WEEK AT WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE - NGĀ PUNA O WAIŌREA SCHOOL TOURS TERM 2 School tours with the Principal will take place from Tuesday 4th May to Friday 7th…

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WSCW Year 12 & Year 13 Ball 2021

The WSCW Y12 and Y13 Ball this year will be held on Saturday the 12/6/21 at Eden Park. Year 12 and 13 students have been emailed the information and the form to…

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News from the International Department

O week Diversity is one of the key values at Western Springe College.  To celebrate the international diversities at the school, at O week, Gavin Yang and Liya Yang Nightingill,…

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Homework Centres at WSCW

When What Where Subject help available for: Mondays 3.20 - 4.30 p.m. Pasifika and English Medium Māori Homework Centre Level 2, Pohutukawa 1. English with Tupe Tai, Social Sciences with…

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Student Council 2021

Ko ngā pae tawhiti, whaia kia tata. Ko ngā pae tata, whakamaua kia tina. The potential for tomorrow, depends on what we do today. It’s official, we have re-established our…

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Andy Heathcote on the podium at the National Champs. The Orienteering Team had a very successful if slightly shortened sprint series, with two events cancelled because of COVID lockdowns. Training was…

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Eco News

    Recommended Products       Solid shampoo/conditioner, available at Ethique, Ecowarehouse, Healthpost ($18-$25). Benefits: natural ingredients, compostable packaging, no plastic, no water waste, lasts about 6 months. Get…

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WSCW Senior Girls Qualify for Premier Grade

The WSC Senior Girls' Water Polo team qualified for the 2021 Premier Grade in February with a convincing win in a promotion/relegation game over Kristin Premier Girls' 12 - 4.Since…

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O Week

A few weeks ago, Western Springs College held their very own O week! Clubs and organisations from all over the school showed off what they had to offer with stalls,…

Read More -The National Youth Health and Wellbeing Survey Our school has been selected to take part in, a nationwide survey of young people in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The survey will…

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Principal’s notes

Here’s a thing!  I phoned to thank a parent this morning, who had donated an extra amount of money for an upcoming fieldtrip so that others, less fortunate, could take…

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Community Notices

Piano Lessons: One on one half hour lessons with experienced teacher. $16. Beginners to advanced, Pt Chev area. Ph: 021 179 3348. Jody Hill  BISC - Building in Service of…

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Arts News

Tēnā koutou katoa Samantha Wood Rawnsley connecting in as Arts Coordinator for 2021. I am excited to hold this space that supports and celebrates the rich learning happening in the…

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News from the International Department

After the second lockdown finished, our international students are now back to our normal routines and are ready for our upcoming exciting learning opportunities including some trips and camps.  Here…

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New Families BBQ

Our Western Springs College/ Nga Puna O Waiōrea  New Families’ BBQ  was held on Wednesday 24th February. This annual event for any students new to Western Springs College/Nga Puna O…

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Portfolio leadership camp 2021

A 2-days and 2-nights leadership camp in the scenic ferndale lodge in Waitakere was organised for the new 43 student portfolio leadership team to get to know each other and…

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‘O’ week at Springs/Waiōrea – brought to you by your portfolio leaders 2021.

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Keeping our young people safe online

During these challenging times there are several places in which young people can get information to support their wellbeing and contact counsellors to talk to in times of need. The following…

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Student leadership at WSCW

At WSCW we operate on a shared leadership model: All students in Year 13, our Tuakana, are school leaders and are expected to work with our youngest year level, Year…

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Digital Learning Update

Our teaching and learning at Western Springs College/Ngā Puna o Waiōrea is complemented by digital devices and the excellent digital tools we have available to us. In our recent digital…

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Principal’s Notes

Principal’s Notes: Our short sharp lockdown was certainly a surprise for us all, and a shock to our new students who had only been in timetabled classes for 3 days…

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Did You Know? ... that Western Springs College|Nga Puna o Waiōrea has a modern, well equipped and clean student and staff canteen which provides a wide range of meals and…

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New Families’ BBQ

Kia ora koutou,  Our Western Springs College/ Nga Puna O Waiōrea  New Families’ BBQ  is on Wednesday 24th February from 5-7pm. You are warmly invited to this event. This is…

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Springs – Waiōrea are Solar Powered

We are excited to announce that we are up and running - 136 photovoltaic solar panels are generating solar power for Spring - Waiōrea and will be doing so for…

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NZQA Resubmission Changes for 2021

NCEA Resubmission 2021:  Key Information for students and whanau You need to be aware of an important change to NCEA assessment in 2021 This change is an outcome of the…

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Spirit of Adventure Trust


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Eco News

Hi there! This year, the 2021 student Wises team is going to be running a section in the newsletter where we share tips, tricks, and products we like to help…

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Public Transport

Getting a secondary student discount for public transport has never been easier Secondary school students, aged 16 to 19, can now jump online and activate their student discount using their…

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Athletics – National Schools’ Track & Field Championships

Athletics – National schools Track and Field Championships Last year, two of our top athletes, Jamie Daly-Jones and Amelie Fairclough both represented Western Springs College Nga Puna O Waiorea at…

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Welecome to the Student Learning Centre

We are located on Level 1, in Maungakiekie. We are available all day from Monday to Friday.  We have 3 teachers available to provide support. Helen Thorpe can help with…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. We are looking to recruit new host families for when the NZ borders open to overseas students.  We also have…

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Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. Board Member Mid-term 2020 Election Results

Held under the school’s alternative constitution enabling co-governance. A copy of the alternative constitution, promulgated 14 March 2019, is online at Declaration of Parent-elected board member results 3-year term:…

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Principal’s Notes

Principal’s Notes: It is with much pleasure that I announce the appointment of Julie Debreceny to the position of associate principal here at Western Springs College/Ngā Puna o Waiōrea.  I…

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Arts News

Congratulations to our junior learners who received awards at Junior Prizegiving this week in recognition of their efforts this year. Special mention goes to the following students: M.A.D.D Junior Arts…

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Earphones at Western Springs College Ngā Puna O Waiōrea

This article seeks to answer some frequently asked questions whānau have about earphones at school. Why are earphones a recommended item on the stationary list? For kaiako and ākonga (teachers…

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Peace Ambassadors

Despite all the disruptions of this year the Peace Ambassadors have packed in lots of events and activities. As well as raising money for charities there has been a strong…

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Yearbook 2020

Given the budget constraints this year, the decision has been made to do an online companion Yearbook website only. Here is the 2019 version. The 2020 version will be ready from mid…

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News from the Science department

Zoo trips Some of our Year 9 classes have visited the zoo over the last few weeks, to learn about global sustainability, animal adaptations & rongoā Māori. Check out some…

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Huge congratulations to the 2020 Year 13 Scholarship winners. In what was a challenging year, Western Springs College - Ngā Puna O Waiōrea students did themselves proud, with over 51…

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Lumino The Dentists

Please be aware that the dental bus will be back at school in the first week of term one, 2020, to catch up on those who have been missed.

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Arts News

Coming up! Junior Arts Festival 2020 Wednesday 2nd December One Theatre show only – 4PM! Free! Junior Art on show -3:10-4PM! TAPAC Theatre and Foyer   Students, families, friends and staff…

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Craft Market

On Friday the 4th December, the Tikanga ā- Iwi /Social Studies Department is running our (now) annual 'Sustainable Christmas Craft Market'. Just about all Year 9 students are involved in this event…

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Principal’s Notes

The ‘architectural award season’ has seen Springs/Waiōrea scoop the pool in multiple categories in the education sector beating all comers to take the NZ Institute of Architects Ted McCoy Award…

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News from the International Department

The NCEA exams started for our senior students this week following last week’s busy schedule with the farewell dinner and the prize giving ceremonies. At the farewell dinner, our Year…

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Got five minutes?

Back to school stationery – order now! We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make getting school ready faster! Your child’s class list is available now on the OfficeMax MySchool website…

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Solar Power project soon to be a reality

Thanks to the generosity of our community, whanau, alumni and local businesses we have achieved our goal of raising enough funds to install a 50kW PV solar array on the…

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Would anyone who has a pair of school crutches at home please return to the Nurse in Waiora.

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Rubbish Collection Changes

Auckland Council has signed new contracts for waste collections across mainland Auckland for the next 10 years. Rubbish collectors will be using new and improved routing, so residents may notice…

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Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)

Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) success at the West Auckland Regional Finals A Western Springs College Company was among the prizewinners at the YES West Auckland Regional Finals held at the…

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Interschool Mathex Competition

Last Wednesday we took three teams out to the annual Auckland Mathex Competition at the Barfoot Stadium in Kohimarama. Let's just say we came in the top 70. There were…

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Homestay families wanted

WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE - HOMESTAY FAMILIES WANTED FOR 2021 Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. We are looking to recruit new host families for when the…

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“Meet the Candidates” Evening 9 November 2020

Meet the Candidates” evening for the nominees standing for the 2 parent-elected board vacancies at Western Springs College. When: Monday 9 November 2020 When: 7:30 pm Where: Western Springs College…

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Library News

FORM CLASS QUIZ RESULTS  1st    -    Kapura  2nd   -   Whenua  3rd   -    Moana 4th   -     Atea 5th   -     Oranga…

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School Dress and Appearance

Here at Springs we are proud of our non-uniform policy.  Students value the sense of freedom from conformity that it gives them, and our parents and staff frequently comment on…

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Principal’s Notes

Principal’s Notes: It was a pleasure to host Richie Hardcore at a junior school assembly last week. Our photo shows Richie with his audience of 600 Springs kids.  His anti-bullying…

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Bring your own Devices – BYOD

Western Springs College operates a fully wireless network and is integrated into the high speed Network 4 Learning providing an always on internet connection. As a result of this we…

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News from the International Department

We had two amazing dance showcases by our Dance students at the end of Term 3 and the beginning of Term 4.  Dance is one of the popular subjects for…

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Wow! Final showcases of senior work in drama and dance are underway. The Dance Department celebrated the work of all seniors with ‘Re-Collect’ and most recently with Year 13 in…

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Library Week

 Due to the second Covid lockdown our annual event did not happen, much to our disappointment. On our return we decided to run the Form Class Quiz since it was…

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Bring your own devices – BYOD

Western Springs College operates a fully wireless network and is integrated into the high speed Network 4 Learning providing an always on internet connection. As a result of this we…

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Matariki Career Evening 2020

  This was a special, still, warm spring evening event for our Māori and Pasifika whanau and tauira. Not only was the event informative and enjoyable, but it also gave…

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Inner City School Cricket is Alive & Kicking

On Tuesday 20th October, the WSCW 1st XI Cricket team played a T20 match against St Paul's College at their school.  St Paul's are rebuilding their cricket programme and are…

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NCEA Exams 2020

NCEA exams start on the 16th November and finish on the 9th December. Students have been given their exam slips this week. Some reminders for students:  You must have your…

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NZ Schools’ Swimming Championships 2020

The Western Springs College swim team performed brilliantly at the New Zealand Secondary Schools' Championships in Hamilton from Thursday 15/10 – Sunday 18/10 (and were a pleasure to manage!) The…

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North Island Secondary Schools’ Orienteering Championships

Like most sports, it's been a difficult year for Orienteering with most events postponed or cancelled. And so it was to the credit of the organising Counties Manukau Orienteering Club…

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Staying connected to your teen

   Being a teenager (and parenting one) is renowned for being challenging. This year has thrown our kids all sorts of challenges, adding even more stress. Dr Sue Bagshaw, a…

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Wave Warriors

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Community Notices

Imperfect Offering presents the music of Leonard Cohen in two shows at Pumphouse Theatre on the North Shore on Friday 30 October and Saturday 31 October.  Come and support local music…

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2020 BOT Mid-term Parent Election and Waiōrea Whānau Selection Notice

Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea school board, 2020 Mid-term Parent Election and Waiōrea Whānau Selection Notice Nominations are invited for the election of two (2) parent-elected board members, and…

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From the Principal:

Congratulations to our two new Student Representatives on the Board of Trustees.  Middle left is Te Huia Kouratoras representing Ngā Puna o Waiōrea, Middle right is Orla Porten respesenting Western…

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Come Play Tennis – it’s free!

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Student leadership opportunities at WSCW

We held our 2021 Student Portfolio Leadership voting on Tuesday 22/9/20. The result of the election will be revealed to candidates Term 4 and the results will be published in…

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Year 9 Camp

At this stage Year 9 camps are still going ahead, we can hold school camps in Alert levels 2 and 3. Given the year our students have had, hopefully this experience…

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Arts News

The end of term is fast approaching and for our seniors this is a crucial time as they look ahead to completing their courses of study. It has been fantastic…

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Peace Ambassadors

The Peace Ambassadors meet on Tuesdays at lunchtimes to plan events and practice the mediation process. The week of August 3rd - 9th was Youth Peace Week and the theme…

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Pt Chevalier Tennis Club

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BISC – Building in Service of Community

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Guidance for Choosing Subjects for 2021 Yrs 10-12

You will soon make subject choices for next year.   Here are some helpful guidelines; What subjects do I enjoy?  Why do I enjoy them and would other subjects be comparable?…

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Principal’s Notes:

Stop Press: Ex Springs student receives unconditional offer from Oxford University Eunsoo Chang who attended Springs in 2018 has contacted me to share in this good news.  He has been…

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International Department News:

It has been great to welcome our international students back to school again.  In order for us to know how they were coping with the last lockdown, we conducted a…

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Year 11 MCAT Exam

The Year 11 Maths MCAT is on Tuesday 15th September at 8.45 am in the Hall. The MCAT runs for 1 period only. Students return to their normal timetabled classes…

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2021 Senior Course Selection

Senior Course Selections for current Year 10-12 students are due on Friday 18th September. Course selection will take place online through the school portal. Information on how to access and…

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Green Jam

Green Jam 2020 On Monday the 10th of August our Waste Wise leaders hosted Green Jam at Auckland City Zoo. Almost one hundred tauira from secondary schools all across Auckland…

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Youth Search and Rescue training programme

Youth Search and Rescue training programme - training to become a community volunteer in Search and Rescue and Disaster response organisations in NZ and abroad: Youth Search and Rescue is…

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SWIMMING Auckland College Sport, Intercollegiate Swimming – Individual Swimming Championships 2020 Sunday 9th August, Western Springs College entered a group of students to compete at the Secondary Schools' Individual Swimming…

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Fundraising for a proposed trip

WSC Year 13 students in action fundraising for the proposed trip next holidays to the Central Plateau Camp.  These students were the most enthusiastic, smiley people around and it was…

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Start Movement Snacking

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Detabing at Western Springs College Ngā Puna O Waiōrea is in good heart. This year we had a senior advanced, two senior open and four junior open teams in the…

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Tree Planting – August 2020

Tuatahi ake me tuku aku mihi mahana ki ngā ringaringa maha i āwhinatia e mātou kia tiaki i ā Papatūānuku, i te Wao Nui a Tāne whānui, āno nei tō…

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Danger at the school gate:

Whānau, please help us keep your children safe at the end of the day: Please don't park on the yellow lines, when dropping off or picking up your child; even…

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We are selling Entertainment Digital Memberships

Entertainment Digital Memberships are convenient, easy to use and packed full of valuable 2 for 1 and up to 50% off offers for you to use over 12 months from activation. Buy online to…

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Principal’s Notes:

Stop Press - Springs/Waiorea wins Architectural Award Our architects at Jasmax have been acknowledged in the education category of the New Zealand Institute of Architects Auckland Awards for the WSCW…

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The Cafeteria, a vibrant sustainable hub.

Alumnus, Vincent Clark has been running the food centre since 2018.  He has seen some big changes in this short time, with the new build moving him out of the old…

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TAPAC – The Auckland Performing Arts Centre

Visit this website to see the latest information  

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The Drama Department are getting ready to present scenes from classic kiwi plays in 11Drama’s A Showcase of New Zealand Theatre. Scenes include Astroman by Albert Belz, Woman Far Walking…

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Wastewise Clothes Swap

On Wednesday the 22nd and Thursday the 23rd of July Waste Wise ran a clothes swap in the hall where students were given the opportunity to combat fast fashion by…

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School Ball 2020

First school ball since lockdown in Eden Park and we kicked the season off with a hiss and a roar! All the students looked stunning and in true Springs/Waiōrea (WSCW)…

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World Vision Youth Leader

We understand the power in young people leading young people. In Aotearoa, our youth are at the forefront of social change and at World Vision we’re doing all we can to empower them. I’m excited to touch…

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Bullock Track Bush

A group of Forest and Bird volunteers are beginning a community project to regenerate the area of bush known as Bullock Track Bush. This involves a major planting plan/weed clearing…

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Checking external entries:  We encourage all students to check their external entries before the beginning of September using the school portal in the ‘results’ tab. If you have any questions…

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News from the International Department

On the first weekend of Term 3, we had the school ball at Eden Park.  For most of our international students, they don’t have an event like this in their…

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Health Education: Year 9 and 10

JUNIOR SEXUALITY EDUCATION  Year 9 and 10 Health classes will begin their sexuality education in the second half of this term.  Due to the disruption to the learning programme due…

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Community Arts, Creative & Well-being Hub

CARRINGTON HOSPITAL AS A HUB FOR CREATIVITY, COMMUNITY AND WELLBEING OPEN DAY AUGUST 8TH Point Chevalier Social Enterprise Trust (PCSET), on behalf the Crown and Mana Whenua, is preparing a…

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Peace Ambassadors

In term one we raised money for Shine with a cupcake sale, and this time we had a form class competition as well. Congratulations to CTA for being  the ‘best…

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Ball Information

1. WSCW School Ball on the 25/07/2020 at Eden Park South Lounge. Ball form and payment due by Monday 20/7/20 please. If you are bringing a partner, they must sign the Ball…

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Community Notices

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The term is ending with Dance! Don’t miss the Junior Dance show ‘Semester I: Studio Showing’ an informal showing of dance from Semester I on Thursday at 3:30pm at TAPAC…

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Western Springs Cup Project Newsletter

The 1st of July marks the start of Plastic Free July 2020 and hence the beginning of the much anticipated Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away Cup Project! This awesome community…

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Principal’s Notes

Closing the school for the day to maximise access to teachers for parents of senior students last Thursday was a great move.  I managed to ‘bump into’ happy and satisfied…

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International News

As of the end of Term , we sadly have to say good-bye to five of our international students,who are going to return to their home countries.  We had a…

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NZ Sailing Trust Student Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh and leadership opportunities

Environmental Leadership Programme with BLAKE This new programme has been designed to provide students with the inspiration of leadership and environmental action through Sir Peter Blake’s legacy of sailing and…

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Open Week Tours 27 July – 31 July

Monday 27 July to Friday 31 July 2020 The above dates are now fully subscribed - here are some further times Tuesday 4 August - Thursday 6 August - Friday…

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Junior Reports

Junior reports will be issued early in Term 3 just before the scheduled Junior Report Evening in Week 3. These reports will reflect progress in subjects from both Term 1…

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Principal’s Notes

Three key events that I am highlighting in this issue: Senior Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews: These are scheduled for Thursday June 25th in the Ken Havill Centre and Waioteao. We have closed…

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News from the International Department

International Students' Stories Kazuhiro (Kazu) Okada from Japan I first got to know about Western Springs College through my agent from Japan.  They told me the school had a good…

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WSCW Ball (Y12 and 13 only)

Our Y12 and 13 School ball this year will be held on the 25th July 2020 at Eden Park, South lounge. The theme is 100 years (1920s). Doors will open from…

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NCEA Changes for 2020

We know some of our students - and their whānau - are worried that they might not be able to attain NCEA or UE this year, because of the disruption…

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Senior Student Whanau Report Interview Day

The Student/whānau/teacher interviews to discuss senior reports are on Thursday 25th June from 10am until 7pm. School will be closed on this day. Interviews can be booked at and the school code for…

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Supporting Success in your School – $500.00!

If you're a parent, staff member or a member of the school community and draw down a new ASB home loan of $250,000 or more, ASB will donate $500 to your chosen participating school. For more information…

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From the Nurse’s Desk

 Hello Whanau Well done New Zealand, we made it to Covid 19 Level 1!  Thank you to our school family for supporting the school through these  difficult times and restrictions…

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School Bus Information for Level 1 from Travelwise (AT)

Under Alert Level 1 no physical distancing requirements on any public transport services, including school bus services, are deemed necessary by the Ministry of Education and Waka Kotahi NZTA who…

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Principal’s Notes

This Newsletter provides me with the opportunity to thank you, our Springs/Waiōrea community of parents and caregivers for the truly outstanding messages of support you have sent us, both during…

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Classes are back in action we have news and stories galore coming in! We are very excited to be back at school as we move into the second half of…

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Welcoming each other back

To try and make the first days back to school since quarantine a bit nicer, a couple of students from Healthwise and the Peace ambassadors set up a stall with…

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Change making at Springs: News from our Sustainability Groups

The Cup Projet & Ecostore bottles It’s time to bring those jars & Ecostore in that you have found at the back of cupboards during lockdown.   Bring empty ecostore…

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Our Solar Power Legacy

Be part of something positive, a good news story.  WSCW’s solar project is forging ahead!  We have had 126 panels donated by whanau, businesses, alumni and even sports teams. Our…

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Ngā Hekaheka o Aotearoa – Manaaki Whenua

Last term some Year 9 students visited Manaaki Whenua (Landcare) to learn about Ngā Hekaheka o Aotearoa - our fungi. We got to view many amazing fungi, to see how…

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Better Futures Report (Colmar Brunton & SBC)

Colmar Brunton recently hosted an event with the Sustainable Business Council to release the latest findings of their Better Futures Report. This year for the first time in the report…

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Our staff wins the Love to Ride Competition

Love to Ride is a nationwide promotion/competition that aims to get companies and institutions on their bikes during the month of February. Our staff recognises the importance of role modelling…

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Waste Wise at the New Parents’ BBQ

This year the Waste Wise team set up a gorgeous green stall at the New Parents BBQ for the new year nines and their whanau. This was endeavouring to try…

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Wises Camp

The four wises panels at Springs / Waiōrea came together for the first time in a hui at the end of February. The panels are led by year 13 students…

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The Cup Project

Some of us are finding we have extra time at home at the moment. While cleaning out cupboards, keep an eye out for the jars in the photo below. Clean…

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Our Kaitiakitanga group is under the guidance of the Para Kore ki Tamaki group. Para kore is made up of two ex-Western Springs Ngā Puna o Waiōrea students, Waiata Rameka…

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Change making at Springs: News from our sustainability groups – Travel Wise walk to school promotion

In term 1, the Travel Wise panel started their first promotion, about walking to school. The goal was to encourage more students to walk/bike etc. to school, we made an…

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News from the International Department

As New Zealand and the world headed into unprecedented times, the international department also faced some challenges with our international students and their needs. Our international students and homestays alike…

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Switch on safety

When children learn from home, it is important to help them stay safe while they are online.

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Sports update

Kia ora koutou katoa The last few weeks have been very challenging times for us all and we do hope that everyone is well both mentally and physically. This letter is…

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Auckland Transport

Kia ora, The Government has announced that New Zealand will be moving to Alert Level 3 on Tuesday 28 April. While some restrictions will be relaxed, many lockdown conditions remain…

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Lockdown solidarity from Wales

I bought this little book as a present for a friend just before lockdown started and as I could not pass it on I started texting them a photo of…

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Counsellors’ contact details

The counsellors are still available for students to talk with online. Sue Linda Phil

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Getting help from the Learning Centre from home

Getting Help from the Learning Centre from home We are happy to set up an appointment with students. An appointment can be made by contacting one of us via email.…

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Library news

Now is a good time to read an eBook Since you are unable to visit the library, it is a good opportunity to browse our eBook collection where you will…

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Learning to adapt to the challenge of lockdown

Learning to adapt to the challenge of lockdown For teachers: this is your time to show why you chose to be teacher, to demonstrate the passion you have to unlock…

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Healthy Food Guide

How to make your own sour dough starter If you don’t have any yeast, because it’s all been panic bought during lockdown, it’s still possible to bake delicious fluffy bread…

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Principal’s Notes

Official School Opening: by the Prime Minister on February 21st was a momentous occasion on a perfect day. Check out this link which features photo highlights of the day. Credit -…

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This has been cancelled due to COVID-19 – Park Life at Cornwall Park

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“News Literacy” Messages from a visiting expert

Senior classes in Media, English and Economics were treated to a thought provoking presentation by Damaso Reyes, an award winning photographer and news journalist.    "Don't get tricked by online…

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Grey Lynn School Aloha Night

Grey Lynn School Aloha Night Friday 20 March 5-8pm Live music! Yummy Food! Kids Activities! All Welcome. 

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Community News

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Library News

Library Monitors I am pleased to announce our Library Monitors for 2020.  Years 10 to 13 students deserve a special mention as they are returning to the role. All monitors…

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Italy Technology Tour 2021 – Information Evening

Discover Italy's art, design, fashion, architecture and, of course, food! The Western Springs College 2021 Technology Tour to Italy will focus on four key destinations - Rome, Sicily, Venice and…

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Arts News

Drama students are very busy producing and rehearsing 5 and 15 minute extracts from Shakespearean plays in preparation for the annual Auckland West - Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival in April…

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O Week

Portfolio leaders organised a successful Orientation Week - third week of school. This gave an opportunity for the various clubs/ groups in our school to showcase their kaupapa and recruit…

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This has been cancelled due to COVID-19 – Open Week 2020


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If you have any old PICS Peanut Butter jars (or any old jars of the same shape, roughly 380g), then please drop them of to Ms Lenehan’s (Whenua HOH) office…

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Western Springs College – Ngā Puna O Waiōrea Official Opening

Newsletter: Official Opening – this Friday Do note the invitation included in this Newsletter for the official opening of the new school by the Prime Minister on Friday Feb 21st…

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Save on your way to school

Help parents save money with AT HOP With the new school year about to start, we have a timely reminder for parents to load student concessions on their children's AT HOP…

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Registrations Open WSAFC

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Western Springs College Football Programme 2019/2020

Welcome to Western Springs College’s football programme. We have been formally running the programme for 8 years now, with some significant successes.  Our Girls 1st XI team competed in the…

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Welcome back to all students, parents and staff at Western Springs College – Ngā Puna o Waiōrea.  Congratulations to the following 2019 Arts L3 NZQA Scholarship Award recipients: Maya Murray…

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New Families’ BBQ

Kia ora koutou,  Our Western Springs College/ Nga Puna O Waiōrea  New Families’ BBQ is on Wednesday 4th March from 6-8pm. You are warmly invited to this event. This is…

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ATHLETICS Last year we had 2 students represent Western Springs College Nga Puna O Waiorea at the 47th NZ Secondary School Track and Field Championships that was held on Friday…

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Change making at Springs: News from our Sustainability Groups

We have some exciting actions happening this year, and need your support! We are collecting jars, to turn into reusable coffee mugs. Please bring clean jars to the office to…

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Portfolio Leaders 2020

Congratulations to the students below who have accepted their appointment as portfolio leaders 2020. The students who attended the leadership camp over the weekend in Week 1 were able to…

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Tuakana Teina Programme

The Tuakana Teina (literally meaning older sibling-younger sibling) programme at Springs/Waiorea was rolled out in Week 1. We are very fortunate to have fantastic Year 13 student leaders who attended…

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ID Photos Catch Up Day

When: Tuesday 25/02/2020 Where: School Hall How: Students who did not have their ID photo taken on Friday 7/2/20 must come to the hall between 8.30am and 9am to collect…

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Student Exchange

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Welcome to the Student Learning Centre

We are located on Level 1, in Maungakiekie. We are available all day from Monday to Friday. We have 3 teachers available to provide support. Helen Thorpe can help with…

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Mental Stillness App

The Mental Stillness App is a free, evidence-based meditation resource that is available to the public, professionals and, most importantly, to young people. It provides simple guided-meditation sequences on video that can…

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Pacific News 2020

Talofa, Kia Orana, Malo e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula and welcome to 2020. Just to let you know that we have two important events in our Pacific calendar. PACIFIC…

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Whakapike Ake Programme – Encouraging Maori to study in Health Careers

If your son/daughter is Maori and is interested in a career in Health they could be eligible to participate in the Whakapike Ake programme (Uni of Auckland).  Participating students enrolling…

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WSC/NPoW Football Programme 2019/2020

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End of year news from the International Department

News from International Department While our senior students are sitting NCEA exams, the special programme for our Term 3 and 4 new students was still on. Hannah Wachter and Emily…

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Principal’s Notes

Annual Beach Picnic: As we accelerate towards year’s end I’m reminded of one of the most delightful features of our school year at ‘Springs which is the annual beach picnic…

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Solar Powering Along

We would like to extend a HUGE thank-you to all the whānau, alumni, businesses, staff, individuals and even a team who have supported our solar project - 40.5 panels donated…

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Auckland Transport

Auckland Transport is consulting on proposed changes to some central crosstown bus services. These proposed changes affect the OuterLink and the 650 bus services and so may be of interest…

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Otto August Year 10 Masterworks Exhibition

Folded Forms: 71 Upper Queen Street, Eden Terrace Otto August 23 November - 21 December 2019 opening preview Saturday 23 November 3-5pm. Special demonstration by Otto Saturday 30th November 2pm.…

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Health Centre updates – December 2019

Happy Holidays everyone!!!!  - stay safe and healthy. Measles - Still active in Auckland especially,  but numbers of cases slowing down now-- consider vaccination to prevent the spread of disease…

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Our school stationery lists are already on line at

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Student exchange

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School Leavers’ Toolkit

School Leavers Toolkit  has been recently released by the Ministry of Education.  It has advice about financial matters, flatting, getting a job, leaving school and home.   Ngā tohutohu mō te ārahi…

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Springs Waiorea annual Beach Day

This year our annual Beach Day at Long Bay Regional Park will be held on Thursday the 5/12/2019. Staff and students will depart from school in buses at about 9.00am…

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Yearbook 2019

In order to be more sustainable, we have reduced the number of pages, will be printing less Yearbooks and have a companion website. This companion website, which will be linked…

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Student leadership training for all Year 12 students

When: 4th December 2019 Time: 9am to 3pm Where: School Hall Why: All Year 13s are student leaders and should be provided with opportunities to develop their leadership skills. Leadership…

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Year 9 camp 2019 – THANK YOUs

The Year 9 camp cannot happen without the goodwill of our staff who are willing to give up time with their families for the benefit of our Year 9 students.…

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‘Buy a Panel’ Solar Campaign

By now you will have seen information on our ‘Buy a Panel’ solar power campaign for the new school.  This is the first significant fundraiser that we have run in…

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2020 Rhodes Scholar

Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting outstanding all-round students at the University of Oxford and provide transformative opportunities for exceptional individuals.  The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest and most prestigious…

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Measles During Exams

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Info Snippets

All Y12 Student leadership training. When: 4th December 2019 Time: 9am to 3pm Where: School Hall Why: All Year 13s are student leaders and should be provided with opportunities to…

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Students Volunteering for Age Concern

We had some wonderful students turn up to assist Age Concern patrons with technology and use of devices. It was encouraging to see so many students from WSC giving up…

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Library Week

Thanks again to the amazing library monitors for their input into this annual event.  Briar Shaw-Smith was responsible for organising the Scavenger Hunt, which she presented on  the television screen…

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Top-up your NCEA credits

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Principal’s Notes

Fantastic news – just in!  Western Springs College Year 12 student Flynn Mullany has been announced as the NZ representative to drive a Formula 4 race car in the FIA…

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What is YSAR? Youth Search and Rescue (YSAR) was set up to help 14 to 18-year-olds develop personal, life and leadership skills by contributing to the community through search and…

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Commah is in search for high school students

Commah is in search for high school students (Yr 9 -13) to be part of our ambassador programme! Commah is an independent student-run organisation focused on providing opportunities to the…

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Year 13 – 2020 Student Portfolio Leadership

63 Year 12 students have submitted application forms to be considered for one of the 40 available portfolio leadership positions. The student body online voting will be open from 9am…

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2019 New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Swimming Championships

Recently Western Springs College had a team entered in the NZ Secondary Schools' Swimming Championships from 12th September – 15th September in Hamilton.  They swam amazingly well. Here are their results.…

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Lumino Dental Message

Please do not get concerned if your child has not had their dental examination and/or treatment completed as we are due back at Western Springs College on 6 November 2019.…

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World Vision School Award

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Parent Action Group Movie Night

We’re squeezing in an end of term PAG movie night – in just over a week’s time! **Tuesday 24th September, 7.30pm for an 8.00pm screening of MAIDEN at the Bridgeway**  **Tickets…

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Big Buddy

Big Buddy is an organisation matching adult male mentors with fatherless boys. We work with the simple philosophy that boys need good male role models to become good men. Unfortunately,…

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Readers and/or Writers

A big thank you to all the wonderful PAG Volunteers who gave of their time to support the WSC students as Readers and/or Writers over the EXAM Week.  We will…

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Savvy Study Tips For Studious Students

Exams… they are inching closer and no amount of denial will stop it. So get on top of your study and start now! Here is a collection of tips and…

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Recent Graduates from Victoria University of Wellington

Former students of Western Springs College graduating from Victoria University of Wellington It is with pleasure that I enclose a list of your former pupils who have graduated from Victoria…

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Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Enrolment

Kia ora e te whānau, We are currently at maximum capacity for Year 9 Enrollments for 2020. Please if you wish, still fill out an enrollment form and you will…

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Principal’s Notes

Best wishes to our sports teams and to all of our students in these teams as they head off to tournament week, joining 25,000 other students from around the country…

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The Ken Havill Centre for Learning is an incredible new building and learning space that all students are exploring and enjoying as well as teachers. New spaces, new resources, new…

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Open Day

The Waitakere BMX club (along with Sport Waitakere) is hosting an Open Day. This is a great opportunity for school aged kids to come down and have a go on…

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More Sports News

NZ SECONDARY SCHOOLS ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS (photos attached) We had a really good weekend with some great results. The Western Springs Girls came 3rd in the Premier Schools' competition, which is…

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Option Selection

Senior Option Selection: Senior Option Selections for current Year 10-12 students are due on Wednesday 18th September. Course selection will take place online through the parent portal. Information on how…

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Sky City Gateway In Kitchens Programme 2019

Amythest Harris and Kyrie Choudhury Sky City are proud to introduce a brand-new Gateway initiative for senior students who are interested in a career as a chef, who are “work…

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BADMINTON This has been one absolutely amazing season for the WSC Badminton programme. I am very proud to say that out of our 4 badminton teams (2 x boys, 2…

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Get Your Kids Offline And On The Track

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“AUT Shadow A Leader Day”

Jack Gong at “The Web Co.” What do CEOs do in a Day? Year 13 students Jack Gong and Alex Barnes found out... On the 4th of July, I was…

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Geography Department

Wondering about the relevance of geography fieldtrips? Is your money well spent? Are they an excuse for a holiday? In the past, geography was associated with learning capitals and countries, but…

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News from the International Department

DangKhoi (Khoi) Phan from Vietnam on the right in the photo with other Vietnamese students, Thi Mai Giang (Zan), Hai Yen and Jason The International Department are proud of our…

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From the Nurse

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Mayoral Candidate Debate – Event Invitation

Recruit Your Mayor   Nationwide exit polls in the last local elections in 2016 indicated 60% of people under the age of 25 did not vote. But, we also know building…

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Gentle Dentistry

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2020 Student Portfolio Leadership Selection Process

Every Year 13 student at WSC/NPoW is considered a school leader. They lead in the way they conduct themselves and the way they interact with their peers of all ages…

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Western Springs College Nga Puna o Waiorea Rebuild Timeline

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Principal’s Notes

What an absolute pleasure it has been to introduce our students and then the community into our new school.  They joy of seeing our students adapt so quickly to the…

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News from the International Department

Twenty-one new international students started with us this term and are now starting to settle into the new environment.  The International Department held a two-day orientation at the beginning of the…

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Sport News

During the school holidays, the New Zealand u15s  Netball Nationals and New Zealand U17s nationals took place. The u15s was held as always in Tarankai and WSC premier 1 player…

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Gifted and Talented

Gifted and talented students at WSC-NPoW are encouraged to apply for the many scholarships and opportunities offered by external providers throughout the school year. These opportunities are an excellent way…

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Activate Your Trial Digital Entertainment Membership

    As part of Entertainment publications 25th Birthday celebrations we have organised a special gift for you! Follow the steps below to have exclusive 30 day trial access to…

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STOP PRESS....Congratulations!! Congratulations to our band Park Rd on making it through to the National Final of SmokefreeRockQuest 2019. This recent achievement follows on from their success at the regionals and takes…

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From the Chair

Kia ora school whanau, We’ve been delighted to welcome our students back to the new school this term. I hope you were able to drop in earlier this week to…

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The Spoken Word Group – Ngā Hine Pūkōrero

The Spoken word group Ngā Hine Pūkōrero  consisting of students Arihia Hall, Terina Wichman-Evans, Manaia Tuwhare-Hoani and ex-student Matariki Bennett are back from their amazing trip to Las Vegas in…

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Community Notices

Casual Work I am looking for a school Mum or Dad who would like some casual work during school hours helping me with my home staging business. So if you…

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Peace Ambassadors

An enthusiastic group of students from year 10 to 12 attended the Peace Ambassadors Training Day in April. Ali and Andrea from the Peace Foundation came to teach us about…

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Junior Health

HEALTH EDUCATION: YEAR 9 AND 10 JUNIOR SEXUALITY EDUCATION Year 9 and 10 Health classes will begin their sexuality education later this term. Year 9 classes will begin the sexuality…

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History in the Making

Our Spoken Word group, Ngā Hine Pūkōrero: Te Rina Wichman-Evans, Arihia Hall, Manaia Tuwhare-Hoani and ex-student Matariki Bennett  are  off to  Las Vegas to compete in ‘Brave New Voices’ an international…

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Notes From The Nurse

June 2019  Winter is here -- time for gumboots, raincoats, winter jumpers. Time for winter sports, time to enjoy cold sunny days, time to prepare for spring. Of Special interest:  Colds:  A…

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News From The International Department

In Term 2 this year we have a theme of “UNIQUE ME” for the international student group. A big group of international students by now have met high expectations or…

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Link To Story on Marae Featuring WSC-NPoW

The first 6 minutes feature Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. Here is the link

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PAG – The Light Project – Links

Thanks so much to the 50 or so people who made it along on Thursday evening – what an excellent presentation it was.   It’s not too late to donate towards…

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WSC Student Stars in The Wolves

A student of Western Springs College, Queenie Samuel, is performing in the show The Wolves with Silo Theatre at Q Theatre – Loft, opening THIS WEEK.   To secure tickets to…

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Chess Success

They are going to the Nationals!!  Congratulations to our Chess players.  The nationals are in Christchurch on 17 October.  All the best.

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Matariki For Tamariki

Kia ora Auckland! We're back in our home city and can’t wait for July! Over the School Holidays we will be premiering Matariki For Tamariki by accomplished New Zealand dancer and choreographer Sean…

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TERM 3 STARTS 22 JULY Did you know that people who actively engage with the arts have higher levels of life satisfaction, a positive self-image, less anxiety about change, and are…

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Principal’s Notes

QSD Survey – your chance to have your say! We have just completed our New Zealand Council For Education Research Well Being @School surveys with our students and teachers, with…

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Plastic Free July – Some Ideas

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Performing and Visual Arts showcase at Ponsonby and Pasadena Intemediate Schools Last week we visited both Pasadena and Ponsonby Intermediate Schools for our annual Arts Showcase. Arts Leaders Sienna Davidson,…

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Youthtown Hangout Space

We will have an awesome FREE hang out space open for all teens, where we will be running fun youth development activities for them! It would be amazing if you could help…

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New Zealand Police – 105 Non Emergency

NZ Police recently launched a new non emergency number, 105. We’ve done this to make it easier to get hold of us in the event of non-urgent situations or ‘Things…

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Digital Technology

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Help us raise money for laptops for WSC/NPoW students that genuinely can’t afford them

This is a fundraising initiative to raise money for laptops for WSC/NPoW students that genuinely can't afford them - this is a huge education equity issue! It is about doing…

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Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea

Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Board of Trustees 2019 Election and Selection Held under the school’s alternative constitution enabling co-governance. A copy of the alternative constitution, promulgated 14 March…

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Dream Team! Success for Titus Andronicus at The National SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival at Wellington’s Michael Fowler Centre! Over Queen’s Birthday Weekend it was an absolute…

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The Library

We currently have a fantastic display of work produced by some of the year 9 students. With the English department shaking up their list of generic text response activities this…

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PPTA Strike Action

You will be aware that there will be rostering home of students, as well as an Auckland Region stike day, if negotiations with Ministry of Education are not forthcoming. We…

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Principal’s Notes

Parents will note elsewhere in this Newsletter my outline of the industrial action facing the sector over the weeks remaining in this term.  Today, in a meeting with the Prime…

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Safety In The Car Park

Traffic Safety Our Year 12 and 13 student drivers are now required to register their vehicles and licences and participate in our student safety plan so they understand the hazards…

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News From International Department

At Western Springs College, we embrace and celebrate our cultural diversities and each student’s uniqueness.  At the International Student Assembly on 22 June, four of our international students delivered their…

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Writers’ Festival

The Auckland Writers’ Festival has been a much anticipated annual event on the English department calendar for the last eleven years. This year was no different with almost forty Springs…

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Hotel Rwanda

Reflecting on Olivier Niyitegeka’s visit Thursday 16 May 2019 I had the amazing experience today of listening to a young Rwandan man speak to a large group of Kate Todd’s…

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Families Urgently Needed in New Zealand – Can You Help?

Welcoming an overseas exchange student into your home is a very rewarding experience. Host families help provide students with the chance to experience life in New Zealand.  It’s a great…

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NCW 2nd place speech winner – Isobel Christie

Isobel Christie competed in the 2019 National Council of Women speech competition and was awarded second place. She shares a few comments on her experience. The National Council for Women…

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Weekend Parking – Sports Teams/Visitors/Parents/Coaches

If you have a game at Western Springs Fields during weekends do not park on the Motat Road or along the tram line side of the fields. Offending vehicles will…

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Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Board of Trustees Election – Meet the Candidates 30/5/2019

When: Thursday 30 May 2019 Time: 7:30 pm Place: Western Springs College staff room.   Candidate Statements 3 Year term: Belinda DRAKE: My name is Belinda Drake and I am…

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Board of Trustees 2019 Election and Selection

Held under the school’s alternative constitution enabling co-governance. A copy of the alternative constitution, promulgated 14 March 2019, is online at Declaration of 18-month term Parent-elected trustees results At…

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Waiorea Alumni Student: Rongomai Grbic-Hoskins shares her experience of receiving an Internship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

E te iwi tēnā hoki tātou i ngā ahuatanga o te wā. He uri nō Ngāti Hau ki Whakapara, nō Ngāti Moroki ki Ahipara hoki. Ko Rongomai Kapiri-Mārama Grbic-Hoskins tōku…

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Parent Election and Waiōrea Whānau Selection Notice

Western Springs College–Ngā Puna o Waiōrea school board of trustees’ election and selection Nominations are invited for the election of five (5) parent-elected trustees, and nominations are also invited for…

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Important Rugby Union & League meeting at morning interval TODAY, inside the sport centre...

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Senior Whanau Teacher Interviews – Thursday April 4th

Thursday 4th April 2-7 pm Book Online Now

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New Families BBQ 6 March 6-8PM

Come along and enjoy our new families BBQ 6th March 6-8pm - Village Green

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Meri Kirihimete!

What a blast 2018 has been, with all the ups and the downs Ngā Puna o Waiōrea are very grateful to all tauira, whānau, sponsors, kaiako, and Friends of the…

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New way of buying school stationery

Go to, search Westerns Springs College, select list for appropriate year of student and whether enrolled at Springs or Nga Puna o Waiorea. You can then add or remove items…

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New way of buying school stationery

Go to, search Westerns Springs College, select list for appropriate year of student and whether enrolled at Springs or Nga Puna o Waiorea. You can then add or remove items…

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2019 Start Dates

Here are some important dates for the start of Term 1 2019. Date Event 24th - 25th January School Open for Year 11/12/13 Course Changes 29th January Teacher Only Day…

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2018 Visual Arts Folio Exhibition

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Becoming a new school

Here are four published documents that explore the ILE model. Please download and have a read for an enlightening look into what the future holds for Springs. The impact of physical…

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Congrats Bella Ashby!

Bella applied for the Te Ara a Kupe Beaton scholarship and made the shortlist of 20 who were invited to a ceremony which was held last night the top 5 applicants…

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Nau mai Haere mai Matariki – Reach for the Stars Pō Rapuara – Careers Night

Māori and Pasifika Students Tau 10-13 Week 4: 15 August 6-8 pm Speed date a career: Spend 15 minutes with Māori and Pasifika role models currently working within five professions…

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Pofiafia Night – Thurs 2/Aug

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Congratulations Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Kapa Haka!

Ngā Puna o Waiōrea have managed to secure yet another top placing at this years Secondary Schools National Kapa Haka Competition which took place in Palmerston North during the last…

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Waiōrea Enrollment Interviews

Waiōrea will be holding Enrollment Interviews for 2019 on the 23rd of August 2018 - Time to be confirmed. Please ensure an enrollment pack has been filled out and sent…

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Senior Whanau Teacher Interviews – Thursday June 28th

Thursday, June 28th 2-7 pm Book Online Now School Code: 3g7ph

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Junior Whanau Report Evening – Thursday 24 May 2-7pm

The Student/whanau/teacher interviews to discuss junior reports are on Thursday 24th May from 2pm until 7pm. School will finish at 12.40pm on the 24th May for ALL students. Periods 1, 4 and 5 will run in…

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Te Kahui Ako

Since the end of 2015 Western Springs College - Ngā Puna o Waiōrea has been working to develop closer links with the local primary and intermediate schools that many of…

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The Addams Family Musical

  Western Springs College presents ‘The Addams Family’ - a spectacular musical comedy from the writers of the multi award-winning hit musical JERSEY BOYS, with music and lyrics by TONY…

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Basketball Senior Premier Relegation Game

Tough game against Mt Roskill who coming into the game we knew very little about except that they have had two warm up games against two teams from the Top…

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NZ Herald – School says axing streaming boost its NCEA results

This recent NZ herald article talks about our schools continued academic success and features a clip from Ruth Roberts and Chris Selwyn

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Sports Academy

What an action packed term it has been for our Sports Academy students!! The year 11 class has just completed their open waters PADI diving certificate with a couple of…

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Open Week 2018

Western Springs College is a co-educational secondary school with a proud record of academic, sporting and cultural achievements. We are dedicated to offering excellence in secondary education to families in…

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Science News

Antarctica The Level 2 Environmental Sustainability class & 10AE called Antarctica earlier this term, as they are learning about Climate Change. Dr Rosa Hughes-Currie, a new Science & Physics teacher…

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Principal’s News

We are in celebration mode here at Springs/Waiorea with yet another clean sweep of all three divisions of the Maori stage at the annual Polyfest competition at Manukau Stadium. The…

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Peru Fundraiser – Quiz Night

World Challenge Quiz Night Join us for a movie - themed quiz night Friday 23rd March 6:30 - 10:00pm Tickets $25 RSVP WC Quiz Night Flyer A4

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Congratulations to our 2018 Polyfest winners

Congratulations to all our students who performed exceptionally at the 2018 ASB Polyfest this year. All three teams placed 1st in their respective divisions, their amazing performances can by view…

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Download the new WSC and NPoW mobile school app

Western Springs College/ Nga Puna o Waiorea now have a mobile app for news and events, daily notices and other important school messages.   Use the app to notify us…

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New Families BBQ

Kia ora koutou, Our Western Springs College/Ngā Puna O Waiōrea New Families’ BBQ  is on Wednesday the 7th March from 6-8pm. This is an annual event for any students new…

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Principal’s News

Foundations set for the big build After 9 months of site preparation, building proper has begun at the school with foundations, footings and reinforcing steel in the new main teaching…

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The Sports Academy department is looking for any mountain bikes and helmets that anyone may have. We are currently looking for around 10 mountain bikes and helmets that students can…

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Actress in the Making!

Congratulations to our very own Ria Sionetali-Rattray who has landed one of the lead roles for this years WSC-NPOW school musical, The Addams Family. Ria will play Morticia Addams, and…

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Open Week 2018

Western Springs College is a co-educational secondary school with a proud record of academic, sporting and cultural achievements. We are dedicated to offering excellence in secondary education to families in…

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Te Puna – Māori TV Series

Click the link to follow the new series Te Puna -  a documentary based series portraying the busy lives of our tauira, whānau and kaiako here at Waiōrea, inside and…

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Click into this link to hear former whanau/board member Dr. Te Kawehau Hoskins talk about Co-Governance
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Te Kāhui Ako

The Kāhui Ako has evolved from the Waitematā Network, a grouping of Western Bays schools who in 2015 decided to establish a “Network of Learning” to facilitate better liaison and…

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Waiōrea ki Tāwahi

A trip of a lifetime – please see below an overview of our trip to Poland/Spain/Dubai

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Waiōrea New students Pōwhiri

Our powhiri day is on the 31 January – all students to attend

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Waiōrea Prizegiving

Our annual prize giving yet again was a hit. Thank you for sharing in and being a part of your children’s success. Bitter sweet feeling as we farewell our Whaea…

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We are on the move! Rebuild Update

As the year comes to an end – our new journey is in full motion! Waiōrea is looking different already!

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